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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Linguistics

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Chinese University Students’ Test-taking Motivation, Metacognitive Awareness, and Test Performance in EFL Listening (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Chinese University Students’ Test-taking Motivation, Metacognitive Awareness, and Test Performance in EFL Listening

LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis

This book builds on the expectancy-value of test taking motivation framework, going beyond merely ascertaining whether test taking motivation-related variables have direct effects on listening test performance as measured by listening test score in College English Band 4 (CET-4) listening testing context in China. Rather, what is of great interest is to determine how such effects, both directly and indirectly, come to be, and to describe the mechanism through which test…

Angewandte LinguistikApplied linguisticsEducationEnglish as a foreign language EFLFremdsprachenunterrichtHörverstehenL2 listening comprehensionListening influencing factorsListening metacognitionListening test performanceMetakognitionMixed MethodMixed method approachMotivationPrüfungsleistungTest-taking motivation
Radical Awareness among Chinese-as-a-Foreign-Language Learners (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Radical Awareness among Chinese-as-a-Foreign-Language Learners

LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis

This study examined radical awareness among college students who learned Chinese as a foreign language (CFL).

Radicals are subcomponents of characters. They follow positional constraints and they have meaning-cueing and pronunciation-cueing functions. Radical awareness, the knowledge about the positional and functional regularities of radicals has been found closely related to Chinese word reading and word writing among developing readers in first language…

Angewandte LinguistikApplied linguisticsChinese character learningChinesischForeign language learningFremdsprachenlernenFremdsprachenunterrichtMorphological awarenessOrthographic awarenessPhonological awarenessRadical awarenessRadikaleSchriftzeichenSecond language acquisitionWord recognitionWorterkennungZweitspracherwerb
Teaching Writing Through Teachers᾽ Self-Directed Development (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Teaching Writing Through Teachers᾽ Self-Directed Development

A Representative Qualitative Case Study in China – Challenges and Promises

LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis

It is typical for teachers to experience a lack of effective professional development at the institutional level. In this context, the practice that teachers have gained from their professional development may also insufficiently meet students’ needs. For example, in the context of English as a foreign language (EFL) writing instruction within Chinese universities, pre-service and in-service education seem to focus on the instruction of writing at the level of language…

ChinaChinese studentsConstrained contextsEnglischEnglischunterrichtFremdsprachenunterrichtHigher educationLinguistikSpracherwerbStudent’s individual needsSystemic functional linguisticsTeacher emotionTeacher’s self-directed developmentTextproduktionUniversitätUniversity English writing
English in Chinese Popular Culture (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

English in Chinese Popular Culture

Discourses of TV Commercials, Popular Music and Entertainment TV Shows

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

In the past few decades, a number of studies have addressed various aspects of English in China. Although few studies to date have investigated English in Chinese pop culture, the influence from Western culture and the English language on Chinese culture cannot be ignored. Thus, focusing on English in Chinese pop culture is an appropriate and significant topic.

First, surveying the history of English development in China and exploring the current roles and…

ChineseChinesischCode-SwitchingCommercialsCommunicationDiscourseDiskursEnglischEnglishEntertainmentLinguisticsLinguistikMediaMedia StudiesMedienMusicMusikPopulärkulturPopular CultureTV ShowsWerbung
The Classification of Exonyms (Tagungsband)Zum Shop

The Classification of Exonyms

Proceedings of the 21st UNGEGN Working Group on Exonyms Meeting, Riga [Rīga], 24–26 September 2018

Name & Place – Contributions to Toponymic Literature and Research

Exonyms involve the adaptation of geographical names from a donor language into a receiver language, and they reflect the fascinating movement and interaction of peoples around the world. The Working Group on Exonyms of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) was established by resolution VIII/4 of the 8th UN Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names. This resolution recognised that “...measures such as the categorization of exonym…

CartographyCategoryEast AsiaEuropaEuropeExonymGeographieGeographyKartographieLinguisticsLinguistikNubiaNubienOrtsnamenOstasienPlace namesRigaToponomasticsToponomastikToponymieToponymyUNGEGNUnited NationsVereinte Nationen
Linguistic Conceptualizations of Number (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Linguistic Conceptualizations of Number

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

Embodiment is a common element of both abstract mathematical concepts and linguistic schematic structure. Mathematical structures have developed from embodied cognition. Language comprises semantic structures, which relate to schematic structures that also derive from embodied cognition.

