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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Teaching

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Language(s) – Sprache(n) – Sprog (sg./pl.) (Tagungsband)Zum Shop

Language(s) – Sprache(n) – Sprog (sg./pl.)

Ausgewählte Beiträge der 28. GeSuS-Linguistiktage vom 16.–18. Mai 2022 in Odense (Dänemark)

Sprache und Sprachen in Forschung und Anwendung

Die 28. Linguistiktage der Gesellschaft für Sprache und Sprachen hätten ursprünglich schon vom 25.–27. Mai 2020 an der Süddänischen Universität in Odense stattfinden sollen. Dieser Plan wurde durch die Covid-19-Pandemie gründlich zunichte gemacht. Erst zwei Jahre später im Mai 2022 war an eine geregelte Durchführung mit Anwesenheit vor Ort zu denken. Schließlich fanden rund 60 Teilnehmer:innen aus 15 europäischen Ländern den Weg nach Dänemark. [...]

CommunicationContact LinguisticsCultural ComparisonGeSuSGrammarGrammatical TheoryGrammatikGrammatiktheorieHöflichkeitInterculturalityInterkulturalitätKommunikationKontaktlinguistikKulturvergleichLanguageLanguage AcquisitionLanguage TeachingLinguistiktageMehrsprachigkeitMultilingualismSpracheSpracherwerbSprachunterrichtSprachwissenschaftTravelling
Education and the Challenges of Modern Society (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Education and the Challenges of Modern Society

EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung

The monograph Education and the Challenges of Modern Society brings together the authors’ reflections on topical issues in various fields. In most cases, the authors support the theoretical premises with empirical research.

In the first chapter, Slavoljub Hilčenko, Vojislav Ilić and Sanja Filipović focus on the role of ICT in the process of education, especially in art education.

The second chapter, written by Nataša Ivanić, Sanja Nikolić and…

AddictionEducationEpidemiological characteristicsEpidemiologische MerkmaleErziehungswissenschaftenGesundheitswissenschaftenHealth careLehrenMedical treatmentMedizinische BehandlungModerne GesellschaftModern societySuchtTeachingTherapieTherapy
Teaching Writing Through Teachers᾽ Self-Directed Development (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Teaching Writing Through Teachers᾽ Self-Directed Development

A Representative Qualitative Case Study in China – Challenges and Promises

LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis

It is typical for teachers to experience a lack of effective professional development at the institutional level. In this context, the practice that teachers have gained from their professional development may also insufficiently meet students’ needs. For example, in the context of English as a foreign language (EFL) writing instruction within Chinese universities, pre-service and in-service education seem to focus on the instruction of writing at the level of language…

ChinaChinese studentsConstrained contextsEnglischEnglischunterrichtFremdsprachenunterrichtHigher educationLinguistikSpracherwerbStudent’s individual needsSystemic functional linguisticsTeacher emotionTeacher’s self-directed developmentTextproduktionUniversitätUniversity English writing
Supporting student teachers’ written reflection in their practicum (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Supporting student teachers’ written reflection in their practicum

An action research project

Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis

This book provides comprehensive insight into prospective teachers’ written reflection on key moments of their teaching practicum.

In the context of Greek higher education, the foreign language student teachers’ concept, planning, teaching and assessment of key moments are explored and the optimal ways in which teacher education can support them are empirically validated by means of a longitudinal pedagogical action research. [...]

Action Researchcollaborative reflectionDidaktikEPOSTLEuropean Portfolio for Studentslanguage teacher educationLehramtsstudierendeLehrpraktikumPädagogikreflective dialogueSprachlehrerTeachers of Languagesteaching practicumwritten reflection
Effectiveness of the Learning Environment (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Effectiveness of the Learning Environment

Findings of Monitoring Mathematics Lessons

Studien zur Schulpädagogik

As mathematics classes should encourage different ways of thinking, creativity, formal knowledge and skills, and enable students to know the useful and meaningful side of mathematics, it is necessary that the organization of classes contributes to a high student achievement. The high quality classes are focused as a combination of teaching and learning to reach an effective learning environment which requires the students to persevere and work hard and represents a…

