Wissenschaftliche Literatur Chinese
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Hongmei Xu
Corporate Governance in Chinese Listed Firms
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
The most significant step towards market-oriented reform in China was the establishment of the modern enterprise system. In order to meet the development of Chinese companies, the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) were founded in the early 90s. Meanwhile, Chinese companies have also been allowed to issue shares on foreign stock exchanges. As China continues to open its equity market to international investors, better corporate governance…
Chinese Listed FirmsCorporate GovernanceCross-listingFranfurt Stock ExchangeIndependent DirectorsSmall Chinese FirmsState OwnershipSupervisory Board MembersTong Mu
Crossing Boundary, Dressing Gender – Chinese Operatic Cross-Dressing in the Cinema
Gender Studies – Interdisziplinäre Schriftenreihe zur Geschlechterforschung
The book attempts to examine the cultural practice of Chinese operatic cross-dressing in the cinema. It focuses on operatic cross-dressing in films from the 1980s and 1990s.
Although these representations of cross-dressing follow traditional gender norms, their subversive functions against patriarchal and heterosexual domination are playing more and more significant roles.
In chapter 1, the theoretical foundation for my analysis was laid, including an…
ChinaChinesische OperChinesisches KinoCinemaFilmGender PerformativityGender StudiesKinoMovieOperatic Cross-DressingTheaterwissenschaftSijing Zhou
English in Chinese Popular Culture
Discourses of TV Commercials, Popular Music and Entertainment TV Shows
PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
In the past few decades, a number of studies have addressed various aspects of English in China. Although few studies to date have investigated English in Chinese pop culture, the influence from Western culture and the English language on Chinese culture cannot be ignored. Thus, focusing on English in Chinese pop culture is an appropriate and significant topic.
First, surveying the history of English development in China and exploring the current roles and…
ChineseChinesischCode-SwitchingCommercialsCommunicationDiscourseDiskursEnglischEnglishEntertainmentLinguisticsLinguistikMediaMedia StudiesMedienMusicMusikPopulärkulturPopular CultureTV ShowsWerbungXiaoxiang Su
Radical Awareness among Chinese-as-a-Foreign-Language Learners
LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis
This study examined radical awareness among college students who learned Chinese as a foreign language (CFL).
Radicals are subcomponents of characters. They follow positional constraints and they have meaning-cueing and pronunciation-cueing functions. Radical awareness, the knowledge about the positional and functional regularities of radicals has been found closely related to Chinese word reading and word writing among developing readers in first language…
Angewandte LinguistikApplied linguisticsChinese character learningChinesischForeign language learningFremdsprachenlernenFremdsprachenunterrichtMorphological awarenessOrthographic awarenessPhonological awarenessRadical awarenessRadikaleSchriftzeichenSecond language acquisitionWord recognitionWorterkennungZweitspracherwerbJingjing Gao
Searching for Identity Through the Negotiation of Cultural Differences
A Study of Chinese Diasporic Literature
POETICA – Schriften zur Literaturwissenschaft
This study concerns how Chinese diasporic writers cross the cultural boundaries to resolve identity problems within the tensions between their land of descent and place of dwelling, and how they open up spaces through writing to negotiate cultural conflicts and use literary presentation to revise and redefine identity. Drawing inspirations from theories on identity (G.H. Mead et al) and cultural studies (G. Hofstede et al), the author combines theoretical approaches with…
Chinese DiasporaCultural DifferenceGBGreat BritainIdentityModernityNegotiationReference GroupRepresentationThe United StatesTraditionUSATheo Westphal
Chinese Foreign Policy under Xi Jinping
The South China Sea Disputes
POLITICA – Schriftenreihe zur politischen Wissenschaft
Der Verfasser untersucht unter Bezugnahme auf rollentheoretische Überlegungen, inwiefern die Außenpolitik des seit 2012 regierenden chinesischen Staatspräsidenten und Parteiführers, Xi Jinping, im Vergleich zu den ihm vorausgehenden Führungsgenerationen von Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin und Hu Jintao (1978–2012) Kontinuität bzw. Wandel aufweist.
