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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Behaviour

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The Impact of Psychological Occupational Strains on Engineering Managers’ Decision Making Behaviour (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

The Impact of Psychological Occupational Strains on Engineering Managers’ Decision Making Behaviour

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

Due to the digitalisation of the working world and the intensified competition between organisations, the working environment of employees in technical working environments has changed in recent years. This applies in particular to executives in companies as they have been given greater responsibilities as a result. They are exposed to various stresses and strains.

Negative effects of stress on the health of individuals have been empirically proven in recent…

Berufliche BelastungBetriebswirtschaftBusinessDecision-MakingDecision-Making BehaviourDecision-Making Under StressEngineering ManagerEntscheidungen unter StressEntscheidungsfindungEntscheidungsverhaltenFührungskräfte im technischen UmfeldInformation ProcessingInformationsverarbeitungOccupational StrainPsychological StrainPsychologische Belastung
Integrating Sustainability into the Core of an Organisation (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Integrating Sustainability into the Core of an Organisation

A Threefold Implementation Process Model from an Internal Communication Perspective

Nachhaltigkeits-Management – Studien zur nachhaltigen Unternehmensführung

In this book, qualitative research is utilised to embrace working life complexity and to take on the challenge of developing a threefold implementation process model for integrating sustainability into the core of an organisation.

The main contribution to theory is an insight into the interconnections between Corporate Sustainability (CS) Management, Internal CS Communication and CS-Supportive Behaviour which help to enable successful implementation. For…

Corporate SustainabilityInterne KommunikationNachhaltige EntwicklungOrganisational BehaviourPublic RelationsSustainability ImplementationUnternehmerische Nachhaltigkeit
Global Leadership and Leadership Development (Sammelband)

Global Leadership and Leadership Development

Betriebliche Personalentwicklung und Weiterbildung in Forschung und Praxis

This book has been developed as part of a broader project: ERASMUS+ KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education project No. 2017-1-HU01-KA203-035918, known as PROMINENCE (Promoting mindful encounters through intercultural competence and experience). Four partner universities were involved in the research and writing of this book: Debrecen University in Debrecen, Hungary, the coordinating partner; the University of Economics in Katowice,…

FührungGlobale DenkweiseInterkulturelle KommunikationInterkulturelles TrainingLeadershipLeadership DevelopmentManagementRhetorikSoft SkillsUnternehmensführung
Modern Society’s Diverse Challenges (Forschungsarbeit)

Modern Society’s Diverse Challenges

EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung

The scientific monograph covers some of the most interesting research areas of the modern time.

Right at the beginning, we are confronted with discussion about the encouragement of mathematical thinking of preschool children through the nature photography prism.

Later on, we find out more about an interesting research of a possible impact of contemporary music on partner models, so that we could examine connections between these two important social…

BeziehungenBildungCreative IndustriesCultureEducationErziehungGenderGesundheitHealth CareInclusionInklusionKreativwirtschaftKulturModerne GesellschaftModern societyMusical identityMusikalische IdentitätPsychotherapiePsychotherapyRelations
Education and Society in Transition (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Education and Society in Transition

Addressing the Challenges of Youth and Technology

EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung

The monograph presents a collection of studies that examine different educational methods and their effects at different levels of education, from high schools to higher education institutions. Topics range from the implementation of coordination chemistry in high school curricula, emphasising the connection to the real world, to dealing with the digital divide between teachers and students.

The research highlights innovative teaching approaches such as the…

AusbildungBehandlungDigitalisierungGesundheitKarrierezieleMobilitätPhysische Aktivität
Toward Service-based Value Creation: The Role of Service Business Development in Manufacturing Companies (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Toward Service-based Value Creation: The Role of Service Business Development in Manufacturing Companies

Schriftenreihe zum Business Development

Over the past decade, society has witnessed an increasing expansion of service economies as manufacturing (i.e., product-oriented) companies break free from their product-based business model and move toward more service-oriented value creation as a result of several economic, technological, and social changes. As they shift from products to (service) solutions, manufacturing companies pursue new strategic direction, inter alia, by extensively employing service business…

