Wissenschaftliche Literatur Psychologische Belastung
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Areej Wais
Antecedents of Syrian Refugees’ Labor Market Integration in Germany
Survey Evidence
After the last refugee influx to Europe, which coincided with the worsening of the so-called refugee crisis in 2014, the process of integrating refugees into host countries has been a major challenge for all European countries. Particularly in Germany, the topic most relevant to integration was related to successfully integrating refugees economically into the labor market.
Previous research at the international and the European-level show the disadvantages refugees face getting integrated socially and economically to host countries. The main focus of previous…
ArbeitsmarktArbeitsmotivationBWLEconomicsIntegrationJob SearchJobsucheLabor Market IntegrationPsychological DistressPsychologische BelastungSelbstwirksamkeitserwartungSelf-EfficacyStructural equation modelingStrukturgleichungsmodellSurveySyrian RefugeesSyrische FlüchtlingeWirtschaftswissenschaftenWork MotivationWork Value
Dirk Förster-Trallo
The Impact of Psychological Occupational Strains on Engineering Managers’ Decision Making Behaviour
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
Due to the digitalisation of the working world and the intensified competition between organisations, the working environment of employees in technical working environments has changed in recent years. This applies in particular to executives in companies as they have been given greater responsibilities as a result. They are exposed to various stresses and strains.
Negative effects of stress on the health of individuals have been empirically proven in recent years and various models have been developed to measure occupational stress. However, these models are…
Berufliche BelastungBetriebswirtschaftBusinessDecision-MakingDecision-Making BehaviourDecision-Making Under StressEngineering ManagerEntscheidungen unter StressEntscheidungsfindungEntscheidungsverhaltenFührungskräfte im technischen UmfeldInformation ProcessingInformationsverarbeitungOccupational StrainPsychological StrainPsychologische BelastungHäufige Schlagworte im Fachgebiet Betriebswirtschaft