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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Criminal law

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Self-Representation in International Criminal Procedure (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Self-Representation in International Criminal Procedure

Theoretical and Illusory or Practical and Effective?

Schriften zum Strafprozessrecht

When Slobodan Milosevic declared that he would refuse counsel and conduct his own defence, it was the first time that an international tribunal had to navigate this procedural question. Although language which may have permitted self-representation was included in the Nuremberg and Tokyo procedural documents, an examination of contemporaneous records show that no formal attempts were made to rely on those provisions.

This book examines the sources of law on…

Fair TrialICTYInternational Criminal LawInternational Criminal ProcedureInternational Criminal TribunalsInternationaler StrafprozessInternationales StrafprozessrechtInternationales StrafrechtRight to a DefenceSelbstverteidigungSelf-RepresentationStrafprozessrecht
An International and National Evaluation on Child Abuse in Iran and Germany (Dissertation)Zum Shop

An International and National Evaluation on Child Abuse in Iran and Germany

CRIMINOLOGIA – Interdisziplinäre Schriftenreihe zur Kriminologie, kritischen Kriminologie, Strafrecht, Rechtssoziologie, forensischen Psychiatrie und Gewaltprävention

“An International and National Evaluation of Child Abuse in Iran and Germany? examines the rights of children in the Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran) and the Federal Republic of Germany (Germany). The two countries were selected because of their fundamental differences in terms of legislations, definitions, and economic, cultural and religious aspects. Iranian laws are based on Islamic rules while there is no such requirement for legal rules in Germany. [...]

Child AbuseCriminal LawDeutschlandGermanyIranKindesmissbrauchPräventionPreventionStrafrecht
Towards More Reasonable and Effective Punishment Strategies for Bribery (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Towards More Reasonable and Effective Punishment Strategies for Bribery

A Comparative and Behavioral Study

Strafrecht in Forschung und Praxis

This book is a remarkable interdisciplinary contribution to understanding corruption and in particular, to the meaning of criminal prevention. It impresses its reader by creatively combining a comparative law analysis of the criminal regulation of corruption with a behavioral economic interpretation of the different regulation models and an independently designed laboratory experiment which examines the effects of symmetric and asymmetric penalties on persons involved in…

AbschreckungAsymmetrieAsymmetryBehavioral lawBestechungBestrafungBriberyComparative lawCriminal lawDeterrenceEffectivenessGesetzgebungLegal comparisonLegislationLeniencyPunishmentRechtswissenschaftReciprocityRevenge-takingSelf-reportingStrafrechtStrategieStrategy
National Redress for ‘Gendered’ International Crimes (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

National Redress for ‘Gendered’ International Crimes

Uganda, Germany and the International Criminal System

Strafrecht in Forschung und Praxis

On the premise that the duty of states to prosecute international crimes is a fairly new development, this book assesses the extent to which Uganda is meeting this obligation, using the international criminal justice system as a benchmark and the German criminal justice system as a ’best practices’ case study. The viability of law and justice structures to redress these crimes is evaluated through a comparative lens restricted to ’gendered’ international crimes, which…

Armed conflictCriminal lawDeutschlandFrauenGenderInternational TribunalsKonfliktRechtswissenschaftSexualstrafrechtSexual violenceSexuelle GewaltStrafrechtTribunalsUgandaWomen
Die völkerstrafrechtliche Verfolgung von Unternehmen für Umweltverbrechen vor dem IStGH (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Die völkerstrafrechtliche Verfolgung von Unternehmen für Umweltverbrechen vor dem IStGH

Möglichkeiten und Grenzen

Völkerrecht, Europarecht, Vergleichendes Öffentliches Recht

Im September 2016 veröffentlichte die Anklagebehörde des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs das Policy Paper on Case Selection and Prioritization. Dieses Dokument statuiert interne Leitlinien der Auswahl und Konkretisierung von Fällen zur Untersuchung und Verfolgung innerhalb bestehender Situationen. Die Anklagebehörde kündigt darin unter anderem an, in Zukunft jene Kernverbrechen besonders zu berücksichtigen, welche durch Umweltzerstörungen begangen werden oder in…

AbhilfemaßnahmenInternational Criminal LawIStGHMenschenrechteUmweltverbrechenUnternehmensstrafbarkeitUnternehmensverantwortlichkeitVerbrechen gegen die MenschlichkeitVölkerrechtVölkerstrafrecht