Wissenschaftliche Literatur Development
Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher
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Marijana Županić Benić, Jerneja Herzog (Eds.)
A View of Art from the Perspective of Education Systems and Policies
Schriften zur Kunstpädagogik und Ästhetischen Erziehung
The complexity of the scientific monograph is reflected in the fact that the field of visual arts in the educational context is very diverse and broad, both in preschool, primary and secondary education, as well as in terms of professional development of teachers, teaching methods and different teaching strategies.
All scientific discussions refer to a single educational system, namely education in Croatia. From this point of view, a scientific monograph can be…
Bildende KunstBildungBildungsstrategieEducation PoliciesEducation SystemsErziehungswissenschaftKunstKunstunterrichtPädagogikUnterrichtMaria Aleksandrovich / Marta Gierczyńska-Kolas (eds.)
Multilingual Dictionary of the Headwords of the Academic Words List
Russian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian and Polish
TRANSLATOLOGIE – Studien zur Übersetzungswissenschaft
We would like to present the first Multilingual Dictionary of the Headwords of the Academic Word List compiled specifically of Academic Word List (the AWL). It follows the publication of the AWL by Averil Coxhead in 2000. The Academic Word List replaces the University Word List.
The AWL is a list of 570 word families that are not in the most frequent 2,000 English words but which are frequent in a wide range of academic texts. The words are grouped into ten…
Academic EnglishAcademic Word ListAkademisches EnglischAWLBelarusianBulgarianFachwörterbuchListe Akademischer WörterMehrsprachiges WörterbuchMultilingual DictionaryPolishRussianTranslationÜbersetzungUkrainianKatarína Remeňová / Helena Majdúchová / Jakub Kintler
Pricing in Creative Industry
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
Scientific monograph Pricing in Creative Industry provides a detailed view on the theory of price management in the specific area of business. The uniqueness of the researched area is given by the assumption that the price in this area of business covers more than the costs and expected profit, which is traditionally explained by the microeconomic and marketing theory. Price management in the creative industry is a relatively new area that is being addressed…
BetriebswirtschaftErlösmodellKreativwirtschaftPreisgestaltungPreiskontrollePreismanagementEric Asoh
Assessing the Impact of Sustainability Standards as a Strategy for Livelihood Sustainability in the Cocoa Industry
in the South West Region of Cameroon
Schriftenreihe agrarwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
This study assesses the impact of Fairtrade on the livelihood sustainability of smallholder cocoa producers in the South West region of Cameroon. In Cameroon just like in many other developing countries, the smallholder farmers have deficient strategies with limited production and productivity resulting in vulnerability such as poverty, low resilient level etc. Though there are other factors that might limit production and productivity of the farmers, deficient strategies…
AfricaAfrikaCameroonCocoaFairtradeKakaoKamerunLivelihoodRural DevelopmentSouth West RegionValue ChainVoluntary Sustainability StandardWertschöpfungsketteJohannes Vees
Empirische Untersuchung zur Wirksamkeit einer praxisbegleitenden Lehrerfortbildung im Bereich der Diagnose und Förderung im Schriftspracherwerb
Schulentwicklung in Forschung und Praxis
Eine Vielzahl an Studien weist auf die große Bedeutung der Lehrkraft für den Lernerfolg der Schülerinnen und Schüler hin. Folglich liegt es vor allem an ihr, ob die Schule ihrer Kernaufgabe nachkommt, guten Unterricht anzubieten. Denn dadurch kann das Leistungsniveau der Kinder und Jugendlichen verbessert werden.