Aufbauend auf einer fundierten theoretischen Auseinandersetzung mit den Konzepten internationaler Rollen, nationaler…
Außenpolitik der VR ChinaChinaConstructivismForeign policyForeign policy of the PR ChinaInternationale BeziehungenKonstruktivismusOstasienwissenschaftenPhilippinenPhilippinesPolitikwissenschaftRole changeRole continuityRole theoryRollenkontinuitätRollentheorieRollenwandelSouth China SeaSüdchinesisches MeerTerritorial disputesTerritorialstreitigkeitenTheorien der Internationalen BeziehungenTheories of international RelationsXi JinpingXiaodong Zhang
Teaching Writing Through Teachers᾽ Self-Directed Development
A Representative Qualitative Case Study in China – Challenges and Promises
LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis
It is typical for teachers to experience a lack of effective professional development at the institutional level. In this context, the practice that teachers have gained from their professional development may also insufficiently meet students’ needs. For example, in the context of English as a foreign language (EFL) writing instruction within Chinese universities, pre-service and in-service education seem to focus on the instruction of writing at the level of language…
ChinaChinese studentsConstrained contextsEnglischEnglischunterrichtFremdsprachenunterrichtHigher educationLinguistikSpracherwerbStudent’s individual needsSystemic functional linguisticsTeacher emotionTeacher’s self-directed developmentTextproduktionUniversitätUniversity English writingXinyun Peng
The Purpose of Excluding Evidence in P.R. China and Switzerland
Exclusionary Rules: Paper Tigers?
Studien zur Rechtswissenschaft
In 2012, the People’s Republic of China – which in its criminal justice system habitually strives for comprehensive fact-finding in order to hand out punishment to wrongdoers – adopted exclusionary rules. In 2011, just one year earlier than China, Switzerland, a country far removed from China, also established exclusionary rules in its first uniform Swiss Criminal Procedure Code, mainly by codifying rules existent in the cantonal procedural codes or established by the…
BeweisverbotChinaFaires VerfahrenHarmonisches VerfahrenMenschenrechteSchweizStrafrechtJian Xu
Chinese University Students’ Test-taking Motivation, Metacognitive Awareness, and Test Performance in EFL Listening
LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis
This book builds on the expectancy-value of test taking motivation framework, going beyond merely ascertaining whether test taking motivation-related variables have direct effects on listening test performance as measured by listening test score in College English Band 4 (CET-4) listening testing context in China. Rather, what is of great interest is to determine how such effects, both directly and indirectly, come to be, and to describe the mechanism through which test…
Angewandte LinguistikApplied linguisticsEducationEnglish as a foreign language EFLFremdsprachenunterrichtHörverstehenL2 listening comprehensionListening influencing factorsListening metacognitionListening test performanceMetakognitionMixed MethodMixed method approachMotivationPrüfungsleistungTest-taking motivationFlorian W. Mehring
Die Hohe Schule der Kriegskunst bei Geschäftsverhandlungen
Kommentierte Übersetzung eines an Chinesen gerichteten Ratgebers des Verhandlungsforschers Liu Birong
Das Werk beinhaltet die – soweit bekannt – erste westliche Übersetzung eines ausschließlich an ein chinesisches Publikum gerichteten Verhandlungsratgebers, verfasst von Liu Birong, einem im ganzen chinesischen Sprachraum bekannten taiwanesischen Verhandlungsforscher. Das in die deutsche Sprache übersetzte Originalwerk Die Hohe Schule der Kriegskunst bei Geschäftsverhandlungen ist im Verlag der renommierten Beijing-Universität erschienen. [...]
36 StrategemeAsienenChinaGeschäftsverhandlungenHarvard-KonzeptHohe Schule der KriegskunstInternationale VerhandlungenLiu BirongTaiwanVerhandlungVerhandlungsführerVerhandlungskonzepteVerhandlungsratgeber