Wissenschaftliche Literatur EU Law
Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher
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Anna Thaler
Values and Ethical Principles for AI and Robotics
A Qualitative Content Analysis of EU Soft Law Initiatives
Schriften zur Rechts- und Staatsphilosophie
The fast-paced developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics not only tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges, but also evoke a number of urgent and complex moral difficulties such as opaque decision-making, gender bias or other kinds of discrimination.
Against this background, the European Union (EU) advocates to rely upon values and principles, enshrined in EU primary law, to approach moral and ethical encounters. [...]
AIArtificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence ActEthicsEthikEU-LawEU-RechtGuidelinesHLEGHuman dignityKIKünstliche IntelligenzMenschenwürdePhilosophiePhilosophyPrinciplesPrinzipienRoboticsSoft LawValuesWerte
Pawel Sobczyk (ed.)
Security and Globalization in the Context of European Integration
Legal Aspects
Studien zum Völker- und Europarecht
The three notions making up the title – security, globalization and European integration – constitute the pivotal point of the academic discourse presented in this publication. Various legal aspects of the issues in question are indicated by the subtitle as the point of departure. A legal approach to the said issues is not the only possible perspective to view the subject due to their interdisciplinary character and, consequently, interest exhibited by researchers of…
EU LawEuropean IntegrationEuropean UnionGlobalizationLawPolish LawSecurity
Fabian Bünnemann
The Compatibility of the Prohibition of Political Strikes with International and EU Labour Law
Germany‘s Handling of the Right to Strike
Studien zum Völker- und Europarecht
Seit dem Beginn der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise in Europa sind insbesondere die Bürger der krisengeplagten Mitgliedsstaaten mit tiefen Einschnitten in die Sozialsysteme und Budgetkürzungen durch ihre nationalen Regierungen konfrontiert. Dies führte zu einem neuerlichen Anstieg politischer Streiks in Europa. Solche politischen Streiks sind in Deutschland noch verboten. Aufgrund vielerlei Entwicklungen im europäischen und internationalen Recht und dem weitergehenden…
ArbeitsrechtDemir and BaykaraECHREU Labour LawEU LawEuroparechtEuropean Social CharterILOLavalPolitical StrikeProtest StrikeRight to StrikeSerhanStreikrechtViking
Atia Hussain
Protection of Legitimate Expectations in Customs Procedures
Steuerrecht in Forschung und Praxis
The concept of protection of legitimate expectations in EU administrative law theoretically exists almost in all European Member States in one form or other. At broader level, European Court of Justice has theoretically emphasized the significance of this concept. However, discrepancy arises where the practical decisions of the disputed case come into question. The claimant of protection demands substantive protection or at least procedural protection. The analysis of…
Art. 220 ZKArt. 239 ZKArticle 220 CCC and Article 239 CCCBesondere UmständeBinding tariff and origin informationCustomsCustoms proceduresECJ court casesErlass und ErstattungEuGHEU lawEU RechtLegitimate ExpectationsNacherhebungObvious negligence and special circumstancesOffensichtliche FahrlässigkeitPräferenzielles HandelsabkommenPreferential Trade AgreementsProcedural and substantive ProtectionProtectionProtection of legitimate expectationsRemission and RepaymentSubsequent recovery of customs dutiesUCCUnion Customs CodeUnion ZollkodexUZKVertrauensschutzZollZollverfahren
Jorge Guerra González
Infection Risk and Limitation of Fundamental Rights by Animal-To-Human Transplantations
EU, Spanish and German Law with Special Consideration of English Law
Medizinrecht in Forschung und Praxis
Animal-to-human transplantation (xenotransplantation) is a viable hope for the health and even the lives of thousands of people. However, the therapy involves many ethical and legal problems, the most significant of them being the xenogeneic infection risk. It concerns the development and transmission of new diseases derived from animals. This is a real possibility that cannot be ruled out, considering that AIDS, Ebola, or the A(H1N1) influenza are all human diseases of…