The present work investigates Image Schemas in learners’ speech when talking about mathematical concepts. Image schemas are pre-conceptual patterns that result from embodied…

Cognitive GrammarCognitive LinguisticsCognitive RepresentationsConstrualsEmbodied CognitionEnglische SprachwissenschaftImage Schemas
Seize the Day: New Perspectives on Foreign Language Learning and Teaching (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Seize the Day: New Perspectives on Foreign Language Learning and Teaching

LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis

In Seize the Day: New Perspectives on Foreign Language Learning and Teaching, educators from several European countries consider new conditions and expectations in foreign-language (FL) teaching, and how teachers may best serve their learners in a changed and changing world.

The volume begins with several articles on the role and attributes of the FL teacher. With a focus on learners that permeates the volume, Marek Krawiec and Agnieszka Miklasz report…

Angewandte LinguistikApplied LinguisticsChallengesForeign Language TeachingFremdsprachenunterrichtHerausforderungenLanguageLearningLehreLernenLösungenMaterialienMaterialsMethodenMethodsPerspectivesPerspektivenProblemeProblemsSolutionsSpracheTeachingTechnikenTechniques
A Corpus-Based Approach to English as a Foreign Language at Primary School Level (Dissertation)Zum Shop

A Corpus-Based Approach to English as a Foreign Language at Primary School Level

Collocations for Early Beginners

LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis

In der englischen Sprachwissenschaft wie in der Fachdidaktik Englisch ist die Bedeutung von Kollokationen und anderen phraseologischen Einheiten sowohl für den Muttersprachler als auch für den Sprachenlerner seit langem anerkannt. Natürlich vorkommende Sprache besteht zu einem überwiegenden Teil aus wiederkehrenden Phrasen, die sprachenspezifisch und damit schwierig für die Lerner sind. Erkenntnisse aus der kognitiven Psychologie und Psycholinguistik belegen, dass das…

Authentic language useAuthentischer SprachgebrauchChildrens languageCollocationsCorpus linguisticsEnglischunterrichtEnglishFachdidaktikForeign LanguageGrundschuleKinderspracheKollokationenKorpuslinguistikMuttersprachlerPhraseologiePhraseologyPrimary SchoolVocabularyWortschatz
Rhotic Sounds in the Slavic Languages (Habilitationsschrift)Zum Shop

Rhotic Sounds in the Slavic Languages

An Acoustic Study

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

This post-doctoral book provides a comprehensive description of the major allophones of the rhotic phonemes found in thirteen currently spoken Slavic languages. Since trills are said to be susceptible to phonetic change, an attempt is made to determine whether the phonological contexts in which rhotic sounds occur have an impact on their phonetic realisation. Therefore, tokens of the rhotic phonemes /r/, /rʲ/, /r̝/ and /ʀ/ are examined in five vowel-adjacent positions,…

Acoustic PhoneticsAkustische PhonetikLenisierungLenitionLinguisticsLinguistikPhonetic ReductionPhonetische ReduktionRhoticsRhotischSlavicSlavic LanguagesSlavische SprachenTrillTrillsVibrant
The Diachrony and Synchrony of Language and Dialect Phenomena in Great Britain (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

The Diachrony and Synchrony of Language and Dialect Phenomena in Great Britain

Distribution and Development of English Surname Clusters

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

Die Gesamtheit der britischen Nachnamen stellt einen einzigartigen Teil des englischen Vokabulars dar, weil sie parallel zur Standardsprache eine unterschiedliche Entwicklung durchlief. Vor der Einführung eines Rechtschreibstandards um 1700 herum war die historische Schreibweise nicht einheitlich und führte dadurch zu vielen Schreibvarianten derselben Wörter. Dieselbe Situation trifft auch auf Nachnamen zu, aber der Standardisierungsprozess der englischen Schreibung…

DiachronyDialectologyDialect phenomenaDialektDialektologieDialektphänomeneEnglische SprachwissenschaftEnglishEnglish Historical LinguisticsFamiliennamengeographieForeign influencesFremdeinflüsseGreat BritainGroßbritannienLanguageLanguage phenomenaNachnamenSprachgeschichteSprachphänomeneSurname geographySurnamesSynchrony