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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Corruption

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High-Tech Borders and Corruption (Dissertation)Zum Shop

High-Tech Borders and Corruption

The Role of Technology in the Fight against Corruption at National Borders

POLITICA – Schriftenreihe zur politischen Wissenschaft

Eine empirische Analyse über den Einsatz von Technologie zur Korruptionsbekämpfung im Bereich der Grenzkontrolle.

Während die negativen Folgen der Korruption für Staat, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft gut erforscht sind, hat die Korruption im Grenzmanagement bisher überraschend wenig Beachtung gefunden – obwohl sie eine ernste Gefahr für die nationale Sicherheit darstellt. Noch geringere Aufmerksamkeit allerdings wurde dem Zusammenhang zwischen Korruption und der…

Automated border controlAutomatisierte GrenzkontrolleBorder guardsBorder managementCorruptionCross-border crimeExekutiveGrenzkontrolleGrenzpolizeiGrenzüberschreitende KriminalitätIntegritätIntegrityKorruptionKorruptionsbekämpfungLaw enforcementMigrationNationale SicherheitNational securityOrganised crimeOrganisierte KriminalitätPoliticsPolitikwissenschaftTechnologieTechnologyTransparencyTransparenz
Quantitative Growth or Authentic Witnessing to the Gospel? (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Quantitative Growth or Authentic Witnessing to the Gospel?

Catholic Church in Nigeria and the Challenges of Religious Violence

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse

This book argues that the Church as people of God, but most particularly, the Catholic Church, fulfils her mission as instrument of salvation when she proclaims the message of Christ to a people in their concrete existential situation. In carrying out this mission, the historical context, cultural and religious heritage, socio-economic reality and tribal differences of the people must never be ignored. Besides, the Church can only succeed in this mission when she…

ArmutBoko-HaramCatholic ChurchCorruptionFriedenInculturationInjusticeInkulturationKatholische KircheKorruptionPeacePovertyProphetic ChurchProphetische KircheReligiöse GewaltReligiöser DialogReligionReligious DialogueReligious ViolenceTerrorismTerrorismusTheologieUngerechtigkeit
“Gastarbeiter Millennials” (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

“Gastarbeiter Millennials”

Exploring the past, present and future of migration from Southeast Europe to Germany and Austria with approaches to classical, historical and digital demography

Studien zur Migrationsforschung

The demographic change in the EU will affect everybody and will lead to social and political tensions that can seriously threaten the foundations of liberal democracy if current politics continue.

A combination of three main factors creates the so-called “Emigration factory” in South-Eastern Europe:

The policy of extracting the youth labour force from the EU periphery to the EU centres as the key measure to recovering Western Europe population and…Big data in demographyDemografieDigital demographyEinwanderungspolitikEmigration from Bosnia and HerzegovinaEmigration from CroatiaEmigration from SerbiaEmigration from Southeastern EuropeEmigration of doctors and nursesEU MigrationspolitikForecasting migrationGastarbeiterHealthcare workersIllegale MigrationenIntegrationMedical brain drainSüdosteuropaWestbalkanWestern Balkans
Regionalism and Political Instability in West Africa: Developments, Challenges and Prospects (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Regionalism and Political Instability in West Africa: Developments, Challenges and Prospects

Schriften zur internationalen Politik

The study of regions is critical to our understanding of global politics. Post-colonial West Africa has for decades attracted international headlines for many bad reasons. Central among these are various acts of political instability involving military coups, civil wars, irredentists claims, circulation of small arms and weapons and the competition for natural resources. Despite some modest achievements in recent times, post independent West Africa continues to be haunted…

ColonialismCorruptionCôte d‘IvoireDemocracyEconomic DevelopmentGood GovernanceInternational RelationsPolitical InstabilityRegionalismTerrorismTransnational Organised Crimes
Towards More Reasonable and Effective Punishment Strategies for Bribery (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Towards More Reasonable and Effective Punishment Strategies for Bribery

A Comparative and Behavioral Study

Strafrecht in Forschung und Praxis

This book is a remarkable interdisciplinary contribution to understanding corruption and in particular, to the meaning of criminal prevention. It impresses its reader by creatively combining a comparative law analysis of the criminal regulation of corruption with a behavioral economic interpretation of the different regulation models and an independently designed laboratory experiment which examines the effects of symmetric and asymmetric penalties on persons involved in…

AbschreckungAsymmetrieAsymmetryBehavioral lawBestechungBestrafungBriberyComparative lawCriminal lawDeterrenceEffectivenessGesetzgebungLegal comparisonLegislationLeniencyPunishmentRechtswissenschaftReciprocityRevenge-takingSelf-reportingStrafrechtStrategieStrategy
The Chongqing Model – Analyzing Regional Politics Since 2007 (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

The Chongqing Model – Analyzing Regional Politics Since 2007

Schriften zur internationalen Politik

This book is concerned with a recent political campaign in the Chinese municipality of Chongqing. The former secretary of the Communist Party in Chongqing, Bo Xilai, rose to fame with his „Chongqing Model“ of politics. In this campaign he combined a revival of communist propaganda with a heavy handed anti-corruption drive and several social policies. Before his spectacular dismissal in spring 2012, Bo Xilai was thought to be one of the future leaders of China. His…

AsienkundeBo XilaiChinaChinesische PolitikChongqingChongqing ModelKommunistische ParteiMaoismPolitikwissenschaftSinging RedSinologieStriking BlackWang Lijun
“Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters” (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

“Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters”

An Exegetical and Pragmatic Study of Amos‘ Critique of Social Injustice and Its Cruciality in the Contemporary Nigerian Context

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse

„Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters!? An Exegetical and Pragmatic Study of Amos’ Critique of Social Injustice and It’s Cruciality to Contemporary Nigerian Context, is an effort to relive Amos’ critique of social injustice in the society of today that are not so much different from Amos’. The book is calibrated into three major parts that are divided into seven chapters. Part one which has to do with the general introduction of the work consist of only chapter one. The…

Corruption of leadershipCritique of Social InjusticeExegesisGerechtigkeitInjusticeInstitia SocialisJusticiaNigeriaProphet AmosSocial CritiqueSocial JusticeTheologieTheology