7 Bücher 

Wissenschaftliche Literatur European Integration

Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher

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Hier werden verschiedene Dimensionen von Integration in Gesellschaften und Gemeinschaften analysiert, einschließlich sozialer, kultureller und wirtschaftlicher Integration. Die Sammlung bietet Einblicke in die Herausforderungen und Chancen, die mit Integrationsprozessen verbunden sind, sowie Praktiken zur Förderung von inklusiven Gesellschaften. Eine Ressource für diejenigen, die ein vertieftes Verständnis für Integrationsfragen suchen oder sich für eine vielfältige und inklusive Gesellschaft engagieren möchten.

Integration Under Pressure – Regionalisation of Globalisation in Northeast Asia and Europe (Tagungsband)

Integration Under Pressure – Regionalisation of Globalisation in Northeast Asia and Europe

Schriften zur internationalen Politik

In einer Zeit, in der sich die Dynamiken der Globalisierung und der Regionalisierung in einer noch nie dagewesenen Komplexität überschneiden, liefert dieser Band vertiefte Einblicke in die Wirkungsweise, wie regionale Kräfte globale Prozesse formen und von ihnen geformt werden. Die Monographie ist ein Produkt gemeinsamer wissenschaftlicher Bemühungen, die an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena und der Yonsei-Universität in Seoul (Südkorea) durchgeführt wurden.…

Beziehungen Europa-AsienEuropäische IntegrationEurope and Asia comparedEuropean integrationGlobalisierunginternational cooperationInternationale ZusammenarbeitPolitikwissenschaftRegionalisierungSoziologieUkraine-Kriegwar in Ukraine
Misfit of Interests instead of the “Goodness of Fit”? (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Misfit of Interests instead of the “Goodness of Fit”?

Implementation of European Directives 2001/77/EC and 2009/28/EC in Poland

Schriften zur Europapolitik

This book analyzes the implementation of the European renewable energy directives 2001/77/EC and 2009/28/EC in Poland. By providing a thorough analysis of the process of adoption of each of these directives in Brussels and its subsequent implementation in Poland, it explains the reasons for the lacking or delayed implementation of the European laws in the member countries. The discrepancy between the interests of the actors participating in the policy making process at…

Channels of InfluenceDirective 2001/77/ECDirective 2009/28/ECDiscrepancy of InterestsEuropean Energy PolicyEuropean IntegrationEuropeanizationEuropean LawsPolish Energy PolicyRenewable Energy
Security and Globalization in the Context of European Integration (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Security and Globalization in the Context of EuropeanIntegration

Legal Aspects

Studien zum Völker- und Europarecht

The three notions making up the title – security, globalization and Europeanintegration – constitute the pivotal point of the academic discourse presented in this publication. Various legal aspects of the issues in question are indicated by the subtitle as the point of departure. A legal approach to the said issues is not the only possible perspective to view the subject due to their interdisciplinary character and, consequently, interest exhibited by researchers of…

EU LawEuropean IntegrationEuropean UnionGlobalizationLawPolish LawSecurity
From the Lisbon Strategy to Europe 2020 and Beyond (Dissertation)Zum Shop

From the Lisbon Strategy to Europe 2020 and Beyond

Rethinking the Rationale for a Common European Economic Policy

EURO-Wirtschaft – Studien zur ökonomischen Entwicklung Europas

During the last couple of years the lack of competitiveness of many European economies has been brutally exposed. This book presents a detailed analysis of the failed attempt of the European Commission to enhance competitiveness and rethinks the rationale for delegating competences to the EU.

The Lisbon Strategy, which was initiated in 2000, has failed to attain the goal of turning Europe into the most competitive and dynamic economy in the world. In 2010 the…

Austrian School of EconomicsBenchmarkingCompetitivenessEconomic GovernmentEconomic PolicyEurope 2020European IntegrationEuropean Social ModelLisbon Strategy
A Decade After the Lisbon Strategy: Decisive for the Development of the EU and National Educational Space (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

A Decade After the Lisbon Strategy: Decisive for the Development of the EU and National Educational Space

Schriften zur Europapolitik

For a long time, education had been a more or less neglected policy field in Europeanintegration. The Lisbon Strategy (2000) marked the turning point, when education was first recognised as important for the social and economic development of the European Union (EU). Since then, EU cooperation in the field has significantly widened and deepened. Following the implementation of two strategic frameworks for European cooperation in education and training (2000–2010,…

BildungErziehungswissenschaftEuropäischer BildungsraumEuropäische UnionEuropäisierungLissabon-StrategieNew modes of governanceOffene Methode der KoordinierungPolitikSlowenien
The Visegrad Group (Dissertation)Zum Shop

The Visegrad Group

Its Development in the Years 1991 – 2004

Schriften zur Geschichtsforschung des 20. Jahrhunderts

The Visegrad Group is an alliance of Eastern European countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia) founded 15 February 1991 in Visegrad with the presidents of Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland signing a „Declaration on mutual cooperation for further Europeanintegration.“ The strategic goals of the Group were to fill in the security-economic vacuum created in the region as the result of the fundamental international political changes at the end of the…

CooperationIntegrationNATORegional CooperationRegionalismSecurityVisegrad CooperationVisegrad GroupZeitgeschichte
The Cultural Industries in International Trade Law (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

The Cultural Industries in International Trade Law

Insights from the NAFTA, the WTO and the EU

Studien zum Völker- und Europarecht

The present book evaluates the present regulatory situation of various cultural goods and services, known as the cultural industries, under international trade law. Particularly, it looks at the experiences of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the European Union (EU) in order to critically evaluate the efficiency and legitimacy of the current multilateral trading regime established under the aegis of the World Trade Organization (WTO). [...]

DiversityEuropean UnionGATTNAFTARechtswissenschaftTRIPSUNESCOWorld Trade Organization