86 Bücher 

Wissenschaftliche Literatur Germany

Eine Auswahl unserer Fachbücher

Falls bei Ihnen die Veröffentlichung der Dissertation, Habilitation oder Masterarbeit ansteht, kontaktieren Sie uns jederzeit gern.

Antecedents of Syrian Refugees’ Labor Market Integration in Germany (Dissertation)

Antecedents of Syrian Refugees’ Labor Market Integration in Germany

Survey Evidence


After the last refugee influx to Europe, which coincided with the worsening of the so-called refugee crisis in 2014, the process of integrating refugees into host countries has been a major challenge for all European countries. Particularly in Germany, the topic most relevant to integration was related to successfully integrating refugees economically into the labor market.

Previous research at the international and the European-level show the disadvantages…

ArbeitsmarktArbeitsmotivationBWLEconomicsIntegrationJob SearchJobsucheLabor Market IntegrationPsychological DistressPsychologische BelastungSelbstwirksamkeitserwartungSelf-EfficacyStructural equation modelingStrukturgleichungsmodellSurveySyrian RefugeesSyrische FlüchtlingeWirtschaftswissenschaftenWork MotivationWork Value
Employability of Foreign Higher Education Graduates in Germany (Doktorarbeit)

Employability of Foreign Higher Education Graduates in Germany

A Grounded Theory Study of Factors, Processes and Action Strategies

Studien zur Berufs- und Professionsforschung

The number of foreign students enrolled in German higher education has grown for decades – reaching 128,500 new enrolments and a total number of 440,500 students in 2022. Up to 80% of new enrolments consider staying in Germany to work after graduation, promising a welcome relief to the much-discussed labour shortage resulting from demographic and educational trends.

However, the real employment outcomes continue to fall short of the promising expectations. As…

ArbeitsmarktAusländische StudierendeBeschäftigungsfähigkeitDemografieDemographiewandelEmployabilityFachkräftemangelHochschulbildungIntegrationInternationalisierungMigrationPersonalwesen
“Human Dignity Shall Be Inviolable” (Forschungsarbeit)

“Human Dignity Shall Be Inviolable”

Discursive Implications of Racial Capitalism for the Valuing of Migrants in German Government’s Migration Management Campaigns

POLITICA – Schriftenreihe zur politischen Wissenschaft

“Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar“ – nicht nur der 1. Artikel des deutschen Grundgesetztes, sondern viel mehr ein Versprechen der demokratischen Regierung alle Menschen gerecht und gleich zu behandeln. Dennoch werden insbesondere Migrationspolitik und- strategien immer wieder für ihre Verletzung von Menschenrechten kritisiert.

Als ein repräsentatives Medium untersucht dieses Buch Migrationskampagnen der deutschen Bundesregierung mit dem Fokus auf…

Border CommunicationCommunication StudiesCritical Race TheoryEuropean Migration PoliticsFachkräfteGovernment CommunicationMigrationMigration ManagementMigrationskampagnenMigrationspolitikPolitical ScienceRacial Capitalism
An International and National Evaluation on Child Abuse in Iran and Germany (Dissertation)Zum Shop

An International and National Evaluation on Child Abuse in Iran and Germany

CRIMINOLOGIA – Interdisziplinäre Schriftenreihe zur Kriminologie, kritischen Kriminologie, Strafrecht, Rechtssoziologie, forensischen Psychiatrie und Gewaltprävention

“An International and National Evaluation of Child Abuse in Iran and Germany? examines the rights of children in the Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran) and the Federal Republic of Germany (Germany). The two countries were selected because of their fundamental differences in terms of legislations, definitions, and economic, cultural and religious aspects. Iranian laws are based on Islamic rules while there is no such requirement for legal rules in Germany. [...]

Child AbuseCriminal LawDeutschlandGermanyIranKindesmissbrauchPräventionPreventionStrafrecht
The Administrative Risk Decision-Making Mechanism Regarding the Authorization of GMOs in Germany/the EU and in China (Dissertation)Zum Shop

The Administrative Risk Decision-Making Mechanism Regarding the Authorization of GMOs in Germany/the EU and in China

Umweltrecht in Forschung und Praxis

Sowohl Deutschland bzw. die EU als auch China befinden sich immer noch in einem Entscheidungsdilemma bei der Zulassung grüner GVO. Die Dissertation widmet sich der Frage, ob dieses Dilemma durch eine Verbesserung oder Neuformulierung des administrativen Entscheidungsmechanismus für grüne GVO aufgelöst werden kann.

Es wurden vier spezifische Themen erörtert: die Funktionsweise der klassischen Entscheidungsfindung zur Gefahrenabwehr, die Herausforderungen durch…

ChinaGefahrenabwehrGentechnisch veränderter OrganismusGMOProzeduralisierungRechtswissenschaftRisiko-EntscheidungsfindungRisikovorsorgeUmweltrechtWissensgenerierung
Big (Crisis) Data in Social Sciences and Humanities: Predicting Crises (Forschungsarbeit)

Big (Crisis) Data in Social Sciences and Humanities: Predicting Crises

Studien zur Demographie und Bevölkerungsentwicklung

The method of Big (Crisis) data holds promise to answer, among others, the questions to the main European challenge: (irregular) migration. By combining various big data sources, this approach offers insights into migration trends a year before official data sources.

It helps model future trends and answer the questions:

How many asylum seekers and labour migrants will there be in individual EU members in the following year? What will be the routes…Big DataBraindrainDemographieDigitale GeisteswissenschaftDigital HumanitiesGoogle AnalyticsIllegale MigrationMigration
Emotion Management Experiences of Korean Nursing Workers in Germany (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Emotion Management Experiences of Korean Nursing Workers in Germany

Emotional Labor, Emotion Work and Global Women

Schriften zur Arbeits-, Betriebs- und Organisationspsychologie

Emotion management as emotion work is closely related to emotive experiences in an emotion system. In each emotion system, feeling rules and display rules are differently revealed depending on the social and cultural environment and the occupational and organizational environment. As emotion management sold for the wage, emotional labor refers to a worker’s endeavor to create a desired emotional state of the public depending on their occupational and organizational rules…

ArbeitsmigrationDeutschlandEmotionsmanagementEmotionsregulationGefühlskontrolleGermanyHochschildKoreanerMarxNursing WorkerPsychologieTransnational Labor Migration
Teacher Education in Primary and Secondary Schools (6–18-Year-Old Students) (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Teacher Education in Primary and Secondary Schools (6–18-Year-Old Students)

A Comparative Study Between China and Germany

Studien zur Schulpädagogik

Although the physical distance between China and Germany is large, the continual strengthening of ties between the two countries as well as widespread use of modern technology has allowed the two countries to not only cooperate in a political, economical, and cultural sense, but also educationally.

Both China and Germany attach great importance to improving the quality of education and training given to their teachers within the education reform. Both countries…

ChinaComparative StudyGermanyIn-Service EducationInduction EducationPre-Service EducationPrimary and Secondary SchoolsTeacher Education
Exploring the Social Dimension of Europe (Gedenkbands)

Exploring the Social Dimension of Europe

Essays in Honour of Nada Bodiroga-Vukobrat

Studien zur Rechtswissenschaft

Die Erforschung der sozialen Dimension Europas ist nicht nur ein rechtliches Unterfangen, sondern erfordert Beiträge aus interdisziplinären und multidisziplinären Perspektiven.

Diese Sammlung von zum Nachdenken anregenden Aufsätzen untersucht zahlreiche unterschiedliche Themen, von Arbeits-, Sozial-, Familien-, EU- und internationalem Recht, Grundrechten, Zivil- und Unternehmensrecht bis hin zu medizinischen Fragen. All diese Überlegungen dienen dem Aufbau einer…

Competition LawDatenschutzDatenschutzrechtEuroparechtEuropean LawFamilienrechtFamily LawGenetic TestingHuman RightsKinderrechteMenschenrechteNada Bodiroga-VukobratNon-DiscriminationPolitikwissenschaftenRechtswissenschaftenSocial LawSozialrechtSozialwissenschaftenWettbewerbsrecht
Ruses and Perfidy – Submarine Warfare and the Sinking of Hospital Ships During World War I (Forschungsarbeit)

Ruses and Perfidy – Submarine Warfare and the Sinking of Hospital Ships During World War I

Rechtsgeschichtliche Studien

In March 1916, a submarine under Turkish colors torpedoed without warning a Russian hospital ship in the Black Sea. It sank within a few minutes with a loss of over 100 lives. Whereas public mood in Russia ran high, the submarine commander argued that the ship was neither marked with prescribed signs of a hospital ship, nor that it conducted itself as such a one. For Russia the incident offered the pretext to withdraw from humanitarian projects involving POWs that had…

Hospital ShipsKriegsverbrechenKriegsverbrechensprozesse von LeipzigLazarettschiffeLondoner SeekriegsrechtsdeklarationOpheliaPortugalSeekriegSubmarine WarfareU-BootkriegVölkerrecht im KriegWinston Churchill