23 Bücher 

Wissenschaftliche Literatur Opportunities

Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher

Falls bei Ihnen die Veröffentlichung der Dissertation, Habilitation oder Masterarbeit ansteht, kontaktieren Sie uns jederzeit gern.

Adaptation to Climate Change in Developing Countries (Dissertation)

Adaptation to Climate Change in Developing Countries

Institutional Challenges and Opportunities for Nigeria‘s Niger Delta Region

Studien zur Umweltpolitik

Climate variability and change has become a major environmental challenge facing developing countries in the 21st century. The natural resource-rich Niger Delta of Nigeria is highly vulnerable to climate change and variability. The research elicited data from multiple stakeholders within relevant agencies and organizations, with a focus on the stakeholders’ views on legal and institutional challenges to adaptation in Bayelsa, Delta, Imo and Rivers States. Assessment of…

Climate AdaptationEinvironmental ProtectionEnvironmental and Resource ManagementEnvironmental LawEnvironmental SustainabilityInstitutional ChallengesInstitutionelle HerausforderungenKlimawandelLegal and Policy FrameworksNachhaltigkeitNigeriaNigeria‘s Niger Delta RegionOpportunitiesPolitische RahmenbedingungenRechtliche RahmenbedingungenRisikomanagementRisk ManagementSustainable DevelopmentUmweltschutzUrban and Regional Planning
Challenges and Opportunities in Foreign Language Education (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Challenges and Opportunities in Foreign Language Education

Studies in Honour of Professor Teresa Siek-Piskozub

LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis

„Challenges and Opportunities in Foreign Language Education“, with papers in English and German, is a tribute to Professor Teresa Siek-Piskozub by the articles’ contributors and reviewers. The book is divided into two parts:

In Part 1, EFL teachers and researchers (Augustyn Surdyk, Tomasz Róg, Karolina Ditrych, Marek Krawiec, Artur Urbaniak and Dorota Owczarek) pay tribute to Professor Siek-Piskozub in articles related to some of her most renowned publications…ChallengesForeign Language EducationFremdsprachenausbildungFremdsprachenlehreFremdsprachenlernenFremdsprachenunterrichtHerausforderungenLehrerMöglichkeitenOpportunitiesStudentenStudentsStudiesTeachers
Collisions of Cultures (Sammelband)

Collisions of Cultures

Frictions and Re-Shapings

Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik

This is a collection of thirty-nine articles that explore transcultural collisions that have occurred in the course of history and movement of human communities.

It uses the disciplines of literature, history and cultural studies to examine new thematic parameters and methodological approaches that address violent and subtle cultural confrontations between communities, re-shape identities, reconceive gender, define home, track cultural mobilities, explore…

AfrikaAustralienBeyond HumanBrasilienCollisions of CulturesCultural CollisionsCultural mobilitesCultural StudiesFidschiGenderGeschichtswissenschaftHistoryIdentitätIndienIndonesienIrlandJapanKanadaKulturelle KollisionenKulturwissenschaftLiteratureLiteraturwissenschaftMigrationMobilitätNeuseelandPhilippinenPostcolonialRe-shaping identitiesSingapurUkraineUSAVereinigte Arabische Emirate
Pursuing Societal Transformation in Coal Mining Regions through Education and Knowledge Transfer (Tagungsband)Zum Shop

Pursuing Societal Transformation in Coal Mining Regions through Education and Knowledge Transfer

Umweltrecht in Forschung und Praxis

This volume is the outcome of a scientific workshop on Pursuing Societal Transformation through Education and Knowledge Transfer in Kozani. The workshop was carried out in December 2022 in the framework of a cooperation project financed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The project brought together Brandenburg University of Cottbus – Senftenberg (BTU), Germany, and the University of Western Macedonia (UOWM), Kozani, northern Greece. [...]

EnergiewendeGerechter ÜbergangJust TransitionKohleKohleausstiegÖkologische WendeRegionalstudienStruktureller WandelUmweltrecht
Supply Chain Performance Optimization under Demand Uncertainty (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Supply Chain Performance Optimization under Demand Uncertainty

QM – Quantitative Methoden in Forschung und Praxis

This book presents a comprehensive model for businesses to optimize their supply chain performance. It focuses on balancing supply chain costs and customer service levels in distribution networks.

