67 Bücher 

Wissenschaftliche Literatur Communication

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“Human Dignity Shall Be Inviolable” (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

“Human Dignity Shall Be Inviolable”

Discursive Implications of Racial Capitalism for the Valuing of Migrants in German Government’s Migration Management Campaigns

POLITICA – Schriftenreihe zur politischen Wissenschaft

“Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar“ – nicht nur der 1. Artikel des deutschen Grundgesetztes, sondern viel mehr ein Versprechen der demokratischen Regierung alle Menschen gerecht und gleich zu behandeln. Dennoch werden insbesondere Migrationspolitik und- strategien immer wieder für ihre Verletzung von Menschenrechten kritisiert.

Als ein repräsentatives Medium untersucht dieses Buch Migrationskampagnen der deutschen Bundesregierung mit dem Fokus auf…

Border CommunicationCommunication StudiesCritical Race TheoryEuropean Migration PoliticsFachkräfteGovernment CommunicationMigrationMigration ManagementMigrationskampagnenMigrationspolitikPolitical ScienceRacial Capitalism
Jihadist Realism: Countering al-Qaeda’s and the Islamic State’s Communication Strategy (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Jihadist Realism: Countering al-Qaeda’s and the Islamic State’s Communication Strategy

POLITICA – Schriftenreihe zur politischen Wissenschaft

Unter Verwendung eines klassisch-realistischen, empirisch-analytischen Rahmens, der auf Clausewitz's Kriegstheorie basiert, widmet sich dieses Buch der Untersuchung der Kommunikationsstrategien von al-Qaeda und dem Islamischen Staat, um potenziell verwundbare Schwachstellen entlang der kritischen Verbindungen von „ends“ „ways“ und „means“ aufzuzeigen. Diese Studie identifiziert die kritischen Knotenpunkte zwischen der Dschihad-Ideologie, ihren Handlungen, Botschaften und…

Al-QaedaAl-QaidaCommunication StrategyDschihadIdeologieIdeologyIslamic StateIslamischer StaatIslamismusJihadKommunikationsstrategieKommunikationswissenschaftMachiavelliPhilosophiePhilosophyPoliticsPolitikwissenschaftRealismRealismusSocial MediaSoziale MedienStrategieStrategyTalibanTerrorismTerrorismusTheorieTheoryWeltanschauung
A Business Communication Design for Information Technology (IT) Organizations based on Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) (Dissertation)Zum Shop

A Business Communication Design for Information Technology (IT) Organizations based on Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)

Studien zur Wirtschaftsinformatik

The main objective of this research project is to evaluate the extent to which business communication could contribute to an effective IT service management. In addition, this project intends to clarify the entire role of business communication in terms of organizing the information technology into the value chain of IT service providers. Two research questions are derived from the research model which predicts the intervention of business communication in the…

Business CommunicationInformation ManagementIT Asset ManagementITILIT Infrastructure ManagementIT OrganisationIT Service ManagmentIT Service OperationSOAStakeholder Management
A puzzle piece in deciphering the conundrum of sustainable consumption and production (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

A puzzle piece in deciphering the conundrum of sustainable consumption and production

Empirical analysis focusing on the communication and information process in the fruit juice and meat sector

Studien zum Konsumentenverhalten

Die Realisierung einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung erfordert das Engagement von Unternehmen und Verbraucher:innen. Während Unternehmen Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte zunehmend in ihre Strategien integrieren, spiegelt sich jedoch das gesellschaftliche Interesse häufig nicht im Kaufverhalten von Verbraucher:innen wider.

Mit dem Ziel sowohl die Produktion als auch den Konsum von Lebensmitteln nachhaltiger zu gestalten, untersucht diese Dissertation Strategien zur…

Empirical studiesKommunikationsstrategienKonsumentenpräferenzenKonsumentenverantwortungLebensmittelsektorMarketingNachhaltigkeitProduct and process attributesSustainability attributesUnternehmensverantwortungVertrauen
Cultural Styles in Corporate Communication (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Cultural Styles in Corporate Communication

An Analysis of Difference and Transformation in Cultural Communication Styles with a Focus on the Four Largest German and Four Largest U.S. American Banks‘ Annual Reports over the Period 1997–2007


