12 Bücher 

Wissenschaftliche Literatur Innovationsmanagement

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The Economics of Open Innovation (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

The Economics of Open Innovation

Essays on Private and Public Actors in Systems of Innovation

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

In today‘s globalized world innovation plays a major role. For states, the generation of new knowledge through innovations impacts the economic development and the standard of living. For companies, innovation is crucial to achieve competitive advantage. Specifically the concept of Open Innovation has been advocated to improve innovative performance. This book explores the economics of Open Innovation in ‘Systems of Innovation‘ and related opportunities with a focus on…

Citizen ParticipationCompensation EffectGeography of InnovationInnovation EconomicsInnovation ManagementKnowledge SpilloverOpen GovernmentOpen InnovationPublic ManagementSearch StrategySystem of InnovationUniversity-Industry Interaction
The Interdependence between Business Development and Brand Management (Dissertation)Zum Shop

The Interdependence between Business Development and Brand Management

Schriftenreihe zum Business Development

Langfristiges Wachstum zu generieren, ist eine der bedeutendsten Herausforderungen von Unternehmen. Sie sind zunehmend mit saturierten (Kern-)Märkten und immer kürzer werdenden Produktlebenszyklen konfrontiert. Um die eigene Marktposition zu erhalten und zu wachsen, ist es daher für Unternehmen wichtiger denn je, kontinuierlich neue Geschäftsfelder zu erschließen. Gleichzeitig gewinnt der Aufbau einer starken Marke an Bedeutung, um die Kundenloyalität zu erhöhen und sich…

BetriebswirtschaftBrand EquityBrand ManagementBusiness DevelopmentInnovationInnovation ManagementInnovationsmanagementMarkenführungMarkenwertMarketing StrategyProduct ScandalsSpillover EffectsStrategisches ManagementUnternehmensführung
Use of Social Media in Innovation Management (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Use of Social Media in InnovationManagement

Conceptual Background and Selected Empirical and Theoretical Aspects

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

Die Entwicklung des Internet hin zum sogenannten Web 2.0 hat die Art und Weise der Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit zwischen Individuen untereinander, aber auch von Organisationen und Unternehmen grundlegend verändert. Unter dem Schlagwort „Social Media“ bekannt gewordene Anwendungen verlagern Wissen und Diskussionen in das Internet und erhöhen so zusätzlich die Dynamik im Wettbewerb. Gleichzeitig haben in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur wie auch in der unternehmerischen…

BetriebswirtschaftslehreEnterprise 2.0InnovationInnovationsmanagementOpen InnovationSocial MediaSoziale MedienUser InnovationWeb 2.0
Service Innovation (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Service Innovation

Evaluation of Service Innovations During Exploitation and Development

Studien zur Wirtschaftsinformatik

Der Dienstleistungssektor ist in den vergangenen 50 Jahren stark gewachsen und beeinflusst inzwischen viele Unternehmen. Dies lässt sich sogar im Bereich des traditionellen produzierenden Gewerbes erkennen. Hier werden klassische Produkte um entsprechende Dienstleistungen erweitert, so dass diese auch hier bereits einen essentiellen Bestandteil des Umsatzes ausmachen. Dies verdeutlicht die Notwendigkeit, sich mit dem Thema Dienstleistungsinnovationen zu beschäftigen, um…

Collaborative Idea EvaluationIaaSInformationsmanagementInformation SystemsInnovation ManagementInnovations as a ServiceService InnovationService ScienceWirtschaftsinformatik
Online Communities as a Source of Innovation (Doktorarbeit)

Online Communities as a Source of Innovation

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

The perpetual quest for the next innovation remains a great challenge in today’s fast-evolving business environment. In order to capture customer needs and to stay ahead of the competition, firms are increasingly integrating external information sources into their innovation processes. Since online communities and innovation platforms provide an excellent opportunity to access innovation-related information and complementary knowledge at comparatively low costs, they have…

AbilitiesBusiness EnvironmentCompetitionInnovation ManagementInnovation PlatformsInteraction QualityInterestsKnowledgeMotivationOnline CommunitiesOpen InnovationTrust
Design of Organizational Controls for Managing Innovation (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Design of Organizational Controls for Managing Innovation

Implications for Firms in High-Velocity Environments

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

Managing innovation is crucial for firm success in high-velocity environments. Although the primary emphasis of R&D professional literature has been on formalizing development activities, this book defines a control concept for the fuzzy front-end of the innovation process, which is characterized by higher levels of ambiguity and uncertainty that in turn diminish administrative information, or firms‘ knowledge of cause-and-effect relationships and outputs. [...]

BetriebswirtschaftslehreFuzzy Front-EndHigh-Velocity EnvironmentInnovationInnovation ManagementInnovationscontrollingInnovationsmanagementInnovationsprozessOrganizational Controls
Strengthening Innovation Systems (Handbuch)Zum Shop

Strengthening Innovation Systems

Foundation, Concept and Strategic Approach

Wirtschaftspolitik in Forschung und Praxis

Strengthening innovation systems is of prime importance for sustained competitiveness of countries and regions in an increasingly knowledge-based global economy.

This does not only apply to industrialised countries, but holds true for emerging economies and developing countries as well. This manual provides policy makers, policy shapers and implementing agencies with guidance for the systematic analysis of deficiencies and synergy potentials within the…

Development StrategiesEntrepreneurshipInnovationInnovation ManagementInnovation MarketingInnovation SystemInnovativenessInternational Development CooperationKnowledge and Technology TransferKnowledge Based EconomyKooperationNetworks and CooperationNetzwerkeScienceTechnologieTechnologietransferTechnology and Innovation PolicyTechnology TransferVolkswirtschaftslehreWissensbasierte WirtschaftWissenschaft
Patent Management in Knowledge-Intensive Firms (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Patent Management in Knowledge-Intensive Firms

Theoretical Concept and Empirical Analyses

Strategisches Management

In light of a growing interest in patent management in research, policy, and practice, this study offers scholars a detailed definition and categorization of patent management at the process level. Utilizing rich qualitative and quantitative empirical data, the author analyzes how professional patent management activities influence innovation and licensing performance under specific internal and external conditions. Moreover, he identifies important strategic and…

ElectronicInnovation ManagementIntellectual PropertyKnowledge-Intensive FirmsPatentStrategic ManagementStrategyTelecommunication
Dark Triad in Teams: The Bermuda Triangle of Organization? (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Dark Triad in Teams: The Bermuda Triangle of Organization?

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

Organizations’ work climate is influenced by individuals who are aggressive, bold, and manipulative, with little shame or guilt about their behaviors. These individuals usually generate a toxic work climate in which members rarely communicate with each other, have low commitment to the team and organization, and often engage in counterproductive work behaviors. The unpleasant consequences of employees’ maladaptive behaviors attract interests about dark side of personality…

AutopoiesEmerging MarketInnovation ManagementInternational Business IdeasIranProduct InnovativenessSpeed to MarketStructural equation modelingTeam ClimateTeam Dark Triad
The Power of Co-Creation (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

The Power of Co-Creation

Managing Customer Co-Creation of Technology-Based Services

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

Customer co-creation has become the next frontier in service and innovationmanagement. Driven by the rise of the internet customers can actively engage in the development and delivery of products and services thereby taking innovation to the next level. The recent success of social media platforms and e-commerce shops impressively document the popularity of co-created technology-based services.

Despite this high practical relevance the concept of customer…

Customer ParticipationE-CommerceInnovationInnovation AdoptionInnovation CharacteristicsMarketingService RecoveryServicesWillingness