Heterogene GruppenHomogene GruppenLearning EnvironmentLehrermotivationLernumgebungMathematikunterrichtPädagogikUnterrichtsorganisationUnterrichtsüberwachung
Online approach towards effective e-learning and teaching (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Online approach towards effective e-learning and teaching

Challenges in designing digital content

Medienpädagogik und Mediendidaktik

Die blitzartige Umstellung auf das digitale Lehren und Lernen im Jahr 2020 hat die ganze Welt, insbesondere aber auch die (Hochschul-)Lehre vor große Herausforderungen gestellt. Die Publikation versucht theoretisch begründet, im Wesentlichen aber auf den Online-Unterrichtserfahrungen der VerfasserInnen basierend, geeignete Konzepte sowie Online-Tools vorzustellen und Hilfestellungen anzubieten, welche den Einstieg ins Online-Lehren und Lernen erleichtern sollen. Die…

DidaktikDidaktische PrinzipienDigitalisierungE-LearningErziehungswissenschaftFremdsprachliche KompetenzenGute HochschullehreHochschullehreKonzepteMethodisch-didaktische SzenarienOnline-ToolsOnline-UnterrichtOnline lehren und lernenPlattformen
Effective English Language Teaching Through Videos (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Effective English Language Teaching Through Videos

Theory and Praxis

LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis

This book is intended primarily for teachers of English, students of Biology and Medicine and health care professionals. Suggestions of exercises and tasks to improve listening comprehension are given for classes, small groups as well as for individualized self-study using a PC with Internet access in the classroom or at home.

The volume combines theoretical approaches and didactic-methodologically based exercises and tasks developed by the authors. “Effective…

Audio-Visual MediaAudiovisuelle MedienEnglische Medizinische TerminologieEnglisch TestsEnglischübungenEnglish ExercisesEnglish Medical TerminologyEnglish TestsForeign language learningFremdsprachenunterrichtHealthcareHörverstehenListeningMedical EnglishMedizinisches Englisch
Education and Society in Transition (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Education and Society in Transition

Addressing the Challenges of Youth and Technology

EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung

The monograph presents a collection of studies that examine different educational methods and their effects at different levels of education, from high schools to higher education institutions. Topics range from the implementation of coordination chemistry in high school curricula, emphasising the connection to the real world, to dealing with the digital divide between teachers and students.

The research highlights innovative teaching approaches such as the…

AusbildungBehandlungDigitalisierungGesundheitKarrierezieleMobilitätPhysische Aktivität
Contemporary Issues in Education 2021 (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Contemporary Issues in Education 2021

EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung

The monograph Contemporary Issues in Education 2021 presents the research conducted in Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia in variety of fields. In the first chapter, PhD Š. Bjlopoljak and MSc A. Midžić have examined relationship between protective factors and burnout of professional associates in educational work and emphasize the need for organizational strategies to cope with occupational stress.

The second chapter is authored by V. and V.…

BildungBurnoutDistance LearningEducationElterliches ManagementErziehungswissenschaftFernunterrichtModerne GesellschaftModern SocietyMusicMusikPädagogikParental ManagementPreschool Educational System
Mathematical Knowledge as a Passing Information or as a Useful Tool (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Mathematical Knowledge as a Passing Information or as a Useful Tool

Studien zur Schulpädagogik

For several decades now, the mathematics classes in Slovenian elementary schools have been too oriented towards mechanical learning of concepts and procedures, thus neglecting the understanding of said concepts and procedures. The pupils therefore do not see the usefulness of said knowledge, solving routine problems according to an introduced example rather than thoroughly reading the text of each task; furthermore, they are also not aware of the situation described in…

FähigkeitenGrundschuleKognitionLehreLernenMathematical CapacitiesMathematical CognitionMathematical ReasoningMathematics ClassesMathematics LearningMathematics LiteracyMathematics TeachingMathematikunterrichtMathematisches VerständnisPädagogikPrimary SchoolRealistic Context