Wissenschaftliche Literatur Health Care
Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher
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Anna Barnau / Božena Džuganová
English for HealthCare Professionals
Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis
The book English for HealthCare Professionals is intended primarily for students of Biology and Medicine, teachers of English for Specific Purposes, and healthcare professionals. Suggestions of exercises and tasks to improve listening as well as reading comprehension are given for classes, small groups and self-studying individuals. The volume combines theoretical approaches and didactic-methodologically based exercises and tasks developed by the authors. English for…
Audio-visual MaterialAudiovisuelles MaterialCommunicative Language AssessmentCommunicative Language TeachingEnglischdidaktikEnglisch für MedizinerEnglisch für medizinische UnterrichtszweckeEnglish DidacticsEnglish for Healthcare ProfessionalsHealthcareHörverständnisKommunikativer SprachunterrichtLeseverständnisListening ComprehensionReading ComprehensionTeaching English for Medical PurposesTests
Robert Celec (Ed.)
Health in the Interactive Relationship Between Nutrition and Exercise
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
This publication shows results from different research areas that are interconnected with its message in a fairly intertwined healthcare segment.
In the beginning, we get a glimpse of the research results, within which the differences between physically active and inactive children have been determined, as well as the following problematic in connection with the impact on the children’s health and sport success.
The latter is followed by interesting…
BewegungBiodiversitätBiodiversityChildrenErnährungErziehungswissenschaftExerciseFoodGesundheitGesundheitswissenschaftHealthHealthcareHealthy FarmingHealthy LifestyleKinderNutritionSportSports
Robert Celec (Ed.)
HealthCare Through Various Aspects of Social Action
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The monograph entitled “Healthcare through various aspects of social action” touches on research findings that find a common ground in the studies that are protecting our health. Initially, it gives insight into the results of a study that analyses the health and problems of students related to distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, when most universities were forced to switch to online distance learning.
In the following chapter, it presents the…
AgrarwirtschaftClimate ChangeEducationErnährungErziehungswissenschaftFoodFood WasteGesundheitHealthHealthcareKlimawandelLebensmittelverschwendungPollutionSportSportsWell-BeingWohlbefinden
Kevin Mac Gabhann
Bridging the Ethno-Cultural Gap
Managing Ethno-Cultural Differences in Healthcare Service Delivery in Hospital Settings: The Irish Experience
This book addresses how national health systems face the challenges of accommodating the cultural diversity of healthcare providers and service users. The author identifies the complexities of managing ethno-cultural diversity in healthcare, discussing critical areas such as intercultural competence, intercultural training, organizational wide approaches and diversity management. The study compares international institutional perspectives and focuses on the strategy…
Diversity ManagementEthnic MinorityEthno-Cultural DiversityHealth CareHealth Care DeliveryHospitalsIntercultural CompetenceIntercultural Management
Robert Celec (Ed.)
Modern Society’s Diverse Challenges
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The scientific monograph covers some of the most interesting research areas of the modern time.
Right at the beginning, we are confronted with discussion about the encouragement of mathematical thinking of preschool children through the nature photography prism.
Later on, we find out more about an interesting research of a possible impact of contemporary music on partner models, so that we could examine connections between these two important social…
BeziehungenBildungCreative IndustriesCultureEducationErziehungGenderGesundheitHealth CareInclusionInklusionKreativwirtschaftKulturModerne GesellschaftModern societyMusical identityMusikalische IdentitätPsychotherapiePsychotherapyRelations
Robert Celec (Ed.)
Education and the Challenges of Modern Society
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The monograph Education and the Challenges of Modern Society brings together the authors’ reflections on topical issues in various fields. In most cases, the authors support the theoretical premises with empirical research.
In the first chapter, Slavoljub Hilčenko, Vojislav Ilić and Sanja Filipović focus on the role of ICT in the process of education, especially in art education.
The second chapter, written by Nataša Ivanić, Sanja Nikolić and…
AddictionEducationEpidemiological characteristicsEpidemiologische MerkmaleErziehungswissenschaftenGesundheitswissenschaftenHealth careLehrenMedical treatmentMedizinische BehandlungModerne GesellschaftModern societySuchtTeachingTherapieTherapy
Stefan Wollschläger
Marketing in Rehabilitationseinrichtungen im deutschen Gesundheitswesen
Gesundheitsmanagement und Medizinökonomie
Im deutschen Gesundheitswesen herrscht ein von der Ökonomisierung ausgelöstes Wettbewerbsdenken, doch ist dies noch immer nicht allen bewusst. Steigende Ansprüche der Patienten, das selektive Kontrahieren und auch das vermehrte Angebot nicht-medizinischer Serviceleistungen werden künftig besonders bei der Wahl einer Rehabilitationseinrichtung eine herausgestellte Rolle spielen.
Stefan Wollschläger fokussiert in seinem Buch die Notwendigkeit einer…
GesundheitswesenHealthcareHealth Care MarketingMarketingMarketing-MixMarketingstrategieMarktanalyseRehabilitationRehabilitationseinrichtungRehabilitationsklinikUnternehmensanalyse
Irmela Gorges / Linda A. Winkler (Eds.)
Economy and Social Conditions in Transition
Probleme und Chancen der Globalisierung
This book is interdisciplinary in scope, written for economists, educators, and for individuals working on the fields of globalization, and its impacts on societal development. The book analyzes the current economic and social development in selected countries with different economic conditions relative to the impact of globalization and infrastructure development. The volume contains six selected papers presented at the annual conference of the Congress of Political…
BarbadosCrisisEconomyErziehungswissenschaftFinancialGesundheitswissenschaftGlobalisierungHealthcareHealth Care ServicesInnovativenessNew technologiesPAYGORegional Sustainable DevelopmentSocial SecuritySub-Saharan AfricaTanzaniaVolkswirtschaftslehre
Robert Celec (Ed.)
Challenges of Society
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
Speaking of interdisciplinary influences on education, the study of human psychology - probing into cognition, motivation, behavior and performance - has become a key pillar in that area. From management to performance and social engagement, satisfaction of institutional objectives requires effective analysis of both individual and institutional psychology.
A good amount of research is therefore focused on how psychological theory and research can be…
BullyingChallengesEducationElderlyHealth CareLifelong learningMental ToughnessModern SocietyStressViolenceYouth
Anna Barnau / Bozena Dzuganova / Nora Malinovska
Effective English Language Teaching Through Videos
Theory and Praxis
LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis
This book is intended primarily for teachers of English, students of Biology and Medicine and healthcare professionals. Suggestions of exercises and tasks to improve listening comprehension are given for classes, small groups as well as for individualized self-study using a PC with Internet access in the classroom or at home.
The volume combines theoretical approaches and didactic-methodologically based exercises and tasks developed by the authors. “Effective…
Audio-Visual MediaAudiovisuelle MedienEnglische Medizinische TerminologieEnglisch TestsEnglischübungenEnglish ExercisesEnglish Medical TerminologyEnglish TestsForeign language learningFremdsprachenunterrichtHealthcareHörverstehenListeningMedical EnglishMedizinisches Englisch