Wissenschaftliche Literatur Nigeria
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Chika Ubaldus Ogbonna
Adaptation to Climate Change in Developing Countries
Institutional Challenges and Opportunities for Nigeria‘s Niger Delta Region
Climate variability and change has become a major environmental challenge facing developing countries in the 21st century. The natural resource-rich Niger Delta of Nigeria is highly vulnerable to climate change and variability. The research elicited data from multiple stakeholders within relevant agencies and organizations, with a focus on the stakeholders’ views on legal and institutional challenges to adaptation in Bayelsa, Delta, Imo and Rivers States. Assessment of…
Climate AdaptationEinvironmental ProtectionEnvironmental and Resource ManagementEnvironmental LawEnvironmental SustainabilityInstitutional ChallengesInstitutionelle HerausforderungenKlimawandelLegal and Policy FrameworksNachhaltigkeitNigeriaNigeria‘s Niger Delta RegionOpportunitiesPolitische RahmenbedingungenRechtliche RahmenbedingungenRisikomanagementRisk ManagementSustainable DevelopmentUmweltschutzUrban and Regional PlanningChristian Chibuike Ikpeamaeze
Evangelization Among Young People in Igboland
Towards a Dialogical Understanding of Evangelization as a Means of Empowering Young People in Nigeria
Schriften zur Praktischen Theologie
The proposed ‘dialogical understanding of evangelization as a means of empowering young people in Nigeria’ opens up a new avenue of handling matters concerning the development of young people especially in Nigeria. Since it is about social transformation that transforms not only human beings but also human society, it is a formation that is oriented towards the full humanization of the young people. It teaches them to stand for justice and confront power that suppresses…
CommitmentDialogDialogicalDialogueEducationEmpowermentEvangelisierungEvangelizationIgboIgbolandInterreligiösInterreligiousMissionNigeriaPastoral TheologyReligious EducationTheologieTraditionalTransformationMark Eneojo Odah
Juridical Perspectives on Marriage in the Catholic Church and in Islam vis-à-vis Catholic–Muslim Marriages in Nigeria
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
Die Ehe eines Katholiken mit einem Muslim bringt zwei Personen zusammen, die unterschiedliche religiöse Überzeugungen bekennen und sich von unterschiedlichen Ehegesetzen leiten lassen. Die meisten Forschungen weisen tendenziell darauf hin, dass interreligiöse Ehen mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit scheitern als Ehen, in denen die Parteien derselben religiösen Tradition angehören. Die enormen Herausforderungen, die mit interreligiösen Ehen verbunden sind, werden besser…
Canon LawCatholicCatholic-Muslim MarriageDisparity of CultEheschließungInterreligiöse EheInterreligious MarriageIslamic LawIslamisches RechtKanonisches RechtKatholisch-muslimische EheKirchenrechtMarriageMuslimNigeriaStatutory MarriageTheologieInnocentia Chisara Omumuh
Double Burden of Diseases Among Adults in Rural Areas of Nigeria With Special Focus on Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Schriftenreihe Gesundheitswissenschaften
Die Doppelbelastung durch Krankheiten (Koexistenz von übertragbaren und nicht übertragbaren Krankheiten) ist eine große Herausforderung für die ländlichen Einwohner Nigerias. In Nigeria wie auch in anderen afrikanischen Ländern waren früher die häufigsten tödlichen übertragbaren Krankheiten: Malaria, Tuberkulose, HIV/AIDS u.a. In den letzten Jahren wurde eine höhere Prävalenz von nicht-übertragbaren Krankheiten (NCDs) wie Diabetes Mellitus, Herzerkrankungen, chronische…
BewältigungDiabetes Mellitus Typ 2DoppelbelastungEpidemiologieGesundheitssystemGesundheitswesenNigeriaPublic HealthSelbstwahrnehmungValentine Chukwunyere Acholonu
Liturgical Inculturation among Igbo Christians of Nigeria
A Historical Evaluation in the Light of Ecclesial Liturgical Norms and Principles of Liturgical Inculturation
Schriften zur Praktischen Theologie
A historical evaluation of liturgical inculturation among Igbo Christians of Nigeria in the light of ecclesial liturgical norms and principles of liturgical inculturation reflects principally the norms for adapting the Liturgy to the culture and traditions of peoples.
