18 Bücher 

Wissenschaftliche Literatur Higher education

Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher

Falls bei Ihnen die Veröffentlichung der Dissertation, Habilitation oder Masterarbeit ansteht, kontaktieren Sie uns jederzeit gern.

Unsere Sammlung zum Thema „Bildungswesen“ umfasst eine Vielzahl wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten und Forschungsbeiträge, die sich mit den aktuellen Entwicklungen, Herausforderungen und innovativen Ansätzen in der Bildung und Erwachsenenbildung beschäftigen. Hier finden Sie Einblicke in Bildungspolitik, Lehrmethoden, Bildungstechnologie und lebenslanges Lernen, um das Bildungssystem kontinuierlich zu verbessern und die bestmögliche Vorbereitung der jungen Generation sowie aller Bürgerinnen und Bürger auf die Anforderungen der heutigen Welt zu gewährleisten.

Employability of Foreign Higher Education Graduates in Germany (Doktorarbeit)

Employability of Foreign HigherEducation Graduates in Germany

A Grounded Theory Study of Factors, Processes and Action Strategies

Studien zur Berufs- und Professionsforschung

The number of foreign students enrolled in German highereducation has grown for decades – reaching 128,500 new enrolments and a total number of 440,500 students in 2022. Up to 80% of new enrolments consider staying in Germany to work after graduation, promising a welcome relief to the much-discussed labour shortage resulting from demographic and educational trends.

However, the real employment outcomes continue to fall short of the promising expectations. As…

ArbeitsmarktAusländische StudierendeBeschäftigungsfähigkeitDemografieDemographiewandelEmployabilityFachkräftemangelHochschulbildungIntegrationInternationalisierungMigrationPersonalwesen
AACSB-Accreditation of a German School of Business (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

AACSB-Accreditation of a German School of Business

A Sensemaking Perspective

LEHRE & FORSCHUNG – Hochschule im Fokus.
Interdisziplinäre Schriftenreihe zu Hochschulbildung, Hochschulleben, Hochschulmanagement und Hochschulpolitik

Accreditation as part of quality management has become increasingly popular within the sector of highereducation – especially in the field of management education. Accreditation processes pursue the idea of continuous improvement through the cyclic assessment of organizations against internationally agreed and accepted quality standards.

The longitudinal study examines the AACSB accreditation case of a German business school. AACSB accreditation bases on…

AACSB-AccreditationAACSB InternationalBusiness educationBusiness schoolCase StudyGerman Higher EducationHigher education managementHochschulmanagementInternational accreditationInternationale AkkreditierungKarl W. WeickOrganizational developmentOrganizational identityQualitätsmanagementQuality managementSensemaking
The Paradigm Shift in Higher Education (Sammelband)Zum Shop

The Paradigm Shift in HigherEducation

Experiences in and Considerations of Virtual, Hybrid and Blended Learning

LEHRE & FORSCHUNG – Hochschule im Fokus.
Interdisziplinäre Schriftenreihe zu Hochschulbildung, Hochschulleben, Hochschulmanagement und Hochschulpolitik

Bis zu der groben Störung praktisch aller Lebensbereiche durch Corona im März 2020 waren die Bemühungen um eine Internationalisierung der Hochschulen, z. B. durch die Förderung des Austauschs von Studierenden und Lehrkräften zwischen den Ländern der Europäischen Union im Rahmen von Erasmus, von gemischtem Erfolg gekrönt.

Zwar hatten Lehrende und Forscher erfolgreiche Kooperationsbeziehungen aufgebaut, die z. B. zu gemeinsamen Lehrbuch- und…

Ausbildung von LehrkräftenBlended LearningCourse DesignCurricular DesignDidaktikErasmus-MobilitätErasmus MobilityGemischtes LernenHigher EducationHochschulbildungHybrider UnterrichtHybrid TeachingInternationalisationInternationalisierungKursgestaltungLehrmethodikLehrplangestaltungPädagogikPedagogyStrategic partnershipStrategische PartnerschaftenTeacher TrainingTeaching MethodologyVirtual TeachingVirtueller Unterricht
Global Leadership and Leadership Development (Sammelband)

Global Leadership and Leadership Development

Betriebliche Personalentwicklung und Weiterbildung in Forschung und Praxis

This book has been developed as part of a broader project: ERASMUS+ KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for HigherEducation project No. 2017-1-HU01-KA203-035918, known as PROMINENCE (Promoting mindful encounters through intercultural competence and experience). Four partner universities were involved in the research and writing of this book: Debrecen University in Debrecen, Hungary, the coordinating partner; the University of Economics in Katowice,…

FührungGlobale DenkweiseInterkulturelle KommunikationInterkulturelles TrainingLeadershipLeadership DevelopmentManagementRhetorikSoft SkillsUnternehmensführung
Doing Higher Education Quality (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Doing HigherEducation Quality

