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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Equality

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Equal Right to Property for Women under International Human Rights Law (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Equal Right to Property for Women under International Human Rights Law

An Analysis of the Legal Protection in Kenya

Studien zur Rechtswissenschaft

The study is inspired by the general situation of women with regard to property and particularly land in Kenya. To date, discrimination and inequality with regard to property and land in particular continue to be pervasive whereby the disparity of ownership of land between men and women stands at Seventy Five percent.

Comprising of five chapters, the study analyses the legal protection of the right to property for women by laying open the existing international…

African CustomsAfrikanische BräucheDiscriminationDiskriminierungEqualityFrauenrechteGleichheitGüterstandHuman rightsIntersectionalismIntersektionalitätKeniaKenyaLawLegal pluralismMatrimonial propertyMenschenrechteNachfolgeRecht auf EigentumRechtspluralismusRechtswissenschaftRight to propertySuccessionWomen‘s rights
Human Dignity – Participation of Women in Integral Human Development (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Human Dignity – Participation of Women in Integral Human Development

A Study Among the Kalenjin in the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret, Kenya

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse

The title of this book is Human Dignity- Participation of Women in Integral Human Development and the subtitle is A Study Among the Kalenjin in the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret, Kenya.

The dignity of the human person is central to the integral human development (IHD) of any community. The Catholic Social Teaching teaches that human dignity originates from God and is of God, because human beings are made in God’s own image and likeness. As a person…

DevelopmentDignityDiscriminationEqualityEthikGenderKenyaMoralParticipationPatriarchalismSocial EthicsSozialethikTheologieTheologyWomenWürde
Education and Society in Transition (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Education and Society in Transition

Addressing the Challenges of Youth and Technology

EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung

The monograph presents a collection of studies that examine different educational methods and their effects at different levels of education, from high schools to higher education institutions. Topics range from the implementation of coordination chemistry in high school curricula, emphasising the connection to the real world, to dealing with the digital divide between teachers and students.

The research highlights innovative teaching approaches such as the…

AusbildungBehandlungDigitalisierungGesundheitKarrierezieleMobilitätPhysische Aktivität
The Socio-Political Construction of Civilians Affected by War – “Refocusing Life While Weaving Pain” (Dissertation)Zum Shop

The Socio-Political Construction of Civilians Affected by War – “Refocusing Life While Weaving Pain”

An Alternative Look at Relational Agency Theory Based on the Colombian Case

Studien zur Konflikt- und Friedensforschung

A painful reality persists in the 21st century: The various faces of violence are troubling as ever, manifesting themselves not only in brutal wars but also concealed within inequality, poverty, and injustice.

Direct, structural, and symbolic violence erodes the lives of millions of people every day, causing immense suffering. One might assume that war robs individuals of their motivation to move forward and overcome hardship. However, what happens when this…

agency theoryAgententheorieColombiaGewaltinternational cooperationInternationale ZusammenarbeitKolumbienKriegOpferpainPassivitätpassivitypolitical sciencePolitikwissenschaftpsychosocialpsychosozialSchmerzsocial scienceSozialwissenschaftTransformationtransformationvictimsviolencewar
Knowledge, values, equity: Contemporary tendencies in education (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Knowledge, values, equity: Contemporary tendencies in education

Schriften zur Pädagogischen Theorie

This book addresses three main topics: the first one relates to the issue of values in education; the second one regards the role and importance of knowledge in education; and the third one examines the attitudes towards deep reading as this is one of the fundamental processes on which the achievement of any long-term educational goal depends.

