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Carsten Bockstette
Jihadist Realism: Countering al-Qaeda’s and the Islamic State’s Communication Strategy
POLITICA – Schriftenreihe zur politischen Wissenschaft
Unter Verwendung eines klassisch-realistischen, empirisch-analytischen Rahmens, der auf Clausewitz's Kriegstheorie basiert, widmet sich dieses Buch der Untersuchung der Kommunikationsstrategien von al-Qaeda und dem Islamischen Staat, um potenziell verwundbare Schwachstellen entlang der kritischen Verbindungen von „ends“ „ways“ und „means“ aufzuzeigen. Diese Studie identifiziert die kritischen Knotenpunkte zwischen der Dschihad-Ideologie, ihren Handlungen, Botschaften und…
Al-QaedaAl-QaidaCommunication StrategyDschihadIdeologieIdeologyIslamic StateIslamischer StaatIslamismusJihadKommunikationsstrategieKommunikationswissenschaftMachiavelliPhilosophiePhilosophyPoliticsPolitikwissenschaftRealismRealismusSocial MediaSoziale MedienStrategieStrategyTalibanTerrorismTerrorismusTheorieTheoryWeltanschauungRobert Pfeffer
Location and Strategy – Analyzing the Effect of the Local Environment on a Portfolio of Strategy-Performance-Relationships of Bavarian Key-Tech SMEs
„Economic activity is distributed unequally across space [...]“ (Ketels, 2013). This insight is not new. It dates back at least to the nineteenth century, when Alfred Marshalls Principles of Economics (1890) offered a first-of-its-kind analysis of the agglomeration of people and economic activity in geographic space.
Paradoxically, the agglomeration of people and economic activity has continued to be one of the most important phenomena throughout the twentieth…
AgglomerationBetriebswirtschaftContingencyEconomic GeographyKey-TechLocationSMEStrategic ManagementStrategyAndreas Wild
Strategic supplier cooperation in the automotive industry
Schriftenreihe zum Verhandlungsmanagement
In the automotive industry, suppliers from the consumer electronics and high-tech industry are becoming increasingly relevant, for example in the context of automated vehicles.
The carmakers’ purchasing organizations need to understand the power constellation in negotiations with these new suppliers, since negotiating power is the greatest lever for influencing the outcome of negotiations.
This study analyzes the importance of organizational sources of…
AutomobilindustrieAutomotiveBetriebswirtschaftBusinessEinkaufLieferantenmanagementNegotiationOperationsPurchasingStrategieStrategySupply ChainSupply Chain ManagementSupplyer ManagementVerhandlungWirtschaftswissenschaftHelmut Wasserbacher
Causal Inference and Causal Machine Learning for Data-Driven Management
Applications in Corporate Finance and Marketing
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
The availability of large amounts of data, coupled with artificial intelligence and machine learning as suitable techniques to exploit them, has led to increasing interest in data-driven management. Data are turned into insights, and insights into management decisions.
In the midst of this passion for artificial intelligence, practitioners must remain aware that most machine learning methods maximize predictive performance. This is not the same as identifying…
Causal machine learningDigital marketingKapitalstrukturKIKünstliche IntelligenzMarketingMaschinelles LernenOmnichannel marketingOliver Treidler
From the Lisbon Strategy to Europe 2020 and Beyond
Rethinking the Rationale for a Common European Economic Policy
EURO-Wirtschaft – Studien zur ökonomischen Entwicklung Europas
During the last couple of years the lack of competitiveness of many European economies has been brutally exposed. This book presents a detailed analysis of the failed attempt of the European Commission to enhance competitiveness and rethinks the rationale for delegating competences to the EU.