The book takes readers on a transformative journey through the world of supply chain optimization, starting with a deterministic bi-objective model and expanding to encompass the dynamic reality of today's supply chain operations. It introduces methods to handle the…

NachfrageunsicherheitPharmazeutische LieferketteSupply Chain ManagementSupply Chain PerformanceSzenariobasierte ModellierungUncertaintyVertriebsnetzwerk
Integrating Health, Technology and Sustainability (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Integrating Health, Technology and Sustainability

Contemporary Strategies and Assessments

EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung

This monograph offers an insightful exploration of the integration of health, technology and sustainability.

One focus of the monograph is sustainable tourism in the wake of the pandemic. It examines the role that ecotourism can play in promoting environmental health and sustainable infrastructures. The analysis also extends to rural entrepreneurship, particularly in the dairy industry, where it assesses the economic viability and environmental sustainability…

CoronaCOVID-19Energy-DrinksGesundheitKörperliche FitnessMilchproduktionTourismusVirtuelle Realität
nur eBook
The UCC’s “perfect tender rule” and cancellation of contracts in the CISG (Forschungsarbeit)

The UCC’s “perfect tender rule” and cancellation of contracts in the CISG

Studien zum Internationalen Privat- und Zivilprozessrecht sowie zum UN-Kaufrecht

The importance of international trade has increased immensely within the last decades and will not decrease in the future. With developing markets around the world, such as those of the European Union, Asia or Latin America, new trade opportunities are emerging. This development is not least due to the new technologies available to us, which present us lawyers with ever new challenges, which arise for us from the fact that the markets and the technologies develop faster…

AufhebungBrexitCISGGlobalisierungHandelsrechtInternationales KaufrechtInternationales RechtKaufrechtPerfect Tender RuleRechtswissenschaftenUCCUniform Commercial CodeUSAVereinte NationenVertragVertragsaufhebungWarenhandelWarenhandelsrechtWirtschaftsrecht
Contemporary Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Care (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Contemporary Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Care

Studien zur Schulpädagogik

The monograph »Contemporary perspectives on early childhood education and care« consists of ten chapters that theoretically and empirically address some of the key areas of quality of ECEC.

In the first chapter »The preschool teacher: an important factor in promoting child development« we present how the education of preschool teacher profession has been developed and influenced in Slovenia.

In the second chapter »Models for professional development…

Berufliche BildungBeteiligung von KindernChild participationCooperation with parentsDidacticsDidaktikEarly childhood educationECECEducationErziehungswissenschaftFrühkindliche BildungImmigrant childrenImmigrantenkinderInclusionInklusionLebenslanges LernenLifelong learningMigrationMusical literacyMusikalische KompetenzenPädagogikPedagogyPreschool teacherProfessional educationVorschullehrerZusammenarbeit mit den Eltern
Sustainability as a Way of Life – From Education to Economy (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Sustainability as a Way of Life – From Education to Economy

EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung

The scientific monograph embraces the results of various research areas that have a common ground in the study of sustainable development through aspects of fairly complex environmental issues. At the beginning, we get an insight into the results of research that explores the importance of carrying out physical or sports activities of future kinesiologists directly in the natural environment. In the following, we encounter interesting research findings that talk about the…

Delusions of Preschool Education (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Delusions of Preschool Education

Does anyone care about the process quality anymore?

Frühpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis

How does the need for greater efficiency affect preschool education?

What happens if the focus of curriculum evaluation becomes the ratio between the length of child’s participation in preschool education and the learning outcomes at the initial and higher levels of education on the one hand, and the funds invested in preschool education on the other?

What changes in preschool institutions, if documents concerning development advocates that the…

ChancengleichheitChild participationEffectivenessEqual OpportunitiesFrühpädagogikPreschool EducationProcess QualityProzessqualitätStructural QualityStukrurqualitätVorschulbildungZugänglichkeit