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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Charity

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African Theology of Solidarity and Religion of Self-Deceit (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

African Theology of Solidarity and Religion of Self-Deceit

The Nigerian Experience

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse

Religion plays an important role in the day to day activities in Nigeria. Nigerians live religion and think religiously. Religion is used to legitimate almost everything. Politicians use recourse to religion to promote their political agenda. They use religious events, gatherings and discussions to gain political advantage; businessmen and women use religion as an advertising mechanism. The genuine religiosity of Nigerians has become in itself a problem. It has created room for religious abuses in which magic is applauded as miracle, elevation of psychological…

AfricaAfrikaCharityDevelopmental aidFaithHelaingJusticePhilosophyRahnerRatzingerReasonReligionTheologieTheology
Kooperationen zwischen Profit- und Nonprofit-Organisationen (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Kooperationen zwischen Profit- und Nonprofit-Organisationen

Eine Analyse im Kontext der Corporate Social Responsibility

MERKUR – Schriften zum Innovativen Marketing-Management

Während das Verhältnis zwischen Privatwirtschaft und nicht-gewinnorientierten Organisationen traditionell konfrontativ war, zeichnete sich während der letzten Jahre ein starker Trend hin zu Kooperationen ab – mitunter mit hoher strategischer Bedeutung. Die Gründe hierfür liegen unter anderem in einer hohen externen Erwartungshaltung an die gesellschaftliche Performance von Unternehmen, der wachsenden Komplexität von Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) sowie in beidseitigen Nutzenpotenzialen, welche im Rahmen sozialer Kooperationen realisiert werden können. Caroline…

BWLCharityCorporate CitizenshipCorporate GivingCorporate Social ResponsibilityCSR-StrategieInnovative SchriftenKooperationMarketing und AbsatzNonprofitNonproft-OrganisationenNPOsSozial AlliancenStrategische Partnerschaft
Rose Terry Cooke and Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Rose Terry Cooke and Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture

Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik

During a career that lasted for forty years, nineteenth-century American woman writer Rose Terry Cooke (1827 – 1892) published short stories, poems, and essays in such different magazines as prestigious literary monthlies, religious weeklies and childrens magazines. She was a multifaceted author, and yet only a small number of her works has been analyzed. Literary critics and historians have usually portrayed Cooke as a realist and an early feminist. However, sentimentalism is also characteristic of Cookes fiction, and her portrayals of New-England women support as well…

19th CenturyAmerican LiteratureAmerikanistikEnglischFrauenliteraturHistory and CriticismLiteraturwissenschaftUnited StatesUSAWomen and LiteratureWomen Authors