Wissenschaftliche Literatur Theology
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Chukwuemeka Emmanuel Umeh
African Theology of Solidarity
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
The broad aim of African Theology of Solidarity is to establish that any symbiotic dialogue of the Christian faith with African cultures and the precarious social realities in Africa require the theological unification of the two major theological trends in Africa: Inculturation and Liberation. The need to incarnate the Christian faith in African cultures should not ignore the contemporary social realities in the present day Africa. The necessity of this endeavour is to…
AfricaAfrican Traditional ReligionAfrikanische traditionelle ReligionAIDSArmutBefreiungstheologieCultureFemale CircumcisionFrauenbeschneidungFrauenrechteHIVInculturation TheologyInkulturationKulturLiberation TheologyPovertySolidaritätSolidarityTheologieTheologyWomen‘s RightsMagnus Johannes Großmann
Art and Polarity – Towards a Theology of Art
With Special Reference to Ezekiel᾽s Prophetic Sign-Acts
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
Kunsttheorie nutzt seit langem religiöse Begriffe und Konzepte, während Theologie sich zunehmend mit Kunst auseinandersetzt. Diese Untersuchung verfolgt daher einen interdisziplinären Ansatz, um das Fundament für eine Theologie der Kunst zu legen.
Als Ausgangspunkt dient eine Zusammenfassung theologisch relevanter, kunsttheoretischer Konzeptionen des zugrunde liegenden Phänomens. Darüber hinaus wird die enge Verbindung zwischen biblischer Prophetie einerseits…
ÄsthetikEzekielPolaritätProphetieSemiotikSprechakttheorieTheologie der KunstZeichenhandlungenMoisés Israel Medrano Garay
Getting Knowledge of Evil: A Comparison of Wolfhart Pannenberg᾿s and Gustavo Gutiérrez᾿s Theology
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
This book compares the understanding of evil by Wolfhart Pannenberg and Gustavo Gutiérrez. It addresses the question on, how do Pannenberg and Gutiérrez get knowledge of the “reality” of evil? The answer to the question is that they get knowledge of such a “reality” in a very similar way: dialectically and interdisciplinary.
On the one hand, it has to do with the fact that both theologians ground their theological knowledge of finite realities with the help of…
Das BöseErkenntnistheorieGustavo GutiérrezPhilosophieReligionTheologieWissenschaftWolfhart PannenbergAnna Barnau
The Traditio-Historical Context of the Resurrection Hope and its Significance for the Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
The book attempts to find the connection between Pannenberg’s theology and the tradition-historical context on which it is based.
Scripture bears witness to different ideas concerning life and death. These notions have been modified and undergone changes throughout history. Thus, the idea that the life is fulfilled on the earth in the fellowship with God changed into the hope for a life fulfilled beyond the boundaries of death, in the world to come. The…
Altes TestamentApocaliypticApokalyptikAuferstehungConsummation of CreationContingency of HistoryEschatologieEschatologyEternityEwigkeitGod´s PresenceGottesgegenwartJudaismJudentumKontingenz im WeltgeschehenLeben und TodLife and DeathOld TestamentResurrectionResurrection HopeTheologieTheologyVollendung der SchöpfungWolfhart PannenbergChristian Chibuike Ikpeamaeze
Evangelization Among Young People in Igboland
Towards a Dialogical Understanding of Evangelization as a Means of Empowering Young People in Nigeria
Schriften zur Praktischen Theologie
The proposed ‘dialogical understanding of evangelization as a means of empowering young people in Nigeria’ opens up a new avenue of handling matters concerning the development of young people especially in Nigeria. Since it is about social transformation that transforms not only human beings but also human society, it is a formation that is oriented towards the full humanization of the young people. It teaches them to stand for justice and confront power that suppresses…
CommitmentDialogDialogicalDialogueEducationEmpowermentEvangelisierungEvangelizationIgboIgbolandInterreligiösInterreligiousMissionNigeriaPastoral TheologyReligious EducationTheologieTraditionalTransformationEmmanuel Chukwuemeka Umeh
African Theology of Solidarity and Religion of Self-Deceit
The Nigerian Experience
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
Religion plays an important role in the day to day activities in Nigeria. Nigerians live religion and think religiously. Religion is used to legitimate almost everything. Politicians use recourse to religion to promote their political agenda. They use religious events, gatherings and discussions to gain political advantage; businessmen and women use religion as an advertising mechanism. The genuine religiosity of Nigerians has become in itself a problem. It has created…
AfricaAfrikaCharityDevelopmental aidFaithHelaingJusticePhilosophyRahnerRatzingerReasonReligionTheologieTheologyEdwin Stößinger
Zur Marxismuskritik sozialistischer Theologen
In diesem Buch werden Arbeiten von zwölf renommierten sozialistischen Theologen aus Europa analysiert, um eine Bilanz ihrer marxismuskritischen Argumente aufzustellen. Die analysierten Texte stammen aus einem Zeitraum von neun Jahrzehnten.
