Wissenschaftliche Literatur Linguistics
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Peter Jordan, Irena Švehlová & Paul Woodman (eds.)
A Survey of Exonym Use
Proceedings of the 19th UNGEGN Working Group on Exonyms Meeting, Prague [Praha], 6-8 April 2017
Name & Place – Contributions to Toponymic Literature and Research
The Working Group (WG) on Exonyms of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names was established in 2002. The papers in this volume of Name & Place, marking the 19 th Meeting of the WG in Prague in 2017, represent a cross-section of the knowledge acquired after 15 years of collective activities, in which the WG has developed – and hopefully enhanced – its understanding and appreciation of the subject of exonyms with the sub-themes usage, standardization,…
East AsiaEuropaEuropeExonymExonymgebrauchExonymsGeographieGeographyLinguisticsLinguistikOstasienStandardisierungStandardizationToponomastikToponymToponymsToponymyUNGEGN Working GroupUse of exonymsVeronika Schmidt
Quantitative Film Studies
Regularities and Interrelations Exemplified by Shot Lengths in Soviet Feature Films
Schriften zur Medienwissenschaft
In statistical film analysis it is a common observation that shot length frequencies are not distributed haphazardly, but according to a particular pattern. Taking this as a starting point, the monograph focuses on two main questions. The first one is: Are shot lengths in Soviet feature films distributed regularly, and can these distributions be interpreted within a larger theoretical framework? The second question is: Is shot length an isolated entity in film or is it…
ComedyDramaFilm studiesFilmwissenschaftGeorge Kingsley ZipfKomödieMedia studiesMedienwissenschaftMotion picturesPaul MenzerathPhilosophy of scienceSlawistikSoviet UnionSowjetunionSpielfilmStatisticsStatistikWissenschaftstheorieIlona Schulze / Wolfgang Schulze
A Handbook of the Minorities of Armenia
A Sociocultural and Sociolinguistic Survey. In collaboration with Garnik Asatrian, Viktoria Arakelova, Vardan Voskanian, and others
SOCIALIA – Studienreihe soziologische Forschungsergebnisse
The „Handbook of the Minorities of Armenia“ presents the results of a project funded by the German VolkswagenStiftung in the years 2012-2016. The Handbook aims at a comprehensive sociocultural and sociolinguistic survey of the minorities in the Republic of Armenia. Even though Armenia is generally considered to be marked for a rather homogenous ethnic composition, ethnic minorities are nevertheless a relevant expression of cultural and linguistic diversity in Armenia,…
ArmeniaHandbookMinoritiesQualitative StudiesQuantitative StudiesSociocultureSociolinguisticsKevin J. Pike
Legal Lexis in Online Learner‘s Lexicography
To What Extent are the ‘Big Five‘ English Online Monolingual Learner‘s Dictionaries Fit for the Particular Purpose of Legal ESP Classes?
LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis
This book deals with the practical application of e-lexicography as a fundamental teaching tool in English for Special Purposes (ESP) classes in the field of law. It is very much interdisciplinary, covering the fields of lexicography, metalexicography, law, ESP teaching and linguistics. It begins with a look at the methodology undertaken during a detailed piece of research conducted by the author amongst several hundred predominantly law students at the…
AbleitungenAnglistikDiasystematische MarkierungenDictionaryEnglishESPFremdsprachenunterrichtJuristische FachterminologieKorpusbasierte LexikografieLegal terminologyLernerwörterbücherLexicographyLexikografieMetalexikografieMikrostrukturOnline-WörterbücherRechtswissenschaftWörterbücherWortklassenIlona Schulze
Sprache als fait culturel
Studien zur Emergenz, Motiviertheit und Systematizität des Lexikons des Minderico (Portugal)
PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
Die alltagssprachliche Erfahrung ist gemeinhin mit der Annahme verbunden, dass Sprache Teil des kulturellen Wissens einer Sprachgemeinschaft darstellt. Die Monographie geht dieser Frage systematisch nach. Sie präsentiert ein umfassendes Modell von Sprache, das deren Eigenschaft als „fait culturel“ aus einer kognitiv gegründeten, soziologischen und historischen Perspektive ableitet und in Bezug setzt zur Funktionalität von Sprache an sich. Es wird gezeigt, dass Sprache…
Cultural LinguisticsLexikalische SemantikLinguistikMindericoSonderspracheSoziolinguistikSprache und IdentitätSprachgeschichteJulia Analena Hollmann
Language & the Brain: The Neural Basis of Foreign Language Proficiency
Angewandte Linguistik aus interdisziplinärer Sicht
The heart of this book is constituted by the scientific discipline of neurolinguistics. The fascinating field of neurolinguistics encompasses the study of the neural mechanisms in the human brain that control the comprehension, production, and acquisition of a native or foreign language. Neurolinguistic research examines the underlying mechanisms of all the major subcategories of language in the brain, e.g. syntax, semantics, phonetics, phonology, or…
Angela FriedericiCognitive gender differencesCognitive scienceCPHCritical Period HypothesisForeign language proficiencyFremdsprachenkenntnisseGenderGender & LanguageHomosexualityKognitive GeschlechterunterschiedeLanguage and the brainLearning foreign languagesMusical abilityMusical talentNative-like pronunciationNeurolinguisticsNeurolinguistikPhonologyPierre Paul BrocaSprachwissenschaftMathew Kinyua Karia
Analysis of Dysarthric Speech After a Traumatic Brain Injury
A Gestural Approach
PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
This book focuses on two aspects: consonant production and intonation in dysarthric speech following a traumatic brain injury. The book discusses the deterioration in consonant production as well as deviant prosody in dysarthric speech. Plosives are investigated since imprecision in the production of plosives is a major occurrence in dysarthria. More specifically, this book focuses on the analysis of incomplete oral closures and deterioration of the coordination of the…
Acoustic analysisArticulatory gesturesArticulatory phonologyDysarthriaDysarthric SpeechGestural approachGesturesIncomplete closure in plosivesNeurolinguistikPhonetikPlosivesProsodySpeech productionSpeech therapyTraumatic brain injuryPatric Meyer
Semantic Influences on Episodic Memory
ERP and fMRI Evidence
Studienreihe psychologische Forschungsergebnisse
Recognition memory based on familiarity judgments is a form of declarative memory that has been repeatedly associated with the anterior medial temporal lobe. It has been argued that this region sustains familiarity-based recognition not only by retrieving item-specific information but also by coding for those semantic aspects of an event that support later familiarity-based recognition.
Neuroimaging findings clearly demonstrate that different forms of…
Angelika Goldstein & Biljana Golubović (eds.)
Foreign Language Movies – Dubbing vs. Subtitling
Schriften zur Medienwissenschaft
The subject of this volume is motion picture translation, that is, theories, methods and results of research aimed at various aspects of foreign movies and the implementation of motion pictures in foreign language classes.
This collection of papers on the translation of motion pictures consists of 15 contributions by authors from Europe, Canada, Australia and Asia, who all deal with this subject as part of their work in research and academia. Included are papers…
Applied LinguisticsDubbingFilmKulturwissenschaftLinguistikMedienlinguistikMedienwissenschaftMovieSprachwissenschaftSubtitlingSynchronisationTranslationÜbersetzungÜbersetzungswissenschaftUntertitelChristian Marino Baudy
Producing Verbal Play in English
A Contrastive Study of Advanced German Learners of English and English Native Speakers
PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
Verbal play production feeds on the ability to deliberately manipulate language. It is frequently employed by native speakers (of English) in human interaction to achieve a communicative goal „with a laugh?. Foreign language learners hardly employ such strategic moves. Research into foreign language play typically observes and categorizes spontaneous humorous productions. In contrast, the focus of this study is on planned English punning. It aims to uncover the respective…
Applied linguisticsContrastive researchForeign language learningKommunikationKompetenzSecond language communicationSpracheSprachwissenschaftÜbersetzbarkeitÜbersetzungÜbersetzungsäquivalenzWitz