Wissenschaftliche Literatur Igbo
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Valentine Chukwunyere Acholonu
Liturgical Inculturation among Igbo Christians of Nigeria
A Historical Evaluation in the Light of Ecclesial Liturgical Norms and Principles of Liturgical Inculturation
Schriften zur Praktischen Theologie
A historical evaluation of liturgical inculturation among Igbo Christians of Nigeria in the light of ecclesial liturgical norms and principles of liturgical inculturation reflects principally the norms for adapting the Liturgy to the culture and traditions of peoples.
According to the Council Fathers: „Even in the liturgy, the Church has no wish to impose a rigid uniformity in matters which do not implicate the faith or the good of the whole community; rather…
AkkulturationAnpassungIgboIgbo KulturInkulturationLiturgieLiturgische InkulturationSynkretismusTheologie
Christian Chibuike Ikpeamaeze
Evangelization Among Young People in Igboland
Towards a Dialogical Understanding of Evangelization as a Means of Empowering Young People in Nigeria
Schriften zur Praktischen Theologie
The proposed ‘dialogical understanding of evangelization as a means of empowering young people in Nigeria’ opens up a new avenue of handling matters concerning the development of young people especially in Nigeria. Since it is about social transformation that transforms not only human beings but also human society, it is a formation that is oriented towards the full humanization of the young people. It teaches them to stand for justice and confront power that suppresses…
CommitmentDialogDialogicalDialogueEducationEmpowermentEvangelisierungEvangelizationIgboIgbolandInterreligiösInterreligiousMissionNigeriaPastoral TheologyReligious EducationTheologieTraditionalTransformation
Alexander Izuchukwu Abasili
Marriage and Adultery in the Old Testament
An Igbo-African Contextual Reading
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
This book not only provides an in-depth understanding of family, marriage and adultery in the Old Testament and the implications thereof for contemporary Igbo-African society, but also demonstrates convincingly the vital role of the Bible in Africa as a resource for social and ethical transformation. [...]
AdulteryAfricaAfrikaAltes TestamentBibelstudienBible StudiesDivorceEheEhebruchEthikFamilieFamilyIgboMarriageNarrative AnalyseNarrative analysisOld TestamentScheidungSexual ethicsSexualethik
Christogonus Onyekachi Keke
The Misery of Childless Marriage in Igbo Culture
Re-Consideration of Ecclesiastical Ethical Response to Cultural and Biomedical “Remedies”
Infertility is a universal problem but the crisis it poses for Christian couples in the African cultural context differs from the experience in Western cultures. The root of the problem is the conflict in the understanding of marriage in African culture and the Christian marriage ethics, which makes it difficult for one to remain truly African and happily Christian in the faces of childless marriage. This work demonstrates this using the life context of the Igbo people of…
African CultureAfrikanische KulturArtificial ReproductionBio-MedicineChildlessness (Marriage)Christian EthicsChristian MarriageChristliche EheChristliche EthikEthikIgboIgbo MarriageInfertilityIVFKinderlosigkeitKünstliche BefruchtungMoraltheologieMoral TheologyOsu Caste System
Nikolas Okwudili Abazie
Fundamental Principles for Inculturating Igbo Liturgy
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
The book has three main parts and nine chapters: theological basis for inculturation, ethnology of the Igbo and inculturation principles.
Theological Basis for Inculturation.
Whenever and where ever the Church gathers in prayer or liturgical celebrations, she lives out what she believes, she celebrates in form and word the Incarnate Word, who revealed to humanity the „God-liness of man?- we are „co-heirs? to the kingdom with Christ. The in-time…
AfrikaEthnologieIgboIgbo ChristentumLiturgieSynkretismusSynodeTheologieUnkulturation
Innocentia Chisara Omumuh
Double Burden of Diseases Among Adults in Rural Areas of Nigeria With Special Focus on Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Schriftenreihe Gesundheitswissenschaften
Die Doppelbelastung durch Krankheiten (Koexistenz von übertragbaren und nicht übertragbaren Krankheiten) ist eine große Herausforderung für die ländlichen Einwohner Nigerias. In Nigeria wie auch in anderen afrikanischen Ländern waren früher die häufigsten tödlichen übertragbaren Krankheiten: Malaria, Tuberkulose, HIV/AIDS u.a. In den letzten Jahren wurde eine höhere Prävalenz von nicht-übertragbaren Krankheiten (NCDs) wie Diabetes Mellitus, Herzerkrankungen, chronische…
BewältigungDiabetes Mellitus Typ 2DoppelbelastungEpidemiologieGesundheitssystemGesundheitswesenNigeriaPublic HealthSelbstwahrnehmung