According to the Council Fathers: „Even in the liturgy, the Church has no wish to impose a rigid uniformity in matters which do not implicate the faith or the good of the whole community; rather…
AkkulturationAnpassungIgboIgbo KulturInkulturationLiturgieLiturgische InkulturationSynkretismusTheologieSolomon Ejah Etonu
Quantitative Growth or Authentic Witnessing to the Gospel?
Catholic Church in Nigeria and the Challenges of Religious Violence
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
This book argues that the Church as people of God, but most particularly, the Catholic Church, fulfils her mission as instrument of salvation when she proclaims the message of Christ to a people in their concrete existential situation. In carrying out this mission, the historical context, cultural and religious heritage, socio-economic reality and tribal differences of the people must never be ignored. Besides, the Church can only succeed in this mission when she…
ArmutBoko-HaramCatholic ChurchCorruptionFriedenInculturationInjusticeInkulturationKatholische KircheKorruptionPeacePovertyProphetic ChurchProphetische KircheReligiöse GewaltReligiöser DialogReligionReligious DialogueReligious ViolenceTerrorismTerrorismusTheologieUngerechtigkeitAdolphus Iroegbu
“Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters”
An Exegetical and Pragmatic Study of Amos‘ Critique of Social Injustice and Its Cruciality in the Contemporary Nigerian Context
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
„Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters!? An Exegetical and Pragmatic Study of Amos’ Critique of Social Injustice and It’s Cruciality to Contemporary Nigerian Context, is an effort to relive Amos’ critique of social injustice in the society of today that are not so much different from Amos’. The book is calibrated into three major parts that are divided into seven chapters. Part one which has to do with the general introduction of the work consist of only chapter one. The…
Corruption of leadershipCritique of Social InjusticeExegesisGerechtigkeitInjusticeInstitia SocialisJusticiaNigeriaProphet AmosSocial CritiqueSocial JusticeTheologieTheologyMartina Heyer
Visuality in Postcolonial Literature
Visual Aesthetics as Socio-Formative Practices in Contemporary Anglophone Postcolonial and Transcultural Literatures
Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik
In zeitgenössischen anglophonen postkolonialen und transkulturellen literarischen Texten verdeutlichen visuelle Ästhetiken als sozio-formative Praktiken gelesen, dass diese eine tragende Rolle für die kulturelle Identitätsbildung ehemals britischer, kolonialisierter Kulturen spielen.
Die untersuchten narrativen Texte und Gedichte reagieren direkt auf Werke bildender Kunst, beziehen sich auf das Imaginäre, integrieren Fotografien oder inkludieren spezifische…
Englische LiteraturKosmopolitanismusLiteraturwissenschaftMedienwissenschaftPostcolonialPostkoloniale LiteraturTranskulturelle LiteraturVisuelle ÄsthetikVisuelle KulturEmmanuel Chukwuemeka Umeh
African Theology of Solidarity and Religion of Self-Deceit
The Nigerian Experience
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
Religion plays an important role in the day to day activities in Nigeria. Nigerians live religion and think religiously. Religion is used to legitimate almost everything. Politicians use recourse to religion to promote their political agenda. They use religious events, gatherings and discussions to gain political advantage; businessmen and women use religion as an advertising mechanism. The genuine religiosity of Nigerians has become in itself a problem. It has created…
AfricaAfrikaCharityDevelopmental aidFaithHelaingJusticePhilosophyRahnerRatzingerReasonReligionTheologieTheologyPrisca Schleiffer Marais
Cross-border Taking of Evidence in Civil and Commercial Matters in Switzerland, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Nigeria, and Uganda
Schriften zum Zivilprozessrecht
The book investigates the extent to which cross-border taking of evidence in civil and commercial matters in relation to Switzerland, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Nigeria, and Uganda is allowed. Such evidence-taking is not only governed by the domestic law of the state seeking evidence abroad and that of the state where the relevant means of proof are located, but also by public international law, and more specifically by the concept of sovereignty. The admissibility…
BeweismittelCommissionerCourtoisie internationaleGrenzüberschreitende BeweisaufnahmeHoheitsaktInternationale RechtshilfeRechtshilfeersuchenSouveränitätVölkerrechtZivilprozessrecht