A Discourse Analysis Approach to the Meaning Construction of HigherEducation Quality in Sweden Between 1992 and 2007

LEHRE & FORSCHUNG – Hochschule im Fokus.
Interdisziplinäre Schriftenreihe zu Hochschulbildung, Hochschulleben, Hochschulmanagement und Hochschulpolitik

Hochschulqualität ist weltweit ein signifikantes soziales Phänomen in den Hochschuldebatten geworden. Durch seine linguistische Verhandlung wird Hochschulqualität Teil einer konstruierten und erfahrbaren Realität. Neben einer starken Präsenz in öffentlichen, politischen und wissenschaftlichen Diskursen lässt sich zudem eine verstärkte Institutionalisierung und Professionalisierung von, vor allem, systematischen Messungen und Überprüfungen von Hochschulqualität beobachten,…

AkkreditierungAkteursanalyseArgumentationsanalyseAuditierungBedeutungskonstruktionDiskursanalyseErziehungswissenschaftEvaluierungHochschulqualitätKonzeptuelle MetaphernanalyseKulturwissenschaftPädagogikPragmatische LinguistikQualitätsmanagementSchwedische HochschulbildungToposanalyse
Education and Society in Transition (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Education and Society in Transition

Addressing the Challenges of Youth and Technology

EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung

The monograph presents a collection of studies that examine different educational methods and their effects at different levels of education, from high schools to highereducation institutions. Topics range from the implementation of coordination chemistry in high school curricula, emphasising the connection to the real world, to dealing with the digital divide between teachers and students.

The research highlights innovative teaching approaches such as the…

AusbildungBehandlungDigitalisierungGesundheitKarrierezieleMobilitätPhysische Aktivität
The Use of the Learning Portfolio in Foreign Language Teacher Education (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

The Use of the Learning Portfolio in Foreign Language Teacher Education

The Promotion of Learner Autonomy

Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis

This book addresses an important issue in foreign language teacher training, that of fostering learner autonomy in highereducation. On the basis of an appropriate theoretical framework and systematically collected empirical evidence the book presents a learning portfolio to be used by student teachers of foreign languages. Teacher educators will find helpful guidance and supporting materials as far as the learning portfolio’s flexible use in multiple contexts is…

Action ResearchAssessment for LearningDidaktikErziehungswissenschaftForeign languagesFremdsprachendidaktikFremdsprachenunterrichtHigher educationLearner autonomyPortfolioSelf-assessmentTeacher training
The Impact of Culture on Preferences for E-learning Systems in Higher Education (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

The Impact of Culture on Preferences for E-learning Systems in HigherEducation

A Comparison between China and Germany

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

As an international student in Germany, the author is part of a large community: more students than ever decide to study abroad. However, learning orientation and cultural adaptation issues are unavoidably associated with study abroad. An important option to address the problems is e-learning.

The present study verifies the German and Chinese students? cultural standards, teaching/learning cultures, and preferences for e-learning systems documented in the…

BetriebswirtschaftslehreCausal relations between cultural standards and preferencesChinaComparison of German and Chinese cultural standardsComparison of German and Chinese teaching / learning culturesCultural standardsE-LearningE-learning systems in higher educationFocus groupsGermanyLearning cultureQuestionnaire surveyStructural equation modelingStrukturgleichungsmodellStudent‘s preferences for e-learning systemsTeaching culture
Supporting student teachers’ written reflection in their practicum (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Supporting student teachers’ written reflection in their practicum

An action research project

Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis

This book provides comprehensive insight into prospective teachers’ written reflection on key moments of their teaching practicum.

In the context of Greek highereducation, the foreign language student teachers’ concept, planning, teaching and assessment of key moments are explored and the optimal ways in which teacher education can support them are empirically validated by means of a longitudinal pedagogical action research. [...]

Action Researchcollaborative reflectionDidaktikEPOSTLEuropean Portfolio for Studentslanguage teacher educationLehramtsstudierendeLehrpraktikumPädagogikreflective dialogueSprachlehrerTeachers of Languagesteaching practicumwritten reflection
Teaching Writing Through Teachers᾽ Self-Directed Development (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Teaching Writing Through Teachers᾽ Self-Directed Development

A Representative Qualitative Case Study in China – Challenges and Promises

LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis

It is typical for teachers to experience a lack of effective professional development at the institutional level. In this context, the practice that teachers have gained from their professional development may also insufficiently meet students’ needs. For example, in the context of English as a foreign language (EFL) writing instruction within Chinese universities, pre-service and in-service education seem to focus on the instruction of writing at the level of language…

ChinaChinese studentsConstrained contextsEnglischEnglischunterrichtFremdsprachenunterrichtHigher educationLinguistikSpracherwerbStudent’s individual needsSystemic functional linguisticsTeacher emotionTeacher’s self-directed developmentTextproduktionUniversitätUniversity English writing