Wissenschaftliche Literatur Financial Crisis
Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher
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Huan Tao
FinancialCrisis Supervision and Institutional Innovation
Studienreihe wirtschaftsrechtliche Forschungsergebnisse
This work examines the Great Depression of the 1930s and the financialcrisis caused by the subprime mortage crisis from the angle of financial supervision. The author analyzes and compares the financial systems, the evolution mechanism and the causes of the financial crises. The study probes into the necessity of strengthening macroprudential supervision. It explores the regulatory framework and main elements of macroprudential supervision, it’s position in the financial…
Chinas FinanzindustrieFinancial CrisisFinanzaufsichtFinanzielle InstabilitätFinanzkriseFinanzregulationInstitutionelle InnovationMakroprudenziellMikroprudenziellRechtswissenschaftRezessionWirtschaftsrechtPatrick Weber
Money Markets and Monetary Policy Implementation in Times of Crisis
Wirtschaftspolitik in Forschung und Praxis
Money markets are the starting point for the transmission of monetary policy and are thus a central component within the financial and economic system. Yet, before August 2007, many central bankers, economists and researchers assumed that these markets work frictionless and empirical research on the functioning of money markets was limited.
However, this perception was severely challenged with the onset of the subprime crisis in August 2007 and the collapse of…
BankingFinancial CrisisFinanzkrisenFinanzmärkteFinanzmarktkriseGeldpolitikMarket MicrostructureMonetary PolicyMoney MarketsKonstantin Lange
The Influence of Advisors, Advisor-Customer Relationships, and the FinancialCrisis on Satisfaction and Retention of Retail Banking Customers
Three Empirical Studies
Innovatives Dienstleistungsmanagement
For retail banks, as for other continuous service providers, CRM literature has focused on retention as the goal, given the higher profitability of customers who stay with the firm, when compared to newly attracted customers. Research has found a multitude of reasons for customers to stay with their firm, ranging from social effects to customers’ age and socioeconomic status. Of the different reasons, customer satisfaction with the service provided has been identified as…
Customer Relationship ManagementCustomer RetentionDienstleistungsmanagementFinancial CrisisFinancial Market AdviceHousehold FinanceRetail BankingService MarketingIryna Borysova
International Regulatory Measures for OTC Derivatives Markets Within the Strengthened International Financial Regulatory Framework
Schriften zum Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht
This study addresses international regulatory measures for OTC derivatives adopted at the G20 Pittsburgh summit in 2009. The regulatory measures represent a collective response by regulators to the challenges posed by these financial instruments in particular and by the global financialcrisis in general.
However, the adopted international regulatory measures initially construed to capture risks associated with OTC derivatives, like for e.g. counterparty credit…
BankrechtEMIREuroparechtEuropean Market InfrastructureFinanzmarktregulierungG20 Regulatory reformsInternationale FinanzarchitekturInternationale finanzielle StandardsInternationales RechtInternational Financial ArchitechtureInternational Financial StandardsKapitalmarktrechtOTCOver-the-Counter DerivateRegulationTheo Berger
Dependency Modeling and Value-at-Risk Forecasts for Financial Portfolios
Forecasting Value-at-Risk (VaR) for financial portfolios is a staggering task in financial risk management. The turmoil in financial markets as observed since September 2008 called for more complex VaR models, as „standard“ VaR approaches failed to anticipate the collective market movements faced during the financialcrisis. Hence, recent researchon portfolio management mainly focused on modeling return interdependencies via dynamic conditional correlations (DCC, Engle…
CopulasDependency ModelingDynamic Conditional CorrelationsFinancial CrisisFinanzwirtschaftÖkonometrieStatistikValidity SpilloverValue at RiskBurcu Erdogan
Analyzing Convergence/Divergence in European Financial Markets
Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
The European Union implemented significant financial reforms in order to facilitate financial integration since the beginning of the 1980s. With the introduction of the euro, the process of integrating financial markets accelerated. All the restructuring efforts reflect an expectation of positive effects from a single financial market in the European Union. However, an interconnected financial system creates challenges as well. It is crucial to investigate the process of…
Convergence / Divergence AnalysisEUFactor ModelFinancial IntegrationFinanzmärkteSemiparametric Time-Varying Coefficient ModelSovereign Bond MarketsStock MarketsT-ConvergenceVolkswirtschaftslehreBjörn Plaschnick
On the Nature of Fundamental-based and Panic-based Bank Runs
An Analysis of the Origins of Bank Runs
Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
In the last decades, bank runs appeared to be a relic of the past. The run incidents during the recent global financialcrisis have however shown that the threat of bank runs has not vanished and still represents a severe problem for the stability and performance of modern economies‘ banking systems.
The causes of bank runs and their economic consequences are the subject of this book. A theoretical model of an economy‘s banking sector is developed in which bank…
Asymmetric InformationBank PanicsBank RunsDemand Deposit ContractDeposit InsuranceDiamond-DybvigEinlagensicherungFinancial CrisisFinancial IntermediationFinanzkriseGlobal GamesGoldstein-PauznerInformation EconomicsSichteinlageSuspension of ConvertibilityTheorie globaler SpieleVolkswirtschaftslehreIrmela Gorges / Linda A. Winkler (Eds.)
Economy and Social Conditions in Transition
Probleme und Chancen der Globalisierung
This book is interdisciplinary in scope, written for economists, educators, and for individuals working on the fields of globalization, and its impacts on societal development. The book analyzes the current economic and social development in selected countries with different economic conditions relative to the impact of globalization and infrastructure development. The volume contains six selected papers presented at the annual conference of the Congress of Political…
BarbadosCrisisEconomyErziehungswissenschaftFinancialGesundheitswissenschaftGlobalisierungHealthcareHealth Care ServicesInnovativenessNew technologiesPAYGORegional Sustainable DevelopmentSocial SecuritySub-Saharan AfricaTanzaniaVolkswirtschaftslehre