Spätestens seit der Oktoberrevolution von 1917 sahen sich sozialistische Theologen verstärkt dazu herausgefordert, Stellung zu beziehen zum orthodoxen Marxismus und zum Kommunismus. Sozialismus ist nicht gleich Kommunismus.…
KommunismusMaterialismusPazifismusPhilosophieReligiöser SozialismusReligionskritikTheologieVeronica Jemanyur Rop
Human Dignity – Participation of Women in Integral Human Development
A Study Among the Kalenjin in the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret, Kenya
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
The title of this book is Human Dignity- Participation of Women in Integral Human Development and the subtitle is A Study Among the Kalenjin in the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret, Kenya.
The dignity of the human person is central to the integral human development (IHD) of any community. The Catholic Social Teaching teaches that human dignity originates from God and is of God, because human beings are made in God’s own image and likeness. As a person…
DevelopmentDignityDiscriminationEqualityEthikGenderKenyaMoralParticipationPatriarchalismSocial EthicsSozialethikTheologieTheologyWomenWürdeEdwin Stößinger
Zur Theologiekritik im Marxismus
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
Theologiekritik war von Anfang an ein wichtiges Element im marxistischen Schrifttum. Gegenstand dieser Kritik waren nicht nur Inhalte in den Weltreligionen, sondern beispielsweise auch theologische Aussagen in Werken von Philosophen. Bis zum Zusammenbruch des Ostblocks wuchs der Fundus dieser Quellen immer weiter an. Bisher liegt kein Überblick über Entwicklungen, Ziele und Methoden innerhalb dieses Tätigkeitsfelds vor.
Die vorliegende Monographie ist in dieser…
EpikurIslamische TheologieLehre von der doppelten WahrheitLudwig FeuerbachMarxismusNeuthomismusPietismusScholastikSpekulative TheologieTeilhard de ChardinTheologie der HoffnungTheologie der RevolutionTheologiekritikVermittlungstheologieBiju Benjamin
Social Salvation and Humanization: The Concept of Salvation in the Writings of Walter Rauschenbusch and Madathilparampil Mammen Thomas
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
Walter Rauschenbusch (1861–1918) was a key figure in the Social Gospel movement that flourished in the United States during the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries. M. M. Thomas (1916–1996) tackled the social and political problems of India from a Christian perspective during the second half of the 20 th century.
Walter Rauschenbusch claimed that “the evils of one generation are caused by the wrongs of the generation that preceded and will in turn…
ChristentumChristian participationChristliche ReligionErlösungEthikHumanizationIndian nationalismLordship christologyMadathilparampil Mammen ThomasSalvationSocial Christian thoughtSocial gospelSocial salvationSozialethikSoziallehreTheological anthropologyTheologieTheologyWalter RauschenbuschWorld Council of Churches