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Theological Ethical Moral Series (TEMS) Vol. 2 (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Theological Ethical Moral Series (TEMS) Vol. 2

Thanksgiving, Faith and Morality

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse

The Theological Ethical Moral Series (TEMS) Vol. 2 stresses that the need to thank God is more of a virtue, which should be learnt, than a law that prescribes. Virtue springs from life and forms it. The psalms indicate that thanksgiving is not only personal but communal, drawing from a happy reversal of events.

The Eucharist is the principal act of thanksgiving that Jesus Christ instituted. Though the Eucharist essentially is thanksgiving, this doesnt…

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Liturgical Inculturation among Igbo Christians of Nigeria (Doktorarbeit)

Liturgical Inculturation among Igbo Christians of Nigeria

A Historical Evaluation in the Light of Ecclesial Liturgical Norms and Principles of Liturgical Inculturation

Schriften zur Praktischen Theologie

A historical evaluation of liturgical inculturation among Igbo Christians of Nigeria in the light of ecclesial liturgical norms and principles of liturgical inculturation reflects principally the norms for adapting the Liturgy to the culture and traditions of peoples.

According to the Council Fathers: „Even in the liturgy, the Church has no wish to impose a rigid uniformity in matters which do not implicate the faith or the good of the whole community; rather…

AkkulturationAnpassungIgboIgbo KulturInkulturationLiturgieLiturgische InkulturationSynkretismusTheologie
Getting Knowledge of Evil: A Comparison of Wolfhart Pannenberg᾿s and Gustavo Gutiérrez᾿s Theology (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Getting Knowledge of Evil: A Comparison of Wolfhart Pannenberg᾿s and Gustavo Gutiérrez᾿s Theology

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse

This book compares the understanding of evil by Wolfhart Pannenberg and Gustavo Gutiérrez. It addresses the question on, how do Pannenberg and Gutiérrez get knowledge of the “reality” of evil? The answer to the question is that they get knowledge of such a “reality” in a very similar way: dialectically and interdisciplinary.

On the one hand, it has to do with the fact that both theologians ground their theological knowledge of finite realities with the help of…

Das BöseErkenntnistheorieGustavo GutiérrezPhilosophieReligionTheologieWissenschaftWolfhart Pannenberg
An Intertextual Approach to the Paradox of Romans 2:13 and 3:20 (Dissertation)Zum Shop

An Intertextual Approach to the Paradox of Romans 2:13 and 3:20

Justified by Law Observance?

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse

Romans 2:13 has long been a stumbling block for protestants. That “the doers of the law will be justified,” seemingly does not fit the doctrine of justification by faith alone. On the other hand, this Pauline statement appears to support the Roman Catholic dogma which claims good works deserve justification at the final judgment. In their embarrassment, protestants read Rom 2:13 as a hypothesis: If there were any human beings able to keep the law perfectly, they would be…

Altes TestamentGesetzIntertextualitätNeues TestamentOT in NT / AT im NTParadoxPaulusPsalmenRechtfertigungReligionswissenschaftRömerbriefTheologieWerke
Beyond Interreligious Tolerance (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Beyond Interreligious Tolerance

Mahatma Gandhi – Pioneer of Faith-Based Active Non-Violence as a Response to Oppression and Communal Violence

Ethik in Forschung und Praxis

This book is an exploration of the life and message of Mahatma Gandhi, “the apostle of non-violence“. It is not merely an academic study, but reflects people’s genuine thirst for searching authentic freedom in a world where inhuman, irreligious and unchristian spirit prevails. The spirit and vision of Mahatma Gandhi, the great son of Arsha-Bharata, who gave his life for tolerance and non-violence, and who treated all religions with the same spirit of respect and…

AhimsaCatholic ChurchChristentumChristianityConsensual ViolenceDialogueEthikGewaltGewaltlosigkeitIndiaIndienInterreligiöse ToleranzInterreligious ToleranceMahatma GandhiMoraltheologieMoral TheologyNon-violenceOppressionPioneer of Active Non-ViolenceSatyagrahaUnterdrückung
African Theology of Solidarity and Religion of Self-Deceit (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

