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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Development

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Foreign Language Learning and Teaching in Theory, Practice and Research (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Foreign Language Learning and Teaching in Theory, Practice and Research

LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis

The volume Foreign Language Learning and Teaching in Theory, Practice and Research is a collection of articles written by scholars representing different academic centres in the world. It discusses various aspects from the field of foreign language education and provides theoretical and empirical evidence on selected notions of teaching and learning foreign languages, including language for specific purposes. The contributors to this volume and the aspects which…

Angewante LinguistikFremdsprachenausbildungFremdsprachenunterrichtLehrenLernenPraxisTheorie
Delusions of Preschool Education (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Delusions of Preschool Education

Does anyone care about the process quality anymore?

Frühpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis

How does the need for greater efficiency affect preschool education?

What happens if the focus of curriculum evaluation becomes the ratio between the length of child’s participation in preschool education and the learning outcomes at the initial and higher levels of education on the one hand, and the funds invested in preschool education on the other?

What changes in preschool institutions, if documents concerning development advocates that the…

ChancengleichheitChild participationEffectivenessEqual OpportunitiesFrühpädagogikPreschool EducationProcess QualityProzessqualitätStructural QualityStukrurqualitätVorschulbildungZugänglichkeit
Employment Model of Career Counsellors at Universities (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Employment Model of Career Counsellors at Universities

Studien zur Berufs- und Professionsforschung

For the development of the competence framework of career counsellors at universities we primarily explored in the theoretical part what competences a good counsellor should possess and what opportunities career counsellors have in European space to upgrade these competences.

In the framework of the qualitative part we got an in-depth insight into the opinions of three career counsellors: from Slovenia, from Austria, and from Portugal. The career counsellors…

BerufsberatungCareer CounsellorCompetence FrameworkCompetencesEmployment ModelEmployment QuestionnaireStudentUniversität
Sustainable Regional Development Through the Establishment of Innovation-Oriented Cluster Management (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Sustainable Regional Development Through the Establishment of Innovation-Oriented Cluster Management

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

In dieser Studie werden drei wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Themenbereiche aufgegriffen, welche aktuell sowohl in der wissenschaftlichen als auch in der praktischen Diskussion stehen: Innovation durch verbesserte Kommunikation und Kooperation, regionalwirtschaftliche Entwicklung durch Clusterbildung sowie nachhaltigkeitsbezogene Logistikwirtschaft. Im Vordergrund steht die Frage, ob und inwieweit es durch Cluster?management gelingt, Innovation aus regionalwirtschaftlicher…

BetriebswirtschaftChinaClusterbildungClustermanagementInnovationLogistic cross-border regionNachhaltigkeitNachhaltigkeitsbezogene LogistikwirtschaftRaumentwicklungRegionalentwicklung
Virtual Reality-Based Product Representations in Conjoint Analysis (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Virtual Reality-Based Product Representations in Conjoint Analysis

Empirical Insights into Its Applicability for Early Customer Integration in the Development Process of a Technical Innovation

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

Die erfolgreiche Entwicklung von Innovationen ist einer der Schlüsselfaktoren für den langfristigen wirtschaftlichen Erfolg von Unternehmen. Obwohl Unternehmen bis zu 51 % ihres Umsatzes mit Produkten und Services erwirtschaften, die vor weniger als drei Jahren auf den Markt gebracht wurden, liegt die Floprate bei der Entwicklung von Innovationen weiterhin bei bis zu 90 %. Um diese Fehlerquote zu reduzieren, werden Kunden bereits im frühen Stadium des…

Conjoint-AnalyseDigitalisierungEarly Customer IntegrationIngenieurwissenschaftInnovationMarketingPräferenzmessungProduktinnovationenProduktverständnisTechnikVirtual RealityVirtuelle RealitätVR
Strengthening Innovation Systems (Handbuch)Zum Shop

Strengthening Innovation Systems

Foundation, Concept and Strategic Approach

Wirtschaftspolitik in Forschung und Praxis

Strengthening innovation systems is of prime importance for sustained competitiveness of countries and regions in an increasingly knowledge-based global economy.

This does not only apply to industrialised countries, but holds true for emerging economies and developing countries as well. This manual provides policy makers, policy shapers and implementing agencies with guidance for the systematic analysis of deficiencies and synergy potentials within the…

Development StrategiesEntrepreneurshipInnovationInnovation ManagementInnovation MarketingInnovation SystemInnovativenessInternational Development CooperationKnowledge and Technology TransferKnowledge Based EconomyKooperationNetworks and CooperationNetzwerkeScienceTechnologieTechnologietransferTechnology and Innovation PolicyTechnology TransferVolkswirtschaftslehreWissensbasierte WirtschaftWissenschaft
Social, emotional and intercultural competencies for inclusive school environments across Europe (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Social, emotional and intercultural competencies for inclusive school environments across Europe

Relationships matter

Studien zur Schulpädagogik

»Overall this HAND in HAND project and book offers vital elements of a future framework for social and emotional education. The authors are to be commended for their lucidity, sensitivity and ambition in scope, as well as frankness about how there is so much more needing to be developed in this whole area.«

Paul Downes, Ph.D., Institute of Education, Dublin City University [...]

AssessmantBeziehungenEducationEinführungEmotional competenciesEmotionale KompetenzenErziehungswissenschaftEUEvaluationImplementationInclusionInklusionIntercultural competenciesInterkulturelle KompetenzenInterventionPädagogikPolicyPolitikRelationshipsSchoolSchuleSocial competenciesSoziale Kompetenzen
Advances in Legal Medicine (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Advances in Legal Medicine

from a Japanese-German Perspective

Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Institut für Rechtsmedizin der Universität Hamburg

It was the unforgettable Prof. Taizo Nagano who initiated the new and first INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ADVANCES IN LEGAL MEDICINE (ISALM) under his chairmanship in Kanazawa (1990). In his preface for the proceedings Prof. Nagano wrote: „...With the remarkable advances in medicine and the rapid development of social pluralism, an increase in the diversification of social roles and responsibilities is also seen in the field of legal medicine. To meet these challenges, a new…

DeutschlandForensische MedizinISALMJapanLegal MedicineRechtsmedizinSymposium
Challenges of Modern Society From Different Perspectives (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Challenges of Modern Society From Different Perspectives

EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung

The book »Challenges of Modern Society From Different Perspectives« presents eight contributions of twenty authors, which deal with different current thematics connected with the influence of modern social phenomenon on the individual’s development.

By flipping through individual chapters, we can get a glimpse of parental identification of interests for mathematics of their children and therefore come across different open questions that guide us in this…

AbuseChallengesDiversityEducationElderlyHealth CareModern SocietyViolenceYouth
English in Chinese Popular Culture (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

English in Chinese Popular Culture

Discourses of TV Commercials, Popular Music and Entertainment TV Shows

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

In the past few decades, a number of studies have addressed various aspects of English in China. Although few studies to date have investigated English in Chinese pop culture, the influence from Western culture and the English language on Chinese culture cannot be ignored. Thus, focusing on English in Chinese pop culture is an appropriate and significant topic.

First, surveying the history of English development in China and exploring the current roles and…

ChineseChinesischCode-SwitchingCommercialsCommunicationDiscourseDiskursEnglischEnglishEntertainmentLinguisticsLinguistikMediaMedia StudiesMedienMusicMusikPopulärkulturPopular CultureTV ShowsWerbung