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Wissenschaftliche Literatur School

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Internationalization Through Localization: Gülen Inspired Schools (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Internationalization Through Localization: Gülen Inspired Schools

EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung

For this study, Dr. Altin conducted an empirical study and visited Gülen inspired schools in Europe, Africa and the US. He focuses on three important issues about the Gülen Inspired schools, namely: the educational concept of the Gülen inspired schools, their global expansion, and the current situation of these schools, especially under the political pressure of the Erdogan regime after the failed coup attempt in July 2016 in Turkey. [...]

BildungErziehungswissenschaftFethullah GülenGülen-BewegungGülen-inspirierte SchulenHizmet-BewegungPolitikPolitikwissenschaftTürkeiTurkey
New Perspectives on School Counselling (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

New Perspectives on School Counselling

Studien zur Schulpädagogik

The monograph entitled New Perspectives on School Counselling presents some of the theoretical and empirical analyses, looking at the school counselling service in schools and providing some recommendations for future work.

The first, theoretical part of the monograph analyses the organisation and work of the counselling service in primary and secondary schools as well as the characteristics of the collaboration between school counsellors and others…

Child participationCorona-PandemieCOVID 19ErziehungswissenschaftInclusionPädagogikPsychologePsychologinSchool CounsellingSchülerSchülerinSchulberatungSchule
The Role of Grammar Schools in Forming the National Identity of the Slovenes Within Austria from 1849 to 1914 (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

The Role of Grammar Schools in Forming the National Identity of the Slovenes Within Austria from 1849 to 1914

EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung

„Die Autorin zeigt mit viel Gefühl und intellektueller Reife das Schicksal der Kämpfe einer kleinen Nation für ihre Existenz und Entwicklung innerhalb einer großen nationalen Struktur. Noch mehr als heute war diese Thematik im 19. Jahrhundert aktuell. Das feudale Europa befand sich zur damaligen Zeit durch die Entstehung der Nationalstaaten in einem Prozess der Umgestaltung. Aus diesem Grund war die Bildung einer nationalen Identität ein Thema von existenzieller…

BildungCivic educationCultural national identityGeschichteGrammar schoolsNationNation-stateNational educationNationale IdentitätNational movements of grammar school pupilsNationalsprachenPatriotic educationPolitical national identitySlovenian books and textbooksSlovenian grammar school teachersSlovenian language in grammar schoolsSloveniansSlowenienSoziologie
Shaping Knowledge: Economic Interests and the Quality of Education (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Shaping Knowledge: Economic Interests and the Quality of Education

Edited and foreword by Mark J. Užmah

Frühpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis

The book Shaping Knowledge: Economic Interests and the Quality of Education explores the influence of international institutions such as the OECD, the World Bank, and the institutions of the EU on early childhood education and care. These institutions aim to introduce economically viable and cost-effective education throughout the education continuum, including preschool education.

In the first part of the book, the authors analyze whether the…

Biologisches GeschlechtErziehungswissenschaftFrühpädagogikGenderHumankapitalKindergartenerziehungSoziales GeschlechtVorschulerziehung
Social, emotional and intercultural competencies for inclusive school environments across Europe (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Social, emotional and intercultural competencies for inclusive school environments across Europe

Relationships matter

Studien zur Schulpädagogik

»Overall this HAND in HAND project and book offers vital elements of a future framework for social and emotional education. The authors are to be commended for their lucidity, sensitivity and ambition in scope, as well as frankness about how there is so much more needing to be developed in this whole area.«

Paul Downes, Ph.D., Institute of Education, Dublin City University [...]

AssessmantBeziehungenEducationEinführungEmotional competenciesEmotionale KompetenzenErziehungswissenschaftEUEvaluationImplementationInclusionInklusionIntercultural competenciesInterkulturelle KompetenzenInterventionPädagogikPolicyPolitikRelationshipsSchoolSchuleSocial competenciesSoziale Kompetenzen
Delusions of Preschool Education (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Delusions of Preschool Education

Does anyone care about the process quality anymore?

Frühpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis

How does the need for greater efficiency affect preschool education?

What happens if the focus of curriculum evaluation becomes the ratio between the length of child’s participation in preschool education and the learning outcomes at the initial and higher levels of education on the one hand, and the funds invested in preschool education on the other?

What changes in preschool institutions, if documents concerning development advocates that the…

ChancengleichheitChild participationEffectivenessEqual OpportunitiesFrühpädagogikPreschool EducationProcess QualityProzessqualitätStructural QualityStukrurqualitätVorschulbildungZugänglichkeit
AACSB-Accreditation of a German School of Business (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

AACSB-Accreditation of a German School of Business

A Sensemaking Perspective

LEHRE & FORSCHUNG – Hochschule im Fokus.
Interdisziplinäre Schriftenreihe zu Hochschulbildung, Hochschulleben, Hochschulmanagement und Hochschulpolitik

Accreditation as part of quality management has become increasingly popular within the sector of higher education – especially in the field of management education. Accreditation processes pursue the idea of continuous improvement through the cyclic assessment of organizations against internationally agreed and accepted quality standards.

The longitudinal study examines the AACSB accreditation case of a German business school. AACSB accreditation bases on…

AACSB-AccreditationAACSB InternationalBusiness educationBusiness schoolCase StudyGerman Higher EducationHigher education managementHochschulmanagementInternational accreditationInternationale AkkreditierungKarl W. WeickOrganizational developmentOrganizational identityQualitätsmanagementQuality managementSensemaking
Homeschooling im deutschen Recht (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Homeschooling im deutschen Recht

Eine juristische Auseinandersetzung einschließlich rechtsvergleichender Perspektiven

Verfassungsrecht in Forschung und Praxis

Homeschooling ist in Deutschland bisher keine Option. Kindern Unterricht zuhause zu erteilen ist im Schulalltag hierzulande nicht vorgesehen. Immer wieder werden Anträge einzelner Eltern abschlägig beschieden. Auch Gerichte im ganzen Bundesgebiet erteilen dem Heimunterricht regelmäßig eine Absage.

Das Buch ging als Dissertation der Frage nach, ob dieses Ergebnis rechtlich zwingend ist, oder vielleicht sogar ein Anspruch auf Homeschooling besteht. Es knüpft dabei…

Art. 6 GGArt. 7 Abs. 1 GGBildungElternrechtHeimunterrichtHomeschoolingÖffentliches RechtRechtsvergleichReligionsfreiheitSchulpflichtSchulrechtVerfassungsrecht
Challenges of Working with Gifted Pupils in European School Systems (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Challenges of Working with Gifted Pupils in European School Systems

EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung

Die Problematik der begabten Schüler im Bildungssystem ist in verschiedenen europäischen Bildungssystemen sehr präsent. Insbesondere die Bildungssysteme spielen bei der Pflege und angemessenen pädagogischen Arbeit mit begabten Schülern eine Schlüsselrolle. Die wissenschaftliche Monographie Challenges of Working with Gifted Pupils in European School System befasst sich mit diesem sehr wichtigen Teil und stellt einige Fragen. Autoren aus sieben Ländern (Österreich,…

BegabungBildungssystemEducationEducational systemsElementary schoolErziehungErziehungssystemGifted childrenGiftednessGifted pupilsGrundschuleHochbegabte KinderHochbegabungIndividualisationPrimary school education
Hidden Curriculum Determinates in Kindergartens and in Schools (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Hidden Curriculum Determinates in Kindergartens and in Schools

Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis

„The research is multidimensional in the context of educational institutions; the elements of hidden curriculum are studied among (pre)school teachers which provides an important perspective among two basic educational institutions: kindergarten and primary school. At the same time it stresses the meaning of the hidden curriculum, or even more, to the fact that the hidden curriculum takes place on the whole educational vertical.“

EmpathieEmpathyErzieherHeimlicher LehrplanHidden CurriculumLehrerPersönlichkeitszugPersonality TraitsPreschool TeacherSchool TeacherSpace Characteristics