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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Behaviour

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Taxonomic Approach to Consumer Innovativeness (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Taxonomic Approach to Consumer Innovativeness

Relationship Between Patterns of Consumers‘ Personality Characteristics and Innovativeness

Studien zum Konsumentenverhalten

Relevant variables determining personality characteristics related to innovativeness Presentation of different consumer types Managerial and academic implications

Target Groups.

Lecturers and students of consumer behavior and marketing Marketing professionals in the consumer electronics industry [...]

Cluster AnalysisConsumerConsumer PatternInnovativenessKonsumentenverhaltenMarketingPersonality CharacteristicsPersonalmanagementTaxonomyTechnological ProductsTheory of Planned Behaviour
The Impact of Market Liberalization on Knowledge Sharing in the Utilities Industry (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

The Impact of Market Liberalization on Knowledge Sharing in the Utilities Industry

An Exploratory Study of Self-Organizing Processes

Strategisches Management

The book originates from the organizational transformation processes in the German utilities industry that were triggered by market liberalization. It approaches the issue of violated trust within the utilities industry from an intra-organizational perspective. Trust is a key component of psychological contracts that, in turn, vastly influence the behaviour and commitment of employees. There are still only a few studies that address the situational context surrounding a…

BetriebswirtschaftslehreCommunities of PracticeKnowledge SharingManagementMarket LiberalizationMarktliberalisierungOrganisationOrganizational BehaviourOrganizational PsychologyPsychological ContractUtilities Industry
Einfluss vertikaler, lateraler und struktureller Führung auf organisationales Commitment und Produktivität (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Einfluss vertikaler, lateraler und struktureller Führung auf organisationales Commitment und Produktivität

Schriften zur Arbeits-, Betriebs- und Organisationspsychologie

Veränderte Rahmenbedingungen verlangen flexible und anforderungsgerechte Steuerungsmechanismen der Leistungsprozesse in Organisationen. Dieses wird durch zunehmende Virtualisierung und Globalisierung der Zusammenarbeit sowie Transparenz der Märkte weiter verstärkt. Vertikale (hierarchische) Führungssysteme als Allheilmittel erweisen sich zunehmend als dysfunktional.

Welche Alternativen bieten sich, um einerseits den im Wettbewerb steigenden Anforderungen an…

CommitmentFührungFührungssubstituteFührungstheorienHRMHuman Resource ManagementKooperationOCBOrganisationsentwicklungOrganisationspsychologieOrganizational Citizenship BehaviourOrganizational JusticeProduktivitätSelbstführung
Corporate Identity im Internet (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Corporate Identity im Internet

Eine Evaluation virtueller Unternehmens-Kultur

INTERNET – Praxis und Zukunftsanwendungen des Internets

Das Streben nach einer einzigartigen „Corporate Identity“ beschäftigt sowohl die Autoren von Management-Leitfäden als auch die Forschenden in beispielsweise Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Kommunikationswissenschaften und Psychologie. Praktiker und Wissenschaftler sind sich zwar einig, dass Unternehmen über eine Identität verfügen, was jene aber in der Praxis auszeichnen könnte, blieb bisher ein Geheimnis. Der Autor lüftet den Schleier, indem er eine Differenzierung zwischen…

BetriebswirtschaftslehreBlogsCorporate BehaviourCorporate CommunicationCorporate DesignCorporate IdentityCorporate ResponsibilityInternetKommunikationswissenschaftMarketingMedienpädagogikMedienwissenschaftObjektive HermeneutikOnline-MarketingOnline-WerbungPädagogikPsychologiePublic RelationsSocial NetworkSocial WebSoziale MedienSoziale NetzwerkeSystemtheorieUnternehmenskommunikationWeb 2.0WeblogsWirtschaftspädagogik
Intercultural Competence (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Intercultural Competence

A Conducive Factor of Managers‘ Readiness for Organizational Change


This book concerns intercultural competence and its impact on managers’ readiness for organizational change. According to the analysis presented in this study, managers who are culturally competent are significantly more likely to embrace organizational change and therefore better prepared for the new managerial challenges of today. In response to a survey of over 500 managers worldwide, the author proposes twelve hypotheses under three classic components: cognitive,…

Change ManagementCultural IntelligenceIntercultural ManagementIntercultural TrainingInternational HROrganizational ChangeOrganizational LearningReadiness für Change
Lutherans in the Poznan province (Habilitationsschrift)Zum Shop

Lutherans in the Poznan province

Biological dynamics of the Lutheran population in the 19th and early 20th centuries

HERODOT – Wissenschaftliche Schriften zur Ethnologie und Anthropologie

In contrast to the Lutheran communities of Western Europe, those settling in the Poznan province were culturally very diverse in terms of roots, traditions, customs, habits, lifestyles, and wealth. In Germany they were members of different local churches. On coming to the Poznan province, they brought with them religious practices characteristic of the various German states and regions. Moreover, their cultural heterogeneity and the proximity of Catholics could facilitate…

AnthropologyDemographyFertilityGene PoolHabilitationHistorical PolandMarriage PatternsMortalityProtestantismPrussian Sector
Morality in the Society: A Theological Ethical Study (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Morality in the Society: A Theological Ethical Study

Just as the Body so the Society

Schriften zur Praktischen Theologie

Morality in the society demands that what belongs to all should receive the attention of all concerned. The societal morality is about harmony, which springs from respectful-honest dialogue. It is about being considerate in the use of scarce resources in the community such that each person has a just and honest representation. It is being prudent through a meticulous use of the common resources. It is in general a common consciousness about what concerns all. In its…

AuthorityBehaviourCommon goodConscieneEthicsJuan SegundoMoralityNormsPrinciplesRe-InterpretationResponsibilitySocial EncounterTheologie
Evaluating Research Performance in Tourism (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Evaluating Research Performance in Tourism

The Quality of Tourism Journals


In the last few years considerable attention has been paid to research output within the scientific culture, which is disseminated in many different ways. It is commonly believed that scientific output is communicated and largely measured by means of publications, particularly quality is derived from the journal where an article has been published. Plenty of studies have been undertaken to determine the quality of this scientific communication medium. Surveys mainly…

BetriebswirtschaftslehreCognitive determinantsConsumer behaviourQuality perceptionResearch evaluationScientific journalsStructural equation modelling
Property Rules, Liability Rules and the Protection of Dignity (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Property Rules, Liability Rules and the Protection of Dignity

Studien zur Rechtswissenschaft

A critical aspect of the commitment to the rule of law is the definition and protection of property rights ie, rights to control, use, or transfer things including rights in intangibles such as intellectual property. The law reflects two general policies in its efforts to regulate conduct; one is a policy of simply not tolerating certain acts or types of conduct and the other is a policy of internalisation, which requires transgressors of the law to compensate victims for…

Anglo-amerikanisches RechtssystemCommon LawPersönlichkeitsrechtRechtswissenschaftReputationSchadensersatzVerleumdungWirtschaftswissenschaft
Quantitative Credit Risk Management for Credit Limit Control of Subscribers to Mobile Communication Services (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Quantitative Credit Risk Management for Credit Limit Control of Subscribers to Mobile Communication Services

Schriften zum Mobile Commerce und zur Mobilkommunikation

Protecting the base of existing customers from churn is a strategic lever for revenue protection of mobile communication service providers. Understanding customers’ sensitivities to changes in billing amounts creates an under-valued opportunity to reduce customer churn for non-payment.

Leveraging credit risk techniques from the financial industry, a framework for customer segmentation based on spending behaviour is presented. By significantly improving…

BonitätsprüfungCredit ScoringKreditrisikomanagementKreditwürdigkeitMobilkommunikationStatistikWirtschaftsinformatikZahlungsausfall