African Theology of Solidarity and Religion of Self-Deceit

The Nigerian Experience

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse

Religion plays an important role in the day to day activities in Nigeria. Nigerians live religion and think religiously. Religion is used to legitimate almost everything. Politicians use recourse to religion to promote their political agenda. They use religious events, gatherings and discussions to gain political advantage; businessmen and women use religion as an advertising mechanism. The genuine religiosity of Nigerians has become in itself a problem. It has created…

AfricaAfrikaCharityDevelopmental aidFaithHelaingJusticePhilosophyRahnerRatzingerReasonReligionTheologieTheology
The Misery of Childless Marriage in Igbo Culture (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

The Misery of Childless Marriage in Igbo Culture

Re-Consideration of Ecclesiastical Ethical Response to Cultural and Biomedical “Remedies”

Ethik in Forschung und Praxis

Infertility is a universal problem but the crisis it poses for Christian couples in the African cultural context differs from the experience in Western cultures. The root of the problem is the conflict in the understanding of marriage in African culture and the Christian marriage ethics, which makes it difficult for one to remain truly African and happily Christian in the faces of childless marriage. This work demonstrates this using the life context of the Igbo people of…

African CultureAfrikanische KulturArtificial ReproductionBio-MedicineChildlessness (Marriage)Christian EthicsChristian MarriageChristliche EheChristliche EthikEthikIgboIgbo MarriageInfertilityIVFKinderlosigkeitKünstliche BefruchtungMoraltheologieMoral TheologyOsu Caste System
Vertrauen in fremde Gerichtsverfahren (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Vertrauen in fremde Gerichtsverfahren

Über die Anerkennung gerichtlicher Entscheidungen zwischen den Bundesstaaten der USA und den Mitgliedstaaten der EU

Studien zum Internationalen Privat- und Zivilprozessrecht sowie zum UN-Kaufrecht

In den letzten Jahren hat sich das europäische Zivilverfahrensrecht mit enormer Geschwindigkeit entwickelt. Diese Beschleunigung ist nicht zuletzt auf eine Erweiterung der Kompetenzen der Europäischen Union (EU) im Bereich der Binnenanerkennung gerichtlicher Entscheidungen zurückzuführen und wird von dem entschlossenen politischen Willen getragen, das Anerkennungs- und Vollstreckungsverfahren innerhalb der EU weiter zu vereinfachen und auf lange Sicht ganz…

EUEuGVÜEuGVVOEuropäische GerichtsstandsverordnungEuropäische RechtsakteEuropäischer VollstreckungstitelEuropäische UnionEuropäische VollstreckungsverordnungEuVTVOFull Faith and Credit ClauseGemeinschaftsrechtsakteGrundsatz der gegenseitigen AnerkennungInternationale Urteilsanerkennungodre publicRechtswissenschaftUSAZivilverfahrensrecht
Fundamental Principles for Inculturating Igbo Liturgy (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Fundamental Principles for Inculturating Igbo Liturgy

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse

The book has three main parts and nine chapters: theological basis for inculturation, ethnology of the Igbo and inculturation principles.

Theological Basis for Inculturation.

Whenever and where ever the Church gathers in prayer or liturgical celebrations, she lives out what she believes, she celebrates in form and word the Incarnate Word, who revealed to humanity the „God-liness of man?- we are „co-heirs? to the kingdom with Christ. The in-time…

AfrikaEthnologieIgboIgbo ChristentumLiturgieSynkretismusSynodeTheologieUnkulturation
African Theology of Solidarity (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

African Theology of Solidarity

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse

The broad aim of African Theology of Solidarity is to establish that any symbiotic dialogue of the Christian faith with African cultures and the precarious social realities in Africa require the theological unification of the two major theological trends in Africa: Inculturation and Liberation. The need to incarnate the Christian faith in African cultures should not ignore the contemporary social realities in the present day Africa. The necessity of this endeavour is to…

AfricaAfrican Traditional ReligionAfrikanische traditionelle ReligionAIDSArmutBefreiungstheologieCultureFemale CircumcisionFrauenbeschneidungFrauenrechteHIVInculturation TheologyInkulturationKulturLiberation TheologyPovertySolidaritätSolidarityTheologieTheologyWomen‘s Rights