Da weder das Studium noch der Vorbereitungsdienst ausreichen, um den vielfältigen und komplexen Anforderungen des Lehrberufs gerecht werden zu…
ErziehungswissenschaftFachdidaktisches WissenFortbildungLehrerfortbildungLehrkompetenzenPraxisbegleitendProfessional DevelopmentProfessionalisierungProfessionelle KompetenzProfessionsforschungRechtschreibleistungSchriftspracherwerbSchülerleistungenSchuleSchulentwicklungSchulpädagogikWirksamkeitsforschungAnna Möllering
The Dawning of the Dragon – A Developmentally Focussed Cross-Cultural Study of Terror Management Theory
Schriften zur Sozialpsychologie
The book focuses on broadening the validity and applicability of Terror Management Theory (TMT); one of today’s most influential psychological theories in intergroup relations. However, until today some aspects have been totally neglected by Terror Management research thereby leaving questions regarding the theory’s validity and applicability unanswered. This book sets out to tackle these issues. It does so by concentrating on three main aspects that are dramatically…
AcculturationAdolescentsAkkulturationAussiedlerChildrenDevelopmental PsychologyEntwicklungspsychologieIingroup IdentificationIngroup CohesionInterkulturelle PsychologieJugendlicheKinderOutgroup DerogationPsychologieSozialspychologieSurvey StudyTerror Management TheoryTürkische MigrantenTurkish MigrantsUncertainty TheoryUngewissheitChristian Chibuike Ikpeamaeze
Evangelization Among Young People in Igboland
Towards a Dialogical Understanding of Evangelization as a Means of Empowering Young People in Nigeria
Schriften zur Praktischen Theologie
The proposed ‘dialogical understanding of evangelization as a means of empowering young people in Nigeria’ opens up a new avenue of handling matters concerning the development of young people especially in Nigeria. Since it is about social transformation that transforms not only human beings but also human society, it is a formation that is oriented towards the full humanization of the young people. It teaches them to stand for justice and confront power that suppresses…
CommitmentDialogDialogicalDialogueEducationEmpowermentEvangelisierungEvangelizationIgboIgbolandInterreligiösInterreligiousMissionNigeriaPastoral TheologyReligious EducationTheologieTraditionalTransformationDouglas MacKinnon / Martin Pavlovič
HOPONOMICS: Market analysis applied to the hop industry 1980–2020
Schriftenreihe agrarwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
Hoponomics provides an unprecedented look into the hop industry between 1980 and 2020 and introduces the topic most taboo within the industry, how and why the market works the way it does.
With a half century of combined experience across varying segments of the industry, the authors analyze the inner workings of the industry from an economic perspective. The book begins with a cursory overview and brief history of the hop industry for the unfamiliar reader. As…
AgrarökonomieAgrarpolitikAgricultural economicsAgricultural policyHop demandHopfenangebotHopfenmarktHopfennachfrageHopfenwirtschaftHop marketIPRMarket analysisMarktanalysePreisPreis; Hop industryPriceSupply of hopsMarko Ferjan, Iztok Podbregar, Polona Šprajc, Petra Robnik, Eva Jereb
Athletes Friendly Education
Schriften zur Sportwissenschaft
The book „Athlete friendly education“ addresses the topics of athlete education. At the end of a sports career, athletes are forced to start a new career. For this, they must acquire an appropriate education during their sports career. Empirical research presented in the book shows that athletes are no less committed to education than other high school or university students. Furthermore, the curriculum and school adjustments, in general, are of great help to…
AthletesBildungBildungseinrichtungenCareerE-LearningEducationEducation institutionsErziehungswissenschaftEvaluationKarriereSportlerSportsSportwissenschaftIryna Borysova
International Regulatory Measures for OTC Derivatives Markets Within the Strengthened International Financial Regulatory Framework
Schriften zum Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht
This study addresses international regulatory measures for OTC derivatives adopted at the G20 Pittsburgh summit in 2009. The regulatory measures represent a collective response by regulators to the challenges posed by these financial instruments in particular and by the global financial crisis in general.
However, the adopted international regulatory measures initially construed to capture risks associated with OTC derivatives, like for e.g. counterparty credit…
BankrechtEMIREuroparechtEuropean Market InfrastructureFinanzmarktregulierungG20 Regulatory reformsInternationale FinanzarchitekturInternationale finanzielle StandardsInternationales RechtInternational Financial ArchitechtureInternational Financial StandardsKapitalmarktrechtOTCOver-the-Counter DerivateRegulation