Wissenschaftliche Literatur Professional Development
Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher
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Janko Muršak / Petra Javrh / Jana Kalin
Community and Teacher’s ProfessionalDevelopment
Studien zur Berufs- und Professionsforschung
This publication deals with the various aspects of relations between community and teachers’ professionaldevelopment.
First part is analysing the teachers’ profession. In modern community, teachers represent a strong professional group characterised by well defined professional rules. Professional community as well as local schools are key determinants in the process of teacher’s professional identity formation. Analysis of teacher’s professional socialisation…
Career DevelopmentCommunityDiversityIntergenerational PartnershipMentorshipProfessional IdentityProfessional SocializationSchool ModernisationTeacher‘s TrainingSonja Čotar Konrad / Tina Štemberger
Empowering teachers for generations to come
Schriften zur pädagogischen Psychologie
Throughout history, teachers and schools have always presented the reflection of societies, their priorities, needs and their orientation. Today, in the fast-changing world, teachers’ roles are changing, as are the expectations directed towards them. Teachers are faced with demands in terms of in-depth subject knowledge, advanced pedagogical skills, reflective practice and ability to adapt teaching to the needs of each individual as well as to the needs of the group of…
CompetencesContiuous Teacher DevelopmentFamilyInclusionInitial Teacher EducationMetacognitionProfessional DevelopmentSelf-RegulationTeacherXiaodong Zhang
Teaching Writing Through Teachers᾽ Self-Directed Development
A Representative Qualitative Case Study in China – Challenges and Promises
LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis
It is typical for teachers to experience a lack of effective professionaldevelopment at the institutional level. In this context, the practice that teachers have gained from their professionaldevelopment may also insufficiently meet students’ needs. For example, in the context of English as a foreign language (EFL) writing instruction within Chinese universities, pre-service and in-service education seem to focus on the instruction of writing at the level of language…
ChinaChinese studentsConstrained contextsEnglischEnglischunterrichtFremdsprachenunterrichtHigher educationLinguistikSpracherwerbStudent’s individual needsSystemic functional linguisticsTeacher emotionTeacher’s self-directed developmentTextproduktionUniversitätUniversity English writingSonja Čotar Konrad / Darjo Felda / Tina Štemberger
Contemporary Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Care
The monograph »Contemporary perspectives on early childhood education and care« consists of ten chapters that theoretically and empirically address some of the key areas of quality of ECEC.
In the first chapter »The preschool teacher: an important factor in promoting child development« we present how the education of preschool teacher profession has been developed and influenced in Slovenia.
In the second chapter »Models for professionaldevelopment…
Berufliche BildungBeteiligung von KindernChild participationCooperation with parentsDidacticsDidaktikEarly childhood educationECECEducationErziehungswissenschaftFrühkindliche BildungImmigrant childrenImmigrantenkinderInclusionInklusionLebenslanges LernenLifelong learningMigrationMusical literacyMusikalische KompetenzenPädagogikPedagogyPreschool teacherProfessional educationVorschullehrerZusammenarbeit mit den ElternJohannes Vees
Empirische Untersuchung zur Wirksamkeit einer praxisbegleitenden Lehrerfortbildung im Bereich der Diagnose und Förderung im Schriftspracherwerb
Schulentwicklung in Forschung und Praxis
Eine Vielzahl an Studien weist auf die große Bedeutung der Lehrkraft für den Lernerfolg der Schülerinnen und Schüler hin. Folglich liegt es vor allem an ihr, ob die Schule ihrer Kernaufgabe nachkommt, guten Unterricht anzubieten. Denn dadurch kann das Leistungsniveau der Kinder und Jugendlichen verbessert werden.
Da weder das Studium noch der Vorbereitungsdienst ausreichen, um den vielfältigen und komplexen Anforderungen des Lehrberufs gerecht werden zu…
ErziehungswissenschaftFachdidaktisches WissenFortbildungLehrerfortbildungLehrkompetenzenPraxisbegleitendProfessional DevelopmentProfessionalisierungProfessionelle KompetenzProfessionsforschungRechtschreibleistungSchriftspracherwerbSchülerleistungenSchuleSchulentwicklungSchulpädagogikWirksamkeitsforschungSonja Čotar Konrad / Mara Cotič / Darjo Felda / Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec / Milena Valenčič Zuljan / Amalija Žakelj / Tina Štemberger
Classroom Climate: Student and Teacher Perceptions
The scientific monograph entitled Classroom Climate: Student and Teacher Perceptions comprises the theoretical and empirical sections.
The theoretical section focuses on the justification of the school’s role of a place that encourages the development of the student’s potentials where we aim to highlight that the teaching and learning of contents prescribed by the curriculum are coupled with other processes that are important for an individual’s…
BildungsprozessDidaktikHochwertige BildungKommunikationLernumgebungPädagogikPädagogische PraxisPeer-BeziehungenRolle der SchuleSchüler-Lehrer-BeziehungenSchuleSchulklimaMarijana Županić Benić, Jerneja Herzog (Eds.)
A View of Art from the Perspective of Education Systems and Policies
Schriften zur Kunstpädagogik und Ästhetischen Erziehung
The complexity of the scientific monograph is reflected in the fact that the field of visual arts in the educational context is very diverse and broad, both in preschool, primary and secondary education, as well as in terms of professionaldevelopment of teachers, teaching methods and different teaching strategies.
All scientific discussions refer to a single educational system, namely education in Croatia. From this point of view, a scientific monograph can be…
Bildende KunstBildungBildungsstrategieEducation PoliciesEducation SystemsErziehungswissenschaftKunstKunstunterrichtPädagogikUnterrichtRobert Celec (Ed.)
Challenges of Modern Society From Different Perspectives
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The book »Challenges of Modern Society From Different Perspectives« presents eight contributions of twenty authors, which deal with different current thematics connected with the influence of modern social phenomenon on the individual’s development.
By flipping through individual chapters, we can get a glimpse of parental identification of interests for mathematics of their children and therefore come across different open questions that guide us in this…
AbuseChallengesDiversityEducationElderlyHealth CareModern SocietyViolenceYouthEva Stranovská, Silvia Hvozdíková, Daša Munková
Selected Factors and Successfulness in the Process of Foreign Language Learning
LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis
Nowadays foreign language education and communication has become one of the essentials in the professionaldevelopment of every individual. However, the factors that have the greatest impact on the process of foreign language learning vary greatly. Although there are many, success in the process of learning a foreign language is one of the most influential. Apparently, it is questionable what the indicators and factors of successin foreign language education are. The…
Affective FactorsAffektive FaktorenAngewandte SprachwissenschaftApplied LingusticsExperimentForeign Language EducationFremdsprachenunterrichtInterventionNeed for StructurePsycholinguistikPsycholingusticsWillingness to Communicate