Access-Based ServicesAdoption BarriersBusiness DevelopmentBusiness EnvironmentCross-National Adaption BehaviourManagementMarketingProduct-Manufacturing CompaniesService Business Model Innovation
The Relationship Between Students᾿ Attitudes Towards Problem-Solving and Their Achievements in Mathematics (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

The Relationship Between Students᾿ Attitudes Towards Problem-Solving and Their Achievements in Mathematics

Studien zur Schulpädagogik

Different learning theories have attributed great importance to problem solving, but the perception of what influences the problem solving and what problem solving is really about differed significantly between theories. From the conception that only the reproduction of learned procedures is important for problem solving, to concepts advocating that the acquired specific knowledge suffices, that problem solving strategy is crucial, that automated mental skills play an…

Denken der SchülerdidacticsDidaktiklearning environmentLernumgebunglevels of knowledgeMathamatikleistungPädagogikpedagogyPeer-Lernenpeer learningpositive attitudePositive EinstellungProblemlösungproblem solvingRolle der Lehrer; achievements in mathematicsstudents´ thinkingteachers´ roleWissensebenen
Der Einfluss von nonverbalem On-Brand Behavior auf die wahrgenommene Servicequalität (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Der Einfluss von nonverbalem On-Brand Behavior auf die wahrgenommene Servicequalität

Dargestellt am Beispiel der Automobilbranche

MERKUR – Schriften zum Innovativen Marketing-Management

Die direkte persönliche Kommunikation zwischen Kunden und Unternehmensvertretern (Agents) ist von zentraler Bedeutung in Marketingwissenschaft und -praxis. Agents beeinflussen die kundenseitige Wahrnehmung des Unternehmens und der erbrachten Leistung. Sie treten – insbesondere in serviceintensiven Branchen – als Botschafter für die Marke auf (On-Brand Behavior). Nonverbale Kommunikationsbestandteile sind hierbei wesentliche Aspekte der persönlichen Interaktion zwischen…

AutomobilbrancheDialogkommunikationDirektkommunikationManagementMarkenbotschafterMarkenorientiertes VerhaltenMarketingNonverbale KommunikationNonverbales VerhaltenOn-Brand BehaviourServicequalitätWirtschaftswissenschaft
Trust and Fairtrade Consumption (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Trust and Fairtrade Consumption

A Theoretical and Empirical Study on the Interdependencies Between Trust and Fairtrade Consumption

Studien zum Konsumentenverhalten

Wie hängen Vertrauen, Konsumeinstellungen und Verhalten bezüglich Fairtrade zusammen?

Dies ist die grundlegende Frage, mit der sich die Verfasserin beschäftigt. Lea Dirkwinkel analysiert die Fragestellung am Beispiel des Fairtrade-Labels, das als Symbol für das Produktzertifizierungssystem von Fairtrade International steht und das bekannteste Beispiel der Fairtrade-Bewegung darstellt.

Die Forschungsfrage wird einerseits zurückgeführt auf die…

BetriebswirtschaftBrand TrustConsumption BehaviourEthical ConsumptionFairtradeFairtrade ConsumptionKonsumentenverhaltenSocial LabelingTrust and Consumption Behavior
Quantitative Film Studies (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Quantitative Film Studies

Regularities and Interrelations Exemplified by Shot Lengths in Soviet Feature Films

Schriften zur Medienwissenschaft

In statistical film analysis it is a common observation that shot length frequencies are not distributed haphazardly, but according to a particular pattern. Taking this as a starting point, the monograph focuses on two main questions. The first one is: Are shot lengths in Soviet feature films distributed regularly, and can these distributions be interpreted within a larger theoretical framework? The second question is: Is shot length an isolated entity in film or is it…

ComedyDramaFilm studiesFilmwissenschaftGeorge Kingsley ZipfKomödieMedia studiesMedienwissenschaftMotion picturesPaul MenzerathPhilosophy of scienceSlawistikSoviet UnionSowjetunionSpielfilmStatisticsStatistikWissenschaftstheorie