Wissenschaftliche Literatur Dubbing
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Johannes Keseberg
Possibilities and Limitations within the German Dubbing of ‘South Park‘
Oh My God, They Killed the Show!
PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
Whereas the animated television series South Park has enjoyed massive success in the USA for over a decade, the German dubbed version is only a shadow of its original US counterpart in terms of viewer ratings and audience popularity – a gap obviously stemming from cultural and linguistic transition during the series’ dubbing into German. However, instead of presenting a self-righteous witch-hunt, this study carefully throws light on the highly complex field of audiovisual translation and respects the multi-faceted intricacies complicating the dubbing process –…
AnglistikAnimationAudiovisuelle MedienDubbingFernsehserieFilmHumorSouth ParkSprachwissenschaftSynchronisationSynchronisierungTrey ParkerTVÜbersetzungÜbersetzungswissenschaftAngelika Goldstein & Biljana Golubović (eds.)
Foreign Language Movies – Dubbing vs. Subtitling
Schriften zur Medienwissenschaft
The subject of this volume is motion picture translation, that is, theories, methods and results of research aimed at various aspects of foreign movies and the implementation of motion pictures in foreign language classes.
This collection of papers on the translation of motion pictures consists of 15 contributions by authors from Europe, Canada, Australia and Asia, who all deal with this subject as part of their work in research and academia. Included are papers in the English, German and Serbian languages. Contributions may be classified into four wider…
Applied LinguisticsDubbingFilmKulturwissenschaftLinguistikMedienlinguistikMedienwissenschaftMovieSprachwissenschaftSubtitlingSynchronisationTranslationÜbersetzungÜbersetzungswissenschaftUntertitelHäufige Schlagworte im Fachgebiet