Wissenschaftliche Literatur Nigeria
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Godwin Atede
„Trial Marriage“ in Nigeria
Igala as a Case Study: A Moral-Theological Investigation
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
This work is an investigation into the moral quality and relatedproblems of „Trial Marriage? among young Nigerians of today, with particular reference to the Igala and Catholic Christians in general.
In this work, the author identifies the different problems that prevent many Catholic Christians from marrying in the Church after their traditional marriage and articulates what can be done to help such people to regularise their marriage in order…
ChristiansEheIgalaMarriageNigeriaProbeeheTheologieTrial Marriage
Christogonus Onyekachi Keke
The Misery of Childless Marriage in Igbo Culture
Re-Consideration of Ecclesiastical Ethical Response to Cultural and Biomedical “Remedies”
Infertility is a universal problem but the crisis it poses for Christian couples in the African cultural context differs from the experience in Western cultures. The root of the problem is the conflict in the understanding of marriage in African culture and the Christian marriage ethics, which makes it difficult for one to remain truly African and happily Christian in the faces of childless marriage. This work demonstrates this using the life context of the Igbo people of…
African CultureAfrikanische KulturArtificial ReproductionBio-MedicineChildlessness (Marriage)Christian EthicsChristian MarriageChristliche EheChristliche EthikEthikIgboIgbo MarriageInfertilityIVFKinderlosigkeitKünstliche BefruchtungMoraltheologieMoral TheologyOsu Caste SystemGodfrey Chukwunyere Oleri
The Dynamic Character of the Mass Media in the Evangelising Mission of the Church in Africa
With Particular Reference to the Nigerian Church
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
Godfrey Chukwunyere Oleri, a native of Umufor Amaimo in Ikeduru Local Government of Imo State was born on 30th Nov. 1958 in Enugu. He Studied philosophy at Bigard Memorial Seminary Ikot Ekpene/Nigeria (1980 –1984) and Theology at Bigard Memoral Seminary Enugu/Nigeria (1985-19899 before his ordination on 12th August 1989 for the catholic diocese of Enugu/Nigeria. He got his Licentiate in Theology in Trier University/Germany in 2004 and Doctorate in the same University in…
AfricaAfrikaCatholic churchEvangelisationFreedom of the PressGlobalisationGlobalisierungInculturationKatholische KircheMassenmedienMass MediaPoliticsPolitikPressefreiheitTheologieTheologyFarouq Lawan
Bildung in Afrika südlich der Sahara
Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Universitäten Nigerias
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
In dieser Arbeit sollen anhand der geschichtlichen und gegenwärtigen Entwicklung Afrikas südlich der Sahara vor allem zwei bildungspolitische und -organisatorische Defizite an nigerianischen Universitäten nachgewiesen werden: das Fehlen einer auf die afrikanischen Bedürfnisse abgestimmten, praxisorientierten Ausbildung der Universitäten sowie die fast ausschließliche Orientierung der akademischen Bildung Nigerias an westlichen Bildungsstandards und…
AfrikaBildungEliteErziehungswissenschaftLehrerMedizinerPädagogikTraditionelle ErziehungUniversitätMarvin Nii Ankrah
Regionalism and Political Instability in West Africa: Developments, Challenges and Prospects
Schriften zur internationalen Politik
The study of regions is critical to our understanding of global politics. Post-colonial West Africa has for decades attracted international headlines for many bad reasons. Central among these are various acts of political instability involving military coups, civil wars, irredentists claims, circulation of small arms and weapons and the competition for natural resources. Despite some modest achievements in recent times, post independent West Africa continues to be haunted…
ColonialismCorruptionCôte d‘IvoireDemocracyEconomic DevelopmentGood GovernanceInternational RelationsPolitical InstabilityRegionalismTerrorismTransnational Organised CrimesGabriele Weisser
Das Königtum der Owo-Yoruba
Zwischen Geschichte und Mythologie
HERODOT – Wissenschaftliche Schriften zur Ethnologie und Anthropologie
Das Alter des Königtums der Owo-Yoruba in der Stadt Owo im Südwesten Nigerias dokumentieren Terrakotten aus dem frühen 15. Jahrhundert. Über die noch beobachtbaren sakralen Aspekte dieses Königtums war bislang wenig bekannt. Die Studie trägt dazu bei, diese Forschungslücke zu füllen. Sie präsentiert Ursprungstraditionen, Elemente des Titelwesens, Nachfolgeriten, religiöse Vorstellungen und jährliche Königsfeste der Owo-Yoruba, die in drei Feldforschungen in den 1990er…
15. JahrhundertEthnologieFeldforschungGeschichteGeschichtswissenschaftKönigsfesteKönigtumMythologieNachfolgeritenNigeriaOwo-YorubaReligiöse VorstellungenTerrakottenTitelwesenAndrea Schalla
Water Supply and Sewage Disposal of the Nigerian Society
A Geographical Case Study of Human Usage and Management of the Water Resources in a Tropical Lowland Area
ORBIS – Wissenschaftliche Schriften zur Landeskunde
The African developing countries in the humid tropics with distinct wet and dry seasons have a marked and close network of rivers and streams which vary in size according to seasonal precipitation. However, the corresponding systems of water supply and sewage disposal for the population show considerable deficiencies which point to infrastructural and organizational problems. A wide and diverse spectrum of these defects is found in the catchment area of the Ogun River in…
AbwasserGeographieNigeriaOgun RiverSewageWasserWasserverbrauchWasserversorgungWater supplyAndrea Nikolas Okwudili Abazie
Fundamental Principles for Inculturating Igbo Liturgy
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
The book has three main parts and nine chapters: theological basis for inculturation, ethnology of the Igbo and inculturation principles.
Theological Basis for Inculturation.
Whenever and where ever the Church gathers in prayer or liturgical celebrations, she lives out what she believes, she celebrates in form and word the Incarnate Word, who revealed to humanity the „God-liness of man?- we are „co-heirs? to the kingdom with Christ. The in-time…
AfrikaEthnologieIgboIgbo ChristentumLiturgieSynkretismusSynodeTheologieUnkulturationAndrea Christopher Chino Agoha
The Ecclesiastical Character of the Foundation and Apostolate of the Consecrated Life
A Comparative Analysis of the CIC 1983 (CC. 573-605, 678-683) with the Apostolic Exhortation “Vita Consecrata” 1996
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
The canon law of the consecrated life is among the major issues updated in the 1983 code to suit the renewal principles of the second Vatican Council. In these days when the facets of modernism and science tend to impose a wider onus to the mission of the church, a tactical rejuvenation of emphasis on mission and its agents through the church’s law and doctrine become imperative. The ecclesiastical law gives a dignifying meaning to the institutes of consecrated life. By…
ApostolatConsecrated LifeEcclesiastical lawKanonisches RechtKirchenrechtMissionTheologieVita ConsecrataAndrea Chukwuemeka Emmanuel Umeh
African Theology of Solidarity
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
The broad aim of African Theology of Solidarity is to establish that any symbiotic dialogue of the Christian faith with African cultures and the precarious social realities in Africa require the theological unification of the two major theological trends in Africa: Inculturation and Liberation. The need to incarnate the Christian faith in African cultures should not ignore the contemporary social realities in the present day Africa. The necessity of this endeavour is to…
AfricaAfrican Traditional ReligionAfrikanische traditionelle ReligionAIDSArmutBefreiungstheologieCultureFemale CircumcisionFrauenbeschneidungFrauenrechteHIVInculturation TheologyInkulturationKulturLiberation TheologyPovertySolidaritätSolidarityTheologieTheologyWomen‘s Rights