The Lisbon Strategy, which was initiated in 2000, has failed to attain the goal of turning Europe into the most competitive and dynamic economy in the world. In 2010 the…
Austrian School of EconomicsBenchmarkingCompetitivenessEconomic GovernmentEconomic PolicyEurope 2020European IntegrationEuropean Social ModelLisbon StrategyUrška Štremfel
A Decade After the Lisbon Strategy: Decisive for the Development of the EU and National Educational Space
For a long time, education had been a more or less neglected policy field in European integration. The Lisbon Strategy (2000) marked the turning point, when education was first recognised as important for the social and economic development of the European Union (EU). Since then, EU cooperation in the field has significantly widened and deepened. Following the implementation of two strategic frameworks for European cooperation in education and training (2000–2010,…
BildungErziehungswissenschaftEuropäischer BildungsraumEuropäische UnionEuropäisierungLissabon-StrategieNew modes of governanceOffene Methode der KoordinierungPolitikSlowenienJana Pölzl
Business Model Innovation as a Business Development Strategy
Schriftenreihe zum Business Development
Vor dem Hintergrund eines sich wandelnden Marktumfeldes begründet durch wirtschaftliche, technologische und gesellschaftliche Trends sehen sich Unternehmen zunehmend gezwungen, neue Wege zur Weiterentwicklung ihres Kerngeschäfts zu finden. Viele Unternehmen reagieren auf diese Entwicklung, indem sie Business Development-Abteilungen etablieren und Geschäftsmodellinnovationen verfolgen. Trotz der hohen Praxisrelevanz von Business Development und…
Business DevelopmentBusiness ModelBusiness Model InnovationBusiness StrategyCorporate DevelopmentErfolgsfaktorenErfolg von GeschäftsmodellinnovationenGeschäftsfeldentwicklungGeschäftsmodellinnovationInnovationStrategieSuccess Faktors of Business Model InnovationUnternehmensstrategieMariana Mrázová / Fabian Renger / Attila Czirfusz (eds.)
Global Health Challenges I.
Schriftenreihe Gesundheitswissenschaften
The title of this book has two main focal points: Global Health and Challenges.
Global Health is a relatively new term in Public Health. It requires the healthiness of individuals of whole the world. The paradox in this perspective is, that the pandemic „Covid-19“ is showing us just this item, not only a risk for health of certain regions or for certain risk groups, but for everyone of us – no matter where a person is – on whole the world. A pandemic is global…
AntibiotikaAntimicrobial resilienceAntimicrobial stewardshipAntimikrobielle ResistenzCancer-related factorsCorona-PandemieCOVID-19Gestational weightGesundheitspräventionGewichtszunahme während der SchwangerschaftHandhygieneHand hygieneKrebsbedingte FaktorenMedical care centreMedical economicsMedical treatmentMedizinisches VersorgungszentrumMedizinökonomieÖffentliche GesundheitPräventionsmedizinPräventive MedizinPreventive medicinePublic HealthErnestine Cathérine Siebert
New Strategic Approaches for Multi-issue Negotiations
Schriftenreihe zum Verhandlungsmanagement
Mit zunehmender Wettbewerbsintensität und Verschiebung von Abhängigkeitsbeziehungen auf globalen Märkten stehen Unternehmen vor der Herausforderung, nicht nur ihre Profitabilität zu gewährleisten, sondern auch zunehmend neuartige und nachhaltige Geschäftsbeziehungen aufzubauen.
Verhandlungen spielen in diesem Kontext eine maßgebliche Rolle, da die Ergebnisse dieser unmittelbar den Unternehmensgewinn beeinflussen und gleichzeitig die Geschäftsbeziehungen mit den…
Concessions tacticsKonzessionenLoss Aversion BiasMarketingMulti-issue NegotiationNegotiation AnalysisNegotiation outcomeNegotiation processNegotiation strategyPackage offersPreference DifferencesPsychologieVerhandlungsmanagementVerhandlungstaktikWirtschaftswissenschaftenLaura Angélica Casola
Legal Culture on Human Trafficking in Mercosur
Between the Local and the Global
An Analysis from 2000 to 2016
Schriften zum ausländischen Recht
Mercosur has become a key region for human trafficking. This illegal trade interconnects the four countries by means of a complex criminal matrix and requires concerted governmental strategies in order to counter this phenomenon. However, Mercosur member states had established different regulations, thereby keeping the region from developing a joint strategy. This was to change in 2001 when the bloc emerged as a transnational actor in order to promote cooperation and…
Global StudiesHuman TraffickingLegal CultureMenschenhandelPolitikwissenschaftRechtskulturRechtswissenschaftRegional Integration