Wissenschaftliche Literatur Teaching
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Kevin J. Pike
Legal Lexis in Online Learner‘s Lexicography
To What Extent are the ‘Big Five‘ English Online Monolingual Learner‘s Dictionaries Fit for the Particular Purpose of Legal ESP Classes?
LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis
This book deals with the practical application of e-lexicography as a fundamental teaching tool in English for Special Purposes (ESP) classes in the field of law. It is very much interdisciplinary, covering the fields of lexicography, metalexicography, law, ESP teaching and linguistics. It begins with a look at the methodology undertaken during a detailed piece of research conducted by the author amongst several hundred predominantly law students at the…
AbleitungenAnglistikDiasystematische MarkierungenDictionaryEnglishESPFremdsprachenunterrichtJuristische FachterminologieKorpusbasierte LexikografieLegal terminologyLernerwörterbücherLexicographyLexikografieMetalexikografieMikrostrukturOnline-WörterbücherRechtswissenschaftWörterbücherWortklassenJasna Mažgon / Damijan Štefanc
Epistemological Aspects of Contemporary Educational Methodology and Didactics
Qualitative Research, Quality Teaching
Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis
In this book the authors Jasna Mažgon and Damijan Štefanc from University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) are discussing some of the most crucial contemporary issues which emerged in the fields of general didactics and educational methodology. In the centre of their scientific interest is the concept of knowledge.
From the methodological point of view they address the question of how scientific knowledge in the field of education is produced in post-modern society:…
AktionsforschungDidaktikKompetenzenLehrerPädagogikQualitative ForschungQualitative ForschungsmethodologieWissenskonzepteMichael Streifinger
Das Medium Film im Kontext der neuen gymnasialen Oberstufe
P-Seminar Geographie
Medienpädagogik und Mediendidaktik
Seit dem Jahr 2010 werden in der gymnasialen Oberstufe in Bayern sogenannte P-Seminare angeboten. Diese sollen durch eine neu geschaffene Unterrichtsform im Sinne eines modernen Geographieunterrichts Schülerinnen und Schüler langfristig auf die spätere Berufswelt vorbereiten.
Die empirische Untersuchung zur unterrichtlichen Medienpraxis im Kontext des gymnasialen P-Seminars lässt durch die richtungsweisende Beantwortung themenzentrierter Fragestellungen deutlich…
AlpenAußenlernortExkursionFilmGeographiedidaktikGymnasiumMedienMediendidaktikOberstufeProjektseminarDanh Nam Nguyen
Understanding the Development of the Proving Process
Suggestions for Teaching Proofs Within a Dynamic Geometry Environment
Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis
Argumentation and proof have played a fundamental role in mathematics education in recent years. Much of the research that has been conducted on the proving process has been aimed at clarifying the functions and the need of proofs in teaching and learning mathematics, especially its role in the current mathematical curriculum. The author of this book investigates the development of the proving process within a dynamic geometry environment in order to support tertiary…
AbductionDidaktik der MathematikGeometric InvariantInteractive Help SystemProof and ProvingProving LevelProving ProcessToulmin ModelSonja Čotar Konrad / Tina Štemberger
Empowering teachers for generations to come
Schriften zur pädagogischen Psychologie
Throughout history, teachers and schools have always presented the reflection of societies, their priorities, needs and their orientation. Today, in the fast-changing world, teachers’ roles are changing, as are the expectations directed towards them. Teachers are faced with demands in terms of in-depth subject knowledge, advanced pedagogical skills, reflective practice and ability to adapt teaching to the needs of each individual as well as to the needs of the group of…
CompetencesContiuous Teacher DevelopmentFamilyInclusionInitial Teacher EducationMetacognitionProfessional DevelopmentSelf-RegulationTeacherMojca K. Šebart / Miha Kovač
Knowledge, values, equity: Contemporary tendencies in education
Schriften zur Pädagogischen Theorie
This book addresses three main topics: the first one relates to the issue of values in education; the second one regards the role and importance of knowledge in education; and the third one examines the attitudes towards deep reading as this is one of the fundamental processes on which the achievement of any long-term educational goal depends.
In regard to the issue of values, the authors claim that society needs to achieve a consensus about what principles can…
AusschlussBildungswesenEducationEqualityErziehungswissenschaftExclusionGleichberechtigungHuman RightsKnowledgeLesenMenschenrechteMoralMoralityOverburdeningPädagogikPedagogicsReadingÜberlastungWissenMirjam Bon Klanjšček / Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec / Darjo Felda
Statistical Literacy Among Secondary School Students
Achieving a Higher Level of Statistical Literacy
The statistical education should be in step with modern didactic trends, which recommend the use of statistics in relation to everyday life and thus develop and improve statistical literacy. But as statistics is made part of mathematics instruction, solving statistical problems tends to be dominated by mathematical thinking, emphasizing mathematical models, methods and procedures, with the techniques being more important than the statistical problem itself. There is not…
Critical interpretationDidacticsDidaktikErziehungswissenschaftKritische InterpretationMathematicsMathematics classesMathematikReal-life situationRealistic contextSecondary schoolStatistical educationStatistical literacyStatistical thinkingStatisticsStatistikStatistikunterrichtStatistisches DenkenWeiterführende SchuleJozef Štefcík
Einblicke in das Gerichtsdolmetschen in der Slowakei und seine methodisch-didaktischen Ansätze
TRANSLATOLOGIE – Studien zur Übersetzungswissenschaft
Dieses Buch richtet sich an Gerichtsdolmetscher, Rechtsanwälte, Richter, und Staatsbehörden, die mit Ausländern und Sprachmittlern arbeiten, als auch an Übersetzer und Dolmetscher, die für Gerichte und Behörden tätig sein wollen. [...]
Community InterpretingDolmetschdidaktikDolmetschethikDolmetschtrainingGerichtsdolmetschenGerichtsprozessInterkulturelle KommunikationRechtsspracheRhetorikSachverständigeSlawistikSlowakeiSprachtransferTerminologieTranslationswissenschaftÜbersetzungswissenschaftChristogonus Onyekachi Keke
The Misery of Childless Marriage in Igbo Culture
Re-Consideration of Ecclesiastical Ethical Response to Cultural and Biomedical “Remedies”
Infertility is a universal problem but the crisis it poses for Christian couples in the African cultural context differs from the experience in Western cultures. The root of the problem is the conflict in the understanding of marriage in African culture and the Christian marriage ethics, which makes it difficult for one to remain truly African and happily Christian in the faces of childless marriage. This work demonstrates this using the life context of the Igbo people of…
African CultureAfrikanische KulturArtificial ReproductionBio-MedicineChildlessness (Marriage)Christian EthicsChristian MarriageChristliche EheChristliche EthikEthikIgboIgbo MarriageInfertilityIVFKinderlosigkeitKünstliche BefruchtungMoraltheologieMoral TheologyOsu Caste SystemChunwen Hao
Teacher Education in Primary and Secondary Schools (6–18-Year-Old Students)
A Comparative Study Between China and Germany
Although the physical distance between China and Germany is large, the continual strengthening of ties between the two countries as well as widespread use of modern technology has allowed the two countries to not only cooperate in a political, economical, and cultural sense, but also educationally.
Both China and Germany attach great importance to improving the quality of education and training given to their teachers within the education reform. Both countries…
ChinaComparative StudyGermanyIn-Service EducationInduction EducationPre-Service EducationPrimary and Secondary SchoolsTeacher Education