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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Western Balkans

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“Gastarbeiter Millennials” (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

“Gastarbeiter Millennials”

Exploring the past, present and future of migration from Southeast Europe to Germany and Austria with approaches to classical, historical and digital demography

Studien zur Migrationsforschung

The demographic change in the EU will affect everybody and will lead to social and political tensions that can seriously threaten the foundations of liberal democracy if current politics continue.

A combination of three main factors creates the so-called “Emigration factory” in South-Eastern Europe:

The policy of extracting the youth labour force from the EU periphery to the EU centres as the key measure to recovering Western Europe population and economy, the corruption as the most important push factor for contemporary emigration from Croatia…Big data in demographyDemografieDigital demographyEinwanderungspolitikEmigration from Bosnia and HerzegovinaEmigration from CroatiaEmigration from SerbiaEmigration from Southeastern EuropeEmigration of doctors and nursesEU MigrationspolitikForecasting migrationGastarbeiterHealthcare workersIllegale MigrationenIntegrationMedical brain drainSüdosteuropaWestbalkanWestern Balkans
The European Union State-Building in Kosovo (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

The European Union State-Building in Kosovo

Challenges and Lessons Learned: An Assessment of EULEX

Studien zum Völker- und Europarecht

This is the first research ever on an encompassing overview of EU conflict management in Kosovo. It analyses the European Union Rule of Law Mission (EULEX) commitment in the judicial field in the youngest Balkan ‘State‘, since its inception up today, by comparing its deeds and missed actions with those of its predecessor (United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo - UNMIK). It includes precious information on the understanding of the challenges third party interventions may encounter in post-conflict endeavours like Kosovo, from outstanding professional…

DemokratisierungEthnicityEU Common Foreign and Security PolicyEU Common Security and Defense PolicyEULEX-MissionEuropean Union Conflict ManagementFriedensbildungKosovoPeace-BuildingState-BuildingUNMIKWestern Balkans