Wissenschaftliche Literatur Injustice
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Adolphus Iroegbu
“Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters”
An Exegetical and Pragmatic Study of Amos‘ Critique of Social Injustice and Its Cruciality in the Contemporary Nigerian Context
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
„Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters!? An Exegetical and Pragmatic Study of Amos’ Critique of Social Injustice and It’s Cruciality to Contemporary Nigerian Context, is an effort to relive Amos’ critique of social injustice in the society of today that are not so much different from Amos’. The book is calibrated into three major parts that are divided into seven chapters. Part one which has to do with the general introduction of the work consist of only chapter one. The…
Corruption of leadershipCritique of Social InjusticeExegesisGerechtigkeitInjusticeInstitia SocialisJusticiaNigeriaProphet AmosSocial CritiqueSocial JusticeTheologieTheology
Solomon Ejah Etonu
Quantitative Growth or Authentic Witnessing to the Gospel?
Catholic Church in Nigeria and the Challenges of Religious Violence
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
This book argues that the Church as people of God, but most particularly, the Catholic Church, fulfils her mission as instrument of salvation when she proclaims the message of Christ to a people in their concrete existential situation. In carrying out this mission, the historical context, cultural and religious heritage, socio-economic reality and tribal differences of the people must never be ignored. Besides, the Church can only succeed in this mission when she…
ArmutBoko-HaramCatholic ChurchCorruptionFriedenInculturationInjusticeInkulturationKatholische KircheKorruptionPeacePovertyProphetic ChurchProphetische KircheReligiöse GewaltReligiöser DialogReligionReligious DialogueReligious ViolenceTerrorismTerrorismusTheologieUngerechtigkeit
Ángela María Beltrán Hernández
The Socio-Political Construction of Civilians Affected by War – “Refocusing Life While Weaving Pain”
An Alternative Look at Relational Agency Theory Based on the Colombian Case
Studien zur Konflikt- und Friedensforschung
A painful reality persists in the 21st century: The various faces of violence are troubling as ever, manifesting themselves not only in brutal wars but also concealed within inequality, poverty, and injustice.
Direct, structural, and symbolic violence erodes the lives of millions of people every day, causing immense suffering. One might assume that war robs individuals of their motivation to move forward and overcome hardship. However, what happens when this…
agency theoryAgententheorieColombiaGewaltinternational cooperationInternationale ZusammenarbeitKolumbienKriegOpferpainPassivitätpassivitypolitical sciencePolitikwissenschaftpsychosocialpsychosozialSchmerzsocial scienceSozialwissenschaftTransformationtransformationvictimsviolencewar
Chukwuemeka Emmanuel Umeh
African Theology of Solidarity
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
The broad aim of African Theology of Solidarity is to establish that any symbiotic dialogue of the Christian faith with African cultures and the precarious social realities in Africa require the theological unification of the two major theological trends in Africa: Inculturation and Liberation. The need to incarnate the Christian faith in African cultures should not ignore the contemporary social realities in the present day Africa. The necessity of this endeavour is to…
AfricaAfrican Traditional ReligionAfrikanische traditionelle ReligionAIDSArmutBefreiungstheologieCultureFemale CircumcisionFrauenbeschneidungFrauenrechteHIVInculturation TheologyInkulturationKulturLiberation TheologyPovertySolidaritätSolidarityTheologieTheologyWomen‘s Rights