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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Literature

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Dark Triad in Teams: The Bermuda Triangle of Organization? (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Dark Triad in Teams: The Bermuda Triangle of Organization?

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

Organizations’ work climate is influenced by individuals who are aggressive, bold, and manipulative, with little shame or guilt about their behaviors. These individuals usually generate a toxic work climate in which members rarely communicate with each other, have low commitment to the team and organization, and often engage in counterproductive work behaviors. The unpleasant consequences of employees’ maladaptive behaviors attract interests about dark side of personality…

AutopoiesEmerging MarketInnovation ManagementInternational Business IdeasIranProduct InnovativenessSpeed to MarketStructural equation modelingTeam ClimateTeam Dark Triad
Location and Strategy – Analyzing the Effect of the Local Environment on a Portfolio of Strategy-Performance-Relationships of Bavarian Key-Tech SMEs (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Location and Strategy – Analyzing the Effect of the Local Environment on a Portfolio of Strategy-Performance-Relationships of Bavarian Key-Tech SMEs

Strategisches Management

„Economic activity is distributed unequally across space [...]“ (Ketels, 2013). This insight is not new. It dates back at least to the nineteenth century, when Alfred Marshalls Principles of Economics (1890) offered a first-of-its-kind analysis of the agglomeration of people and economic activity in geographic space.

Paradoxically, the agglomeration of people and economic activity has continued to be one of the most important phenomena throughout the twentieth…

AgglomerationBetriebswirtschaftContingencyEconomic GeographyKey-TechLocationSMEStrategic ManagementStrategy
The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on the Information Overload Phenomenon (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on the Information Overload Phenomenon

Schriften zum Betrieblichen Rechnungswesen und Controlling

Most people are working with the help of information and communication technology (ICT), with a still rising rate of workplaces being equipped with new technology. More and more people are presumed to act efficiently with new ICT and services in an environment that is getting more multifaceted for employees in the communication process. In response to the quickly changing environments, individuals and organisations are suffering from information overload (IO). However, in…

Case StudyCognitive LoadCommunication TechnologyControllingDecision-MakingICTInformation OverloadInformation ProcessingInformationsüberlastungManagement AccountingStressWork Satisfaction
Learning Styles (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Learning Styles

A Critical Analysis of the Varied Approaches to Learning Preferences

Schriften zur Pädagogischen Theorie

The term learning style began to appear throughout the educational literature in the 1970s and, like with many comprehensive constructs, its precise definition, and the measurement thereof, remain a matter of somewhat convoluted disagreement. Various researchers have struggled to pinpoint both a comprehensive and functional definition of the construct of learning styles based on a cohesive theoretical framework. However, not only has the semantics of a definition…

Cognitive StyleErziehungswissenschaftKognitiver StilLearning Assessment InstrumentsLearning Mode AssessmentLearning ModelsLearning PreferencesLearning StrategyLearning StylesLernmethodeLernmodelleLernpräferenzenLernstileLernstrategiePädagogikPedagogy
Die russischen Mäzene im Exil (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Die russischen Mäzene im Exil

Literatur und Kunst im Kreis der Familien Cetlin und Pregel

Schriften zur Literaturgeschichte

Die bisherigen Forschungsbemühungen untersuchen die Blütezeit des Mäzenatentums im 19. Jahrhundert nur bis zum Jahr 1917. Das enorme Ausmaß an Emigration am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts führte zu einem wesentlichen Rückgang der finanziellen Förderungen im Land. Die Tradition, regelmässig zu spenden, verlagerte sich jedoch mit den einzelnen Förderern in die Emigration.

Einige Familien in der Emigration haben sich für den Erhalt der russischen Kultur besonders…

CetlinExilliteraturMäzenMäzenatentumNovoyj‘ zhurnalRussische LiteraturRussisches ExilRusslandSlawistikSofija PregelZhvrnal Novosel‘e
Junge Slavistik im Dialog VI (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Junge Slavistik im Dialog VI

Beiträge zur XI. Internationalen Slavistischen Konferenz

Studien zur Slavistik

Bereits zum elften Mal fand am 15. und 16. April 2016 am Institut für Slavistik der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel eine Konferenz unter dem Motto „Junge Slavistik im Dialog“ statt. Auch in diesem Jahr lag der Schwerpunkt der insgesamt 49 Vorträge wieder bei TeilnehmerInnen in der Master- oder Promotionsphase ihrer Karriere. Im deutschsprachigen Raum ist diese Konferenzserie damit wohl einzigartig. Sie bietet seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt dem wissenschaftlichen…

Aleksandr GrinBoris AkuninDmitrij GluchorskijEtymologieGenderlekteMehrsprachigkeitNegationsgenitivPressefreiheitSatireSlavistikSlavistische KonferenzSprachminderheitenSprachpolitikWortbildung
Confirmation of the Definitions (Tagungsband)Zum Shop

Confirmation of the Definitions

Proceedings of the 16th UNGEGN Working Group on Exonyms Meeting, Hermagor, 5–7 June 2014

Name & Place – Contributions to Toponymic Literature and Research

The term exonym was first used by the British toponymist Marcel AUROUSSEAU (1957) and – interestingly enough – the term endonym was coined only later (1975), by the Austrian Slavist Otto KRONSTEINER, even though endonym is the basic and primary concept, and endonyms prevail by far in number.

The United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN), whose main task is the international standardization of geographical…

EndonymeExonymeGeographische NamenGoegraphieKartographieLinguistikNamenverzeichnisseOnomastikRaumbezogene IdentitätSprachenStandardisierungToponomastikToponymeUnited Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names
Improving the Performance Impact of Risk Management (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Improving the Performance Impact of Risk Management

An Empirical Survey of German Non-Financial Organizations

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

Three major findings represent the main contribution of the study to the existing literature on risk management performance impact:

First of all, the results from the survey do not lend support to the view that risk management performance in terms of aligning business-related risk exposures with the threshold levels dictated by a pre-established organizational risk appetite plays an important intermediary role in explaining the impact of risk management on…

ControllingCorporate Risk ManagementCOSO Enterprise Risk ManagementDynamic CapabilitiesNichtfinanzorganisationenNon-Financial OrganizationsOrganizational PerformanceResourcebased ViewRisikomanagementStrategische UnternehmensführungStructural equation modelingStrukturgleichungsmodellSurvey
The Quest for Definitions (Tagungsband)Zum Shop

The Quest for Definitions

Proceedings of the 14th UNGEGN Working Group on Exonyms Meeting, Corfu, 23–25 May 2013

Name & Place – Contributions to Toponymic Literature and