In regard to the issue of values, the authors claim that society needs to achieve a consensus about what principles can…

AusschlussBildungswesenEducationEqualityErziehungswissenschaftExclusionGleichberechtigungHuman RightsKnowledgeLesenMenschenrechteMoralMoralityOverburdeningPädagogikPedagogicsReadingÜberlastungWissen
A Disaggregate Analysis of China‘s Regional Development (Dissertation)Zum Shop

A Disaggregate Analysis of China‘s Regional Development

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

During the Chinese transitional period from a planned to a market economy, there were significant regional imbalances. On the one hand, we should admit that, given the vast size of China, regional disparities seem inevitable due to the unequal conditions seen historically; on the other hand, basing our judgment on China’s outstanding economic performance, using only on its national average growth can be misleading.

Such concern motivates this cumulative work.…

Cadre Management SystemCareer AdvancementChinaClusterCounty CadresCulture and Economic IntegrationGrowth SpilloversIncentivesIntra-Provincial InequalityLocal ProtectionismPolarizationRegionale EntwicklungSpatial Agglomeration
Die Beilegung arbeitsrechtlicher Streitigkeiten nach irischem und deutschem Recht (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Die Beilegung arbeitsrechtlicher Streitigkeiten nach irischem und deutschem Recht

Schriftenreihe arbeitsrechtliche Forschungsergebnisse

Die Verfahren zur Beilegung arbeitsrechtlicher Streitigkeiten sind in den Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union unterschiedlich ausgestaltet. In Deutschland existiert eine eigenständige Arbeitsgerichtsbarkeit neben der allgemeinen Zivilgerichtsbarkeit. Die Eingliederung der Arbeitsgerichtsbarkeit in die allgemeine Zivilgerichtsbarkeit wird seit Jahren immer wieder diskutiert, konnte sich bislang aber nicht durchsetzen. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht die Verfasserin…

ArbeitsgerichtArbeitsrechtEmployment Appeals TribunalEquality TribunalIrlandLabour CourtLabour Relations CommissionRechtsvergleichungRedchtswissenschaftRights CommissionerStreitbeilegung
Migration, Politics, Violence and Women‘s Studies (Tagungsband)Zum Shop

Migration, Politics, Violence and Women‘s Studies

SOCIALIA – Studienreihe soziologische Forschungsergebnisse

The development of science, research and technology depends on international knowledge transfer. Because of that, the studies that technical and natural sciences have done in collaboration with social and human sciences are inevitable in order to find solutions to the current social problems and to meet the expected needs.

Current social questions can no longer be resolved solely with the work of natural sciences, but they also need research in the social and…

Europäische UnionEuropean UnionFlüchtlingsbewegungenGenderstudienGewaltforschungImmigrationMehrsprachigkeitMigrationMulticulturalismMultikulturalitätMultilingualismRefugee StudiesSocial GenderViolence Studies
The Behavioral Impact of Non-Monetary Workplace Characteristics (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

The Behavioral Impact of Non-Monetary Workplace Characteristics

Laboratory and Field Experimental Evidence

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

This thesis covers four independent research articles on the behavioral impact of selected non-monetary workplace characteristics – i.e. employee voice, task characteristics, and the provision of information – on workers’ individual decision making and workplace performance.

Given the neoclassical assumption of purely self-interested and completely rational utility maximizing individuals (Homines economici), workplace characteristics should be of little interest…

ArbeitsmotivationBehavioral ImpactBetriebswirtschaftMitspracheMotivationNichtmonetäre AnreizsystemePro-Social MissionSinnhaftigkeitSortingTransparenzWorkplace
Fundamental Principles for Inculturating Igbo Liturgy (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Fundamental Principles for Inculturating Igbo Liturgy

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse

The book has three main parts and nine chapters: theological basis for inculturation, ethnology of the Igbo and inculturation principles.

Theological Basis for Inculturation.

Whenever and where ever the Church gathers in prayer or liturgical celebrations, she lives out what she believes, she celebrates in form and word the Incarnate Word, who revealed to humanity the „God-liness of man?- we are „co-heirs? to the kingdom with Christ. The in-time…

AfrikaEthnologieIgboIgbo ChristentumLiturgieSynkretismusSynodeTheologieUnkulturation