Despite the wide degree of variation in the representation of information in corporate reporting, there remains a clear distinction between the way non-obligatory company information is displayed in German and U.S. American annual reports. Due to the considerable consolidation that has occurred recently in the banking industry, the four largest German and U.S. American banks’ annual reports can be considered good examples for this study of culturally-dependent corporate…

AmerikanisierungAnnual ReportsBankenCommunicationCultural Communication StylesCultureGeschäftsberichteKommunikationKommunikationswissenschaftKommunikativer StilKulturKultureller WandelKulturelle Stile
Sino-German Communication Interferences in Intercultural Teamwork: A Postmodern Approach (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Sino-German Communication Interferences in Intercultural Teamwork: A Postmodern Approach

Schriften zur Kulturwissenschaft

Previously, research on multinational teamwork with various nationalities and cultures involved, which looked at the aspect of communication, was largely based on the examination of specific facilitators and barriers to its communication. There it was found that multinational teams might have specific communication facilitators dependent upon the cultures involved. This is reflected in the theoretical development in the field of intercultural management, which gives…

ChinaChineseChinesenDeutscheGermanGroupsGruppenarbeitIntercultural CommunicationInterkulturelle KommunikationKommunikationsstörungenLinguistikSoziologieTeamarbeitTeamworkWirtschaft
Integrating Sustainability into the Core of an Organisation (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Integrating Sustainability into the Core of an Organisation

A Threefold Implementation Process Model from an Internal Communication Perspective

Nachhaltigkeits-Management – Studien zur nachhaltigen Unternehmensführung

In this book, qualitative research is utilised to embrace working life complexity and to take on the challenge of developing a threefold implementation process model for integrating sustainability into the core of an organisation.

The main contribution to theory is an insight into the interconnections between Corporate Sustainability (CS) Management, Internal CS Communication and CS-Supportive Behaviour which help to enable successful implementation. For…

Corporate SustainabilityInterne KommunikationNachhaltige EntwicklungOrganisational BehaviourPublic RelationsSustainability ImplementationUnternehmerische Nachhaltigkeit
Global Business Practices: Communication, Leadership, Negotiations, and Ethics (Monografie)Zum Shop

Global Business Practices: Communication, Leadership, Negotiations, and Ethics

Probleme und Chancen der Globalisierung

Global Business Practices: Communication, Leadership, Negotiations, and Ethics recognises the multinational and multicultural world of the twenty-first century and focuses on developing culturally sensitive cosmopolitan leaders with a global mindset who function as effective and ethically responsible global communicators and negotiators capable of creating cultural synergies and leading cultural change in organisations. This type of a global leader is in great demand and…

Business EthicsBusiness ProtocolCommunication EthicsCultural IntelligenceCultureGlobalisierungGlobal MindsetLanguageLeadershipNegotiationsPerception
The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on the Information Overload Phenomenon (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on the Information Overload Phenomenon

Schriften zum Betrieblichen Rechnungswesen und Controlling

Most people are working with the help of information and communication technology (ICT), with a still rising rate of workplaces being equipped with new technology. More and more people are presumed to act efficiently with new ICT and services in an environment that is getting more multifaceted for employees in the communication process. In response to the quickly changing environments, individuals and organisations are suffering from information overload (IO). However, in…

Case StudyCognitive LoadCommunication TechnologyControllingDecision-MakingICTInformation OverloadInformation ProcessingInformationsüberlastungManagement AccountingStressWork Satisfaction
Lost in Translation? An Analysis of the Role of English as the Lingua Franca of Multilingual Business Communication (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Lost in Translation? An Analysis of the Role of English as the Lingua Franca of Multilingual Business Communication

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

The study explores the influence of English as a lingua franca on multilingual business texts, in the context of the growing Americanisation of German business communication. It is based on the central hypothesis that the dominance of lingua franca English leads to a convergence with Anglophone text conventions in translations into German. This hypothesis is tested using two genres within annual reports: letters to shareholders and corporate statements, which…

Annual reportContrastive pragmaticsCorporate rhetoricDeutschEnglischEnglishGermanIntercultural business communicationInterkulturelle WirtschaftskommunikationKommunikationKontrastive PragmatikLanguage changeLanguage contactLingua FrancaLingua franca communicationMehrsprachigkeitMultilingual business communicationMultilingualismSprachkontaktSprachwandelSprachwissenschaftText linguisticsTextlinguistikTranslation Studies