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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Methods

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The Creation of Balance in Architectural Competition (Studie)Zum Shop

The Creation of Balance in Architectural Competition

Methods of Strategic Practice Control

Strategisches Management

Bis heute gibt es in Deutschland keine öffentlich publizierten Managementsysteme für Architekturbüros. In den letzten Jahren wurden aber immer mehr Beiträge zu Einzelthemen wie Qualitätsmanagement, Projektcontrolling oder Büromanagement veröffentlicht. Das Anliegen dieser These besteht daher in der Entwicklung eines Controlling Systems für das 1990 gegründete Architekturbüro des Autors.

Auf Grundlage der Struktur der Weiterbildungsmodule der GSBA Zürich/1/ und…

ArchitectureArchitekurBalanceBetriebswirtschaftslehreBusiness AdministrationControlMBAPractice ManagementStrategisches Management
Evaluating Research Performance in Tourism (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Evaluating Research Performance in Tourism

The Quality of Tourism Journals


In the last few years considerable attention has been paid to research output within the scientific culture, which is disseminated in many different ways. It is commonly believed that scientific output is communicated and largely measured by means of publications, particularly quality is derived from the journal where an article has been published. Plenty of studies have been undertaken to determine the quality of this scientific communication medium. Surveys mainly…

BetriebswirtschaftslehreCognitive determinantsConsumer behaviourQuality perceptionResearch evaluationScientific journalsStructural equation modelling
Conversations with Three Russians - Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Lenin (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Conversations with Three Russians - Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Lenin

A Systemic View on Two Centuries of Societal Evolution

Schriften zur Kulturwissenschaft

This book opens up a fascinating, systemic view on the evolution of society, culture and science over the last two centuries. It is the latest Œvre of the leading thinker of systems theory and the peace movement – one of the greatest minds of our age.

Anatol Rapoport is the only surviving founder of the „Society for General Systems Research“. He is a professor emeritus of Mathematics and Psychology at the University of Toronto and author of more than 400…

DostojewskiKulturgeschichteKulturwissenschaftLeninLeo TolstojPolitikgeschichteRusslandSoziale EvolutionSystemtheorie
Testing cycling software components of reactive systems on the basis of formal specifications (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Testing cycling software components of reactive systems on the basis of formal specifications

Forschungsergebnisse zur Informatik

Testing is the primary method through which the producer of software and the user or customer gain confidence that the software will work as intended or specified. Using formal methods, which is highly recommended by safety standard and legal requirements in the area of safety-critical embedded software systems, can improve the quality and efficiency of test activities.

In this book, two strategies for testing cyclic software components of reactive systems…

Cyclic softwareFinfite state machinesFormal methodsInformatikPredicate logicReactive systemsTesting
Water Supply and Sewage Disposal of the Nigerian Society (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Water Supply and Sewage Disposal of the Nigerian Society

A Geographical Case Study of Human Usage and Management of the Water Resources in a Tropical Lowland Area

ORBIS – Wissenschaftliche Schriften zur Landeskunde

The African developing countries in the humid tropics with distinct wet and dry seasons have a marked and close network of rivers and streams which vary in size according to seasonal precipitation. However, the corresponding systems of water supply and sewage disposal for the population show considerable deficiencies which point to infrastructural and organizational problems. A wide and diverse spectrum of these defects is found in the catchment area of the Ogun River in…

AbwasserGeographieNigeriaOgun RiverSewageWasserWasserverbrauchWasserversorgungWater supply
RelCAD: A Relational CAD System with Constraint-Based Geometric Modelling (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

RelCAD: A Relational CAD System with Constraint-Based Geometric Modelling

Forschungsergebnisse zur Informatik

Most conventional CAD systems have been proved to be Computer-Aided Drafting systems. They do not offer sufficient support for the design activity. The reason is that they cannot understand the semantic information and keep the semantic information throughout the whole design process. The semantic information here means the functional requirements on the design product. The designer is responsible for maintaining the functional requirements in different design phases.…

CADConstraintsDesignprozessGeometric modellingInformatikObjektklassenRelCAD
Biophysical Applications of NMR (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Biophysical Applications of NMR

Schriftenreihe naturwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

Living systems have a very complicated molecular structure. They are characterized by a great number of spatial configurations, high entropy and significant random movements. Because of the absence of symmetry and regularity in these systems, random motion is the most significant phenomenon to define their physiological state.

This book shows how living systems can be characterized by Brownian motion and particle fluctuation, using the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance…

BiophysicsLinear irreversibilityMolecular fluctuationNaturwissenschaftNMRNuclear Magnetic ResonancePlant physiologyRandom motion