Wissenschaftliche Literatur Developmental Psychology
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David Buttelmann
Understanding Different Components in Intentional Action
How Understanding Others‘ Mental States Helps to Learn From Others and Predict Their Behaviour
Schriften zur Entwicklungspsychologie
“Is there a human-specific understanding of others’ intentional actions?
It is important to answer this question since this understanding might be seen as the prerequisite for the development of sophisticated forms of social learning that then facilitated the development of human unique culture. The current study investigated whether great apes, like humans, interpret others’ actions in terms of the underlying mental states. In a series of studies, a variety of methods, e.g. copying others’ actions, object choice and dwell-time, is used to test…
BonobosChimpanzeesComparative PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyEntwicklungspsychologieGorillasGreat ApesHuman InfantsMenschenaffenMental State UnderstandingOrang-UtansOrangutansPsychologieSchimpansenVergleichende PsychologieAnna Möllering
The Dawning of the Dragon – A Developmentally Focussed Cross-Cultural Study of Terror Management Theory
Schriften zur Sozialpsychologie
The book focuses on broadening the validity and applicability of Terror Management Theory (TMT); one of today’s most influential psychological theories in intergroup relations. However, until today some aspects have been totally neglected by Terror Management research thereby leaving questions regarding the theory’s validity and applicability unanswered. This book sets out to tackle these issues. It does so by concentrating on three main aspects that are dramatically under-researched in Terror Management research up to now: Firstly, the exploration of the validity of…
AcculturationAdolescentsAkkulturationAussiedlerChildrenDevelopmental PsychologyEntwicklungspsychologieIingroup IdentificationIngroup CohesionInterkulturelle PsychologieJugendlicheKinderOutgroup DerogationPsychologieSozialspychologieSurvey StudyTerror Management TheoryTürkische MigrantenTurkish MigrantsUncertainty TheoryUngewissheit