Wissenschaftliche Literatur Teaching
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Milena Valenčič-Zuljan / Mara Cotič / Darjo Felda / Zlatan Magajna / Amalija Žakelj
The Efficiency of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Grouping of Students in Mathematics
Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis
The questions of grouping students have always been present in the history of education with diverse intentions and according to different criteria. The researchers of education as well as teachers and pedagogues have tried to find out when the grouping should start and what the objective of grouping is, how it should be performed, and if students should be grouped into heterogeneous groups regarding their abilities or should they stay in homogeneous group. Furthermore,…
Achievements in MathematicsDidacticsDifferentiationHeterogeneous GroupsHomogeneous GroupsIndividualizationMathematicsMathematics TeachingNational Assessment of KnowledgePedagogyPrimary SchoolSelf-ConceptSloveniaTeacher´s ExpectationMarijana Županić Benić, Jerneja Herzog (Eds.)
A View of Art from the Perspective of Education Systems and Policies
Schriften zur Kunstpädagogik und Ästhetischen Erziehung
The complexity of the scientific monograph is reflected in the fact that the field of visual arts in the educational context is very diverse and broad, both in preschool, primary and secondary education, as well as in terms of professional development of teachers, teaching methods and different teaching strategies.
All scientific discussions refer to a single educational system, namely education in Croatia. From this point of view, a scientific monograph can be…
Bildende KunstBildungBildungsstrategieEducation PoliciesEducation SystemsErziehungswissenschaftKunstKunstunterrichtPädagogikUnterrichtSandra Mršnik / Majda Cencič / Daniel Doz / Darjo Felda / Mara Cotič
The Relationship Between Students᾿ Attitudes Towards Problem-Solving and Their Achievements in Mathematics
Different learning theories have attributed great importance to problem solving, but the perception of what influences the problem solving and what problem solving is really about differed significantly between theories. From the conception that only the reproduction of learned procedures is important for problem solving, to concepts advocating that the acquired specific knowledge suffices, that problem solving strategy is crucial, that automated mental skills play an…
Denken der SchülerdidacticsDidaktiklearning environmentLernumgebunglevels of knowledgeMathamatikleistungPädagogikpedagogyPeer-Lernenpeer learningpositive attitudePositive EinstellungProblemlösungproblem solvingRolle der Lehrer; achievements in mathematicsstudents´ thinkingteachers´ roleWissensebenenRobert Celec (Ed.)
Sustainability as a Way of Life – From Education to Economy
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The scientific monograph embraces the results of various research areas that have a common ground in the study of sustainable development through aspects of fairly complex environmental issues. At the beginning, we get an insight into the results of research that explores the importance of carrying out physical or sports activities of future kinesiologists directly in the natural environment. In the following, we encounter interesting research findings that talk about the…
AgrarökologieBildungErziehungswissenschaftLandwirtschaftNachhaltigkeitÖkologieUmweltWirtschaftMehmet E. Altin
Internationalization Through Localization: Gülen Inspired Schools
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
For this study, Dr. Altin conducted an empirical study and visited Gülen inspired schools in Europe, Africa and the US. He focuses on three important issues about the Gülen Inspired schools, namely: the educational concept of the Gülen inspired schools, their global expansion, and the current situation of these schools, especially under the political pressure of the Erdogan regime after the failed coup attempt in July 2016 in Turkey. [...]
BildungErziehungswissenschaftFethullah GülenGülen-BewegungGülen-inspirierte SchulenHizmet-BewegungPolitikPolitikwissenschaftTürkeiTurkeyMarek Krawiec / Ferit Kılıçkaya / Gabriel Sánchez-Sánchez / Erik Castello (eds.)
New Themes and Dimensions in Applied Linguistics
LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis
The volume New Themes and Dimensions in Applied Linguistics is a collection of articles written by scholars from different academic centres in the world who are interested in applied linguistic studies. In a novel and innovative way, it presents and discusses problems relevant to applied linguistics and emphasizes the important role which language-related practices and research play in such areas of human activity as foreign language learning and teaching and…
Angewandte LinguistikFremdsprachen Lehren und LernenFremdsprachenunterrichtNeue DimensionenNeue ThemenÜbersetzungHui Ji
The Impact of Culture on Preferences for E-learning Systems in Higher Education
A Comparison between China and Germany
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
As an international student in Germany, the author is part of a large community: more students than ever decide to study abroad. However, learning orientation and cultural adaptation issues are unavoidably associated with study abroad. An important option to address the problems is e-learning.
The present study verifies the German and Chinese students? cultural standards, teaching/learning cultures, and preferences for e-learning systems documented in the…
BetriebswirtschaftslehreCausal relations between cultural standards and preferencesChinaComparison of German and Chinese cultural standardsComparison of German and Chinese teaching / learning culturesCultural standardsE-LearningE-learning systems in higher educationFocus groupsGermanyLearning cultureQuestionnaire surveyStructural equation modelingStrukturgleichungsmodellStudent‘s preferences for e-learning systemsTeaching cultureSonja Čotar Konrad / Mara Cotič / Darjo Felda / Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec / Milena Valenčič Zuljan / Amalija Žakelj / Tina Štemberger
Classroom Climate: Student and Teacher Perceptions
The scientific monograph entitled Classroom Climate: Student and Teacher Perceptions comprises the theoretical and empirical sections.
The theoretical section focuses on the justification of the school’s role of a place that encourages the development of the student’s potentials where we aim to highlight that the teaching and learning of contents prescribed by the curriculum are coupled with other processes that are important for an individual’s…
BildungsprozessDidaktikHochwertige BildungKommunikationLernumgebungPädagogikPädagogische PraxisPeer-BeziehungenRolle der SchuleSchüler-Lehrer-BeziehungenSchuleSchulklimaVeronica Jemanyur Rop
Human Dignity – Participation of Women in Integral Human Development
A Study Among the Kalenjin in the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret, Kenya
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
The title of this book is Human Dignity- Participation of Women in Integral Human Development and the subtitle is A Study Among the Kalenjin in the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret, Kenya.
The dignity of the human person is central to the integral human development (IHD) of any community. The Catholic Social Teaching teaches that human dignity originates from God and is of God, because human beings are made in God’s own image and likeness. As a person…
DevelopmentDignityDiscriminationEqualityEthikGenderKenyaMoralParticipationPatriarchalismSocial EthicsSozialethikTheologieTheologyWomenWürdeXiaoxiang Su
Radical Awareness among Chinese-as-a-Foreign-Language Learners
LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis
This study examined radical awareness among college students who learned Chinese as a foreign language (CFL).
Radicals are subcomponents of characters. They follow positional constraints and they have meaning-cueing and pronunciation-cueing functions. Radical awareness, the knowledge about the positional and functional regularities of radicals has been found closely related to Chinese word reading and word writing among developing readers in first language…
Angewandte LinguistikApplied linguisticsChinese character learningChinesischForeign language learningFremdsprachenlernenFremdsprachenunterrichtMorphological awarenessOrthographic awarenessPhonological awarenessRadical awarenessRadikaleSchriftzeichenSecond language acquisitionWord recognitionWorterkennungZweitspracherwerb