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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Old Testament

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Marriage and Adultery in the Old Testament (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Marriage and Adultery in the Old Testament

An Igbo-African Contextual Reading

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse

This book not only provides an in-depth understanding of family, marriage and adultery in the Old Testament and the implications thereof for contemporary Igbo-African society, but also demonstrates convincingly the vital role of the Bible in Africa as a resource for social and ethical transformation. [...]

AdulteryAfricaAfrikaAltes TestamentBibelstudienBible StudiesDivorceEheEhebruchEthikFamilieFamilyIgboMarriageNarrative AnalyseNarrative analysisOld TestamentScheidungSexual ethicsSexualethik
The Traditio-Historical Context of the Resurrection Hope and its Significance for the Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg (Dissertation)Zum Shop

The Traditio-Historical Context of the Resurrection Hope and its Significance for the Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse

The book attempts to find the connection between Pannenberg’s theology and the tradition-historical context on which it is based.

Scripture bears witness to different ideas concerning life and death. These notions have been modified and undergone changes throughout history. Thus, the idea that the life is fulfilled on the earth in the fellowship with God changed into the hope for a life fulfilled beyond the boundaries of death, in the world to come. The eschatological message of the Old Testament prophets changed into the apocalyptic ideas of the seers in…

Altes TestamentApocaliypticApokalyptikAuferstehungConsummation of CreationContingency of HistoryEschatologieEschatologyEternityEwigkeitGod´s PresenceGottesgegenwartJudaismJudentumKontingenz im WeltgeschehenLeben und TodLife and DeathOld TestamentResurrectionResurrection HopeTheologieTheologyVollendung der SchöpfungWolfhart Pannenberg