Wissenschaftliche Literatur Primary School
Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher
Falls bei Ihnen die Veröffentlichung der Dissertation, Habilitation oder Masterarbeit ansteht, kontaktieren Sie uns jederzeit gern.
Martina Bredenbröcker
A Corpus-Based Approach to English as a Foreign Language at PrimarySchool Level
Collocations for Early Beginners
LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis
In der englischen Sprachwissenschaft wie in der Fachdidaktik Englisch ist die Bedeutung von Kollokationen und anderen phraseologischen Einheiten sowohl für den Muttersprachler als auch für den Sprachenlerner seit langem anerkannt. Natürlich vorkommende Sprache besteht zu einem überwiegenden Teil aus wiederkehrenden Phrasen, die sprachenspezifisch und damit schwierig für die Lerner sind. Erkenntnisse aus der kognitiven Psychologie und Psycholinguistik belegen, dass das…
Authentic language useAuthentischer SprachgebrauchChildrens languageCollocationsCorpus linguisticsEnglischunterrichtEnglishFachdidaktikForeign LanguageGrundschuleKinderspracheKollokationenKorpuslinguistikMuttersprachlerPhraseologiePhraseologyPrimary SchoolVocabularyWortschatzJerneja Herzog (ed.)
Challenges of Working with Gifted Pupils in European School Systems
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
Die Problematik der begabten Schüler im Bildungssystem ist in verschiedenen europäischen Bildungssystemen sehr präsent. Insbesondere die Bildungssysteme spielen bei der Pflege und angemessenen pädagogischen Arbeit mit begabten Schülern eine Schlüsselrolle. Die wissenschaftliche Monographie Challenges of Working with Gifted Pupils in European School System befasst sich mit diesem sehr wichtigen Teil und stellt einige Fragen. Autoren aus sieben Ländern (Österreich,…
BegabungBildungssystemEducationEducational systemsElementary schoolErziehungErziehungssystemGifted childrenGiftednessGifted pupilsGrundschuleHochbegabte KinderHochbegabungIndividualisationPrimary school educationLucija Jancec / Jurka Lepicnik Vodopivec
Hidden Curriculum Determinates in Kindergartens and in Schools
Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis
„The research is multidimensional in the context of educational institutions; the elements of hidden curriculum are studied among (pre)school teachers which provides an important perspective among two basic educational institutions: kindergarten and primaryschool. At the same time it stresses the meaning of the hidden curriculum, or even more, to the fact that the hidden curriculum takes place on the whole educational vertical.“EmpathieEmpathyErzieherHeimlicher LehrplanHidden CurriculumLehrerPersönlichkeitszugPersonality TraitsPreschool TeacherSchool TeacherSpace Characteristics
Jerneja Herzog (ed.)
Giftedness in a Variety of Educational Fields
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
Die wissenschaftliche Monografie mit dem Titel Giftedness in a Variety of Educational Fields (Begabung in einer Vielzahl von Bildungsbereichen) befasst sich mit begabten Kindern und Jugendlichen im gesamten Bildungssystem (Vorschulerziehung, Grundschulbildung, Sekundarschulbildung) und aus der Perspektive derer (Pädagogen, Lehrer und Hochschullehrer), die sich mit den Begabten beschäftigen.
Angesichts der modernen Bildungssysteme und der Verfügbarkeit…
Begabte KinderBegabungBildungBildungssystemeDigitalisierungE-LearningEducationEducational SystemsErziehungswissenschaftGifted ChildrenGiftednessGrundschuleIndividualisationIndividualisierungPädagogikPrimary school educationSekundarstufeVorschulkinderDarjo Felda
Mathematical Knowledge as a Passing Information or as a Useful Tool
For several decades now, the mathematics classes in Slovenian elementary schools have been too oriented towards mechanical learning of concepts and procedures, thus neglecting the understanding of said concepts and procedures. The pupils therefore do not see the usefulness of said knowledge, solving routine problems according to an introduced example rather than thoroughly reading the text of each task; furthermore, they are also not aware of the situation described in…
FähigkeitenGrundschuleKognitionLehreLernenMathematical CapacitiesMathematical CognitionMathematical ReasoningMathematics ClassesMathematics LearningMathematics LiteracyMathematics TeachingMathematikunterrichtMathematisches VerständnisPädagogikPrimary SchoolRealistic ContextSonja Čotar Konrad / Mara Cotič / Darjo Felda / Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec / Milena Valenčič Zuljan / Amalija Žakelj / Tina Štemberger
Classroom Climate: Student and Teacher Perceptions
The scientific monograph entitled Classroom Climate: Student and Teacher Perceptions comprises the theoretical and empirical sections.
The theoretical section focuses on the justification of the school’s role of a place that encourages the development of the student’s potentials where we aim to highlight that the teaching and learning of contents prescribed by the curriculum are coupled with other processes that are important for an individual’s…
BildungsprozessDidaktikHochwertige BildungKommunikationLernumgebungPädagogikPädagogische PraxisPeer-BeziehungenRolle der SchuleSchüler-Lehrer-BeziehungenSchuleSchulklimaMilena Valenčič-Zuljan / Mara Cotič / Darjo Felda / Zlatan Magajna / Amalija Žakelj
The Efficiency of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Grouping of Students in Mathematics
Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis
The questions of grouping students have always been present in the history of education with diverse intentions and according to different criteria. The researchers of education as well as teachers and pedagogues have tried to find out when the grouping should start and what the objective of grouping is, how it should be performed, and if students should be grouped into heterogeneous groups regarding their abilities or should they stay in homogeneous group. Furthermore,…
Achievements in MathematicsDidacticsDifferentiationHeterogeneous GroupsHomogeneous GroupsIndividualizationMathematicsMathematics TeachingNational Assessment of KnowledgePedagogyPrimary SchoolSelf-ConceptSloveniaTeacher´s ExpectationRobert Celec (Ed.)
Sustainability as a Way of Life – From Education to Economy
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The scientific monograph embraces the results of various research areas that have a common ground in the study of sustainable development through aspects of fairly complex environmental issues. At the beginning, we get an insight into the results of research that explores the importance of carrying out physical or sports activities of future kinesiologists directly in the natural environment. In the following, we encounter interesting research findings that talk about the…
AgrarökologieBildungErziehungswissenschaftLandwirtschaftNachhaltigkeitÖkologieUmweltWirtschaftRobert Celec (Ed.)
Challenges of Modern Society from Different Perspectives – New Issues
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The monograph is interdisciplinary. It includes chapters from psychology, pedagogy, didactics, special didactics, health sciences and economics. The contents are placed in the context of health, work organization, education and development of children developing normatively or having special needs.
The authors highlight current topics; some are also related to the challenges and problems that arised during an epidemic of a new coronavirus (e.g., distance…
BildungDidacticsEconomicsErziehungswissenschaftenFamilieGesundheitswesenGewaltHealth sciencesHuman Resource ManagementInclusionJugendModerne GesellschaftPedagogyPsychologySpecial didacticsStressMarko Ferjan / Mojca Bernik
Human Resources Management and Organising Remote Work
In March 2020, many countries declared a COVID-19 epidemic. During the epidemic, many people worked remotely instead of at their employer’s premises.
In our book, we will address the phenomenon of working style that allows professionals to work outside of a traditional work environment. Of course, we do not have in mind professions characterized by mobility (such as taxi drivers, etc.). We have in mind professions that, according to the traditional concept, work…
Arbeiten von zu HauseCorona-PandemieHomeofficeHuman Resource Managementorganisationorganisational structureOrganisationsstrukturPersonalmanagementpersonnel administrationpersonnel managementproductivityProduktivitätRemote WorkSoldieringsoldieringteleworkingworking from home