27 Bücher 

Wissenschaftliche Literatur Perception

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Frontline Employee Perceptions of Working with Collaborative Service Robots (Doktorarbeit)

Frontline Employee Perceptions of Working with Collaborative Service Robots

Focus on China

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

Diese Dissertation von Guenther Klein bietet eine umfassende Untersuchung der Erfahrungen und Einstellungen von Mitarbeitenden im direkten Arbeitsumfeld gegenüber kollaborativen Robotern (Cobots) in der Fertigungsindustrie, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf China. Basierend auf qualitativen Interviews analysiert die Forschung die verschiedenen Faktoren, die die Akzeptanz und Zusammenarbeit der Mitarbeitenden mit Cobots beeinflussen, wie kulturelle Einflüsse,…

AutomatisierungBenutzerakzeptanzChinaCobotsCollaborative robotsCultural influenceFrontline employeeHuman-robot interactionIndustrie 4.0Kollaborierende RoboterMensch-Roboter-InteraktionOrganisationsverhaltenRobotikTechnologieakzeptanzmodellVerhaltensbasierte Robotik
QED Coherence in Condensed and Living Matter (Forschungsarbeit)

QED Coherence in Condensed and Living Matter

From Theoretical Frameworks to Epistemological Implications

Schriftenreihe naturwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

This book, based on the Author’s Ph.D. dissertation, is an unprecedented work consisting of an extended and detailed review of those scientific studies which give us a field perspective in describing condensed matter, water and, consequently, living matter.

The physical theoretical framework here presented, based on the inestimable work begun by heroic physicists (like Giuliano Preparata, Giuseppe Vitiello, Emilio, Del Giudice, Mae-Wan Ho, Hiroomi…

BioenergeticsBioenergetikBiologieBiologyBiophysicsBiophysikBoson CondensationBosonenkondensationCoherenceCondensed MatterDynamical OrderDynamische OrdnungEmergenceEntropiedissipationEntropy DissipationEntstehungKohärenzKondensierte MaterieLebende MaterieLiving MatterNetz des LebensPerceptionPhysicsPhysikQuantenbiologieQuantenfeldtheorieQuantum Field TheorySemanticsSemantikSymmetriebrechungSymmetry BreakingWahrnehmungWasserphasenWater PhasesWeb of Life
Classroom Climate: Student and Teacher Perceptions (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Classroom Climate: Student and Teacher Perceptions

Studien zur Schulpädagogik

The scientific monograph entitled Classroom Climate: Student and Teacher Perceptions comprises the theoretical and empirical sections.

The theoretical section focuses on the justification of the school’s role of a place that encourages the development of the student’s potentials where we aim to highlight that the teaching and learning of contents prescribed by the curriculum are coupled with other processes that are important for an individual’s…

BildungsprozessDidaktikHochwertige BildungKommunikationLernumgebungPädagogikPädagogische PraxisPeer-BeziehungenRolle der SchuleSchüler-Lehrer-BeziehungenSchuleSchulklima
EU External Action and the CFSP – Well-Equipped for the Fast-Pacing Geo-Economic World? (Forschungsarbeit)

EU External Action and the CFSP – Well-Equipped for the Fast-Pacing Geo-Economic World?

Schriften zum Internationalen Wirtschaftsrecht

Across all continents, the EU operates in a wide range of fields. As a unique player on the global stage, the EU, as a supranational organisation, acts in many respects on a par with other states. Particularly in the area of international trade, the EU has developed a strong and recognisable profile. Within the framework of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), the EU is striving to make its voice heard at the international level beyond economic and development…

AußenpolitikCFSPDiplomatieEuropäische UnionEuroparechtEuropean UnionForeign policyHandelspolitikInternationale PolitikInternational tradeRechtswissenschaftStrategic partnership
AI-Based Sensor Fusion for Perception in Autonomous Vehicles (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

AI-Based Sensor Fusion for Perception in Autonomous Vehicles

Forschungsergebnisse zur Informatik

The autonomous vehicle revolution will significantly impact vehicle manufacturing and substantially change our society forever. However, what will it mean for the public? When will we see the first driverless car, and what are the next steps? [...]

AIartificial intelligenceAutonomes FahrenAutonomes FahrzeugAutonomous drivingautonomous vehicleKIKünstliche Intelligenzobject recognitionObjekterkennungSensor Fusionsensor fusion
Self-Perception of Japanese Identity and its Perception by Others (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Self-Perception of Japanese Identity and its Perception by Others

Nihonjinron and its Impact on Business Relations Between European and Japanese Companies

Schriften zur Kulturwissenschaft

For many European companies it is still challenging to establish successful relations with Japanese business partners and clients in the long run. Albeit the Japanese government has reduced many trade barriers, foreign enterprises still seem to experience plenty of other hindrances. Some of these obstacles appear to be influenced by a stereotype thinking concerning Japanese moral concepts and cultural identity, not only from European, but also from Japanese side. This way…

Anthony GiddensIdentitätIdentityIntercultural CompetenceInterkulturelle KompetenzJapanese historyJapanische GeschichteJapanologieMarketingNihonjinronOnline-UmfrageQualitative content analysisQualitative InhaltsanalyseStrukturationstheorieSurvey researchTheory of structuration
Strategic Corporate Brand Management of Multinational Corporations (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Strategic Corporate Brand Management of Multinational Corporations

Analysis of Consumers’ Brand Perceptions and Effects, and the Role of Contextual Factors

Studien zum Konsumentenverhalten

Die Bedeutung der Markenbildung von Unternehmen für die Ansprache von Konsumenten über Ländergrenzen hinweg ist selten erforscht worden. Multinationale Unternehmen (MNUs) stehen vor der Herausforderung, ihre Unternehmensmarke als immateriellen Vermögenswert länderübergreifend zu verwalten, zum Teil, weil sie weltweit nicht gleich behandelt werden. Die Gründe dafür sind Unterschiede im soziokulturellen Umfeld der Länder. Darüber hinaus zwingt die Betrachtung des weltweiten…

BudgetverteilungDigitale MedienGlobales UnternehmensmarkenmanagementKonsumentenverhaltenManagementMarketingMehrebenenstrukturgleichungsmodellierungMultinational CorporationsUnernehmensreputationUnternehmensmarkenwert
Analysis of Stakeholders’ Collaborative Process on Irrigated Agriculture (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Analysis of Stakeholders’ Collaborative Process on Irrigated Agriculture

Weija Irrigation Scheme of Ghana

Studien zur Umweltpolitik

Bearing in mind the recent emerging issues in irrigated agriculture, organisations and research institutions are recognising the need to address irrigation problems through their staff and interventions. Thus, the complexity of emerging irrigation issues calls for close collaboration among relevant stakeholders. The purpose of this research was to identify best management practices that can guide irrigation stakeholders on how to collaborate effectively not only to…

AgricultureBewässerungspolitikCollaborative outcomeCollaborative processDevelopment planningEngagementEntwicklungEnvironmental policyGhanaIrrigation policyIrrigation stakeholdersKollaborativer ProzessKollaboratives ErgebnisPerceptionPlanungPolitologieSupport ServiceTeilhaberUmweltpolitik
Money Markets and Monetary Policy Implementation in Times of Crisis (Doktorarbeit)

Money Markets and Monetary Policy Implementation in Times of Crisis

Wirtschaftspolitik in Forschung und Praxis

Money markets are the starting point for the transmission of monetary policy and are thus a central component within the financial and economic system. Yet, before August 2007, many central bankers, economists and researchers assumed that these markets work frictionless and empirical research on the functioning of money markets was limited.

However, this perception was severely challenged with the onset of the subprime crisis in August 2007 and the collapse of…

BankingFinancial CrisisFinanzkrisenFinanzmärkteFinanzmarktkriseGeldpolitikMarket MicrostructureMonetary PolicyMoney Markets
Nutrition, Physical Activity and Health in the Field of Education (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Nutrition, Physical Activity and Health in the Field of Education

EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung

The scientific monograph entitled Nutrition, physical activity and health in the field of education comprises 10 articles written by foreign and national authors, covering the areas of nutrition, physical activity and health in the broadest sense, from the youngest to the oldest, including their relationship to climate factors, smart technologies, innovative business plans and the forthcoming food policy. Domestic and foreign authors, most of them coming from an…
