Wissenschaftliche Literatur Polish
Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher
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Irmela Gorges (Ed.)
Global Perspectives on Sustainable Regional Development
Probleme und Chancen der Globalisierung
The present volume is interdisciplinary in scope, written for economists, social scientists, civil servants, environmental protectionists, and individuals alike who are interested and working in the field of sustainable development. The volume is a compilation of mainly research results from economics covering seven areas of sustainable development: the political impact on sustainable societal and economic development, the relevance of an organized service sector,…
BarbadosEconomicsEducational ScienceGenderGlobalisierungInnovationMinimum WagePolandPolitical TransitionRegional InnovationSub-Saharan AfricaSustainable DevelopmentSustainable ManagementTransportation
Grazyna Liczbinska
Lutherans in the Poznan province
Biological dynamics of the Lutheran population in the 19th and early 20th centuries
HERODOT – Wissenschaftliche Schriften zur Ethnologie und Anthropologie
In contrast to the Lutheran communities of Western Europe, those settling in the Poznan province were culturally very diverse in terms of roots, traditions, customs, habits, lifestyles, and wealth. In Germany they were members of different local churches. On coming to the Poznan province, they brought with them religious practices characteristic of the various German states and regions. Moreover, their cultural heterogeneity and the proximity of Catholics could facilitate…
AnthropologyDemographyFertilityGene PoolHabilitationHistorical PolandMarriage PatternsMortalityProtestantismPrussian Sector
Irmela Gorges / Linda A. Winkler (Eds.)
Economy and Social Conditions in Transition
Probleme und Chancen der Globalisierung
This book is interdisciplinary in scope, written for economists, educators, and for individuals working on the fields of globalization, and its impacts on societal development. The book analyzes the current economic and social development in selected countries with different economic conditions relative to the impact of globalization and infrastructure development. The volume contains six selected papers presented at the annual conference of the Congress of Political…
BarbadosCrisisEconomyErziehungswissenschaftFinancialGesundheitswissenschaftGlobalisierungHealthcareHealth Care ServicesInnovativenessNew technologiesPAYGORegional Sustainable DevelopmentSocial SecuritySub-Saharan AfricaTanzaniaVolkswirtschaftslehre
Weronika Suchacka / Uwe Zagratzki / Hartmut Lutz (eds.)
Despite Harper: International Perceptions of Canadian Literature and Culture
Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Der Sammelband verfolgt zwei Ziele. Er führt zum einen Beiträge aus den Teildisziplinen Literatur-und Kulturwissenschaften, Geschichte, Didaktik und Geographie innerhalb der Canadian Studies zusammen. Die hier versammelten Autoren und Autorinnen sind Experten auf ihren jeweiligen Fachgebieten. Ihre Beiträge verstehen sich als Einführungen in spezielle Fragestellungen der Kanadistik für interessierte Leserinnen und Leser, aber auch als aktuelle Bestandsaufnahmen für den…
Anti-war novelsAtlanticCanada in the ClassroomCanadian films and dramasCanadian LiteratureCanadian MennonitesCanadian StudiesChildren‘s LiteratureFirst Nation Literatures and CulturesinterculturalismKanadistikKulturwissenschaftLiteraturwissenschaftMagic realismmulticulturalismRegional novelsThe Gothic in Anglo-Canadian literaturetransculturalismUkranian-Canadian LiteratureWestern and Northern CanadaWriting in the diaspora
Malgorzata Sokól (ed.)
Linguistics Across Culture 3
PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
Linguistics Across Culture 3 is a collection of articles that offer new discoveries and important analytical and conceptual work in the areas of cognitive linguistics, onomastics, discourse analysis, translation studies and phonology. In this way, the volume reflects a wide scope of current research interests and themes of language scholars from the English Department, Szczecin University, Poland, and is a continuation of the previous two volumes in the series. The…
Cognitive LinguisticsCross-cultural researchDiscourse analysisDiskursanalyseEnglische PhilologieEnglish philologyKognitive LinguistikKulturübergreifende ForschungOnomasticsOnomastikPhonologiePhonologySprachwissenschaftTranslation studiesÜbersetzungswissenschaft
Piotr Sulikowski
Mountains and Words – Tadeusz Rózewicz‘s Selected Poems in English
On Translation Techniques in the Language of Poetry
TRANSLATOLOGIE – Studien zur Übersetzungswissenschaft
The literary translation appears to be a dangerous game with an unexpected quantity, a crusade towards new, unknown worlds, a struggle with linguistic and cultural mysteries, intertextual and intersemiotic relationships. The main aim of the monograph is to depict the translation phenomena of Tadeusz Różewicz’s poetry in English. Does the poetry of one of the most important contemporary Polish poets disappear while translated? Does a translation mean the death of the poem?…
Descriptive Translation StudiesDichtungIntersemiotische ÜbersetzungIntersemiotizitätIntertextualitätLiterarische ÜbersetzungPolnische DichtungRozewicz
Libor Lukášek
The Visegrad Group
Its Development in the Years 1991 – 2004
Schriften zur Geschichtsforschung des 20. Jahrhunderts
The Visegrad Group is an alliance of Eastern European countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia) founded 15 February 1991 in Visegrad with the presidents of Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland signing a „Declaration on mutual cooperation for further European integration.“ The strategic goals of the Group were to fill in the security-economic vacuum created in the region as the result of the fundamental international political changes at the end of the…
CooperationIntegrationNATORegional CooperationRegionalismSecurityVisegrad CooperationVisegrad GroupZeitgeschichte
Julie Spergel
Canada‘s ‘Second History‘: The Fiction of Jewish Canadian Women Writers
Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik
In Anne Michaels’s novel „Fugitive Pieces?, seven-year-old Shoah survivor Jakob Beer is reborn, given a „second history? when he emerges out of a Polish bog. As Jakob builds a new life with his adoptive father Athos, the Greek archaeologist who finds him, the two are consumed by a need to uncover the hidden, invisible worlds that lie beneath Greece and Toronto. Their world is one where fragments, ruins, ghosts, missing information, and lost manuscripts call out to be…
Anne MichaelsCanadian LiteratureCanadian MulticulturalismChava RosenfarbChronotopesChronotoposGenderJewish Canadian WritingJewish DiasporaJüdische FrauenKanadische LiteraturKulturwissenschaftLilian NattelLiteraturwissenschaftNancy RichlerSchriftstellerinnenSpatial HistoryWomen‘s Writing
Robert Chudzik
The Bad Debt Crisis and its Impact on the Banking Reform in Poland
Studienreihe Volkswirtschaften der Welt
The painful process of economic transition has loomed over Poland during the 1990ies. It was launched by abolishing the mechanism of central planning and by a radical liberalisation both in respect to price setting and market entry. It was soon realised that the success of the reform heavily depended on how the process of widespread institutional change would proceed - a new legal order had to be established in order to protect free contractual agreements; privatisation…
Bad DebtsBanking SystemBankregulierungBankwesenEconomyPolandPolenReformVolkswirtschaftslehre