19 Bücher 

Wissenschaftliche Literatur Polish

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Adolescence with Polish in a German Town (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Adolescence with Polish in a German Town

The Case of Regensburg

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

Already in the first generation of children born abroad to migrant parents, a language shift to the language of the host country and a loss of the heritage language frequently occurs. While some migrant parents talk to their children in their own mother tongues, a contrary scenario is no…

BilingualismusCommunicative competenceDeutschEthnolinguistikHeritage languageHerkunftsspracheIdentitätJugendalterJugendlicheLanguage shiftMigrationPolish migrantsPolnischSpracheinstellungSprachwissenschaftZweisprachigkeit
Multilingual Dictionary of the Headwords of the Academic Words List (Wörterbuchs)Zum Shop

Multilingual Dictionary of the Headwords of the Academic Words List

Russian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian and Polish

TRANSLATOLOGIE – Studien zur Übersetzungswissenschaft

We would like to present the first Multilingual Dictionary of the Headwords of the Academic Word List compiled specifically of Academic Word List (the AWL). It follows the publication of the AWL by Averil Coxhead in 2000. The Academic Word List replaces the University Word…

Academic EnglishAcademic Word ListAkademisches EnglischAWLBelarusianBulgarianListe Akademischer WörterMehrsprachiges WörterbuchMultilingual DictionaryPolishRussianTranslationÜbersetzungUkrainian
Proper names in professional translation / Eigennamen in der Fachübersetzung (Glossars)Zum Shop

Proper names in professional translation /
Eigennamen in der Fachübersetzung

Names of Polish academic institutions in English and German. A glossary with guidelines /
Namen der akademischen Institutionen Polens im Englischen und im Deutschen. Ein Glossar mit Leitlinien

TRANSLATOLOGIE – Studien zur Übersetzungswissenschaft

Dieses Glossar Eigennamen in der Fachübersetzung ist die erste umfangreiche Bearbeitung der Problematik von Eigennamen von polnischen akademischen Institutionen in ihrer Übersetzung ins Englische und ins Deutsche.

Das Buch umfasst die Namen aller öffentlichen und nicht…

Academic institutionsBeglaubigte ÜbersetzungCertified translationDeutschDictionary of proper namesEigennamenEnglischEnglishFachterminologieFachübersetzungGermanGlossarGlossaryHochschulwesenLexicographyLexikographiePolenPolishProfessional terminologyProfessional translationProper namesTranslationÜbersetzungWörterbuch der Eigennamen
The British Council and Poland in the 1940s – Cultural Propaganda (Dissertation)Zum Shop

The British Council and Poland in the 1940s – Cultural Propaganda

Schriften zur Geschichtsforschung des 20. Jahrhunderts

„Dr. Klaudiusz Bobowski’s book on the British propaganda booklets of the 1940s concerns an important part of the historical and sociological background of World War II. The British Council booklets were meant to be read by Polish military personnel in the British armed forces as an…

British CouncilCultural propagandaCultural studiesGeschichteGreat BritainGroßbritannienHistoryKulturwissenschaftLiterary studiesLiteraturwissenschaftPolandPolenPropagandaWorld War IIZweiter Weltkrieg
Security and Globalization in the Context of European Integration (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Security and Globalization in the Context of European Integration

Legal Aspects

Studien zum Völker- und Europarecht

The three notions making up the title – security, globalization and European integration – constitute the pivotal point of the academic discourse presented in this publication. Various legal aspects of the issues in question are indicated by the subtitle as the point of departure. A legal…

EU LawEuropean IntegrationEuropean UnionGlobalizationLawPolish LawSecurity
Phonetically conditioned lenition processes (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Phonetically conditioned lenition processes

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

The term phonetically-conditioned lenition processes, which is also the title of the book, refers to the phonological processes whose output is thought to be linked directly to physical properties of the speech apparatus, of which inertia appears to be particularly important. Given…

Akustische PhonetikDelitionLenisierungLinguistikPhonetikPhonologieReduktionSpirantisierung
Transposition of the Acquis Communautaire: Environment and Migration (Tagungsband)Zum Shop

Transposition of the Acquis Communautaire: Environment and Migration

Umweltrecht in Forschung und Praxis

This volume is the result of two conferences that have been organised by two departments of the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU), Cottbus, Germany – Department of Public Law, with Focus on Environmental and Planning Law at the Faculty of Business, Law and…

Acquis communautaireBesitzstandEU-ErweiterungEuropäische UnionMigrationNordmazedonienUkraineUmweltrecht
Linguistics Across Culture 4 (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Linguistics Across Culture 4

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

Linguistics Across Culture 4 is a collection of papers which adopt cognitive and pragmatic perspectives on Indo-European and Non-Indo-European languages. The volume presents new discoveries and important analytical work exploring various linguistic phenomena in a range of…

Cognitive LinguisticsColour TermsConceptual MetaphorDiscourse AnalysisLexical SemanticsLinguisticsSpatial PrepositionTranslation Equivalence
Misfit of Interests instead of the “Goodness of Fit”? (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Misfit of Interests instead of the “Goodness of Fit”?

Implementation of European Directives 2001/77/EC and 2009/28/EC in Poland

Schriften zur Europapolitik

This book analyzes the implementation of the European renewable energy directives 2001/77/EC and 2009/28/EC in Poland. By providing a thorough analysis of the process of adoption of each of these directives in Brussels and its subsequent implementation in Poland, it explains the reasons for…

Channels of InfluenceDirective 2001/77/ECDirective 2009/28/ECDiscrepancy of InterestsEuropean Energy PolicyEuropean IntegrationEuropeanizationEuropean LawsPolish Energy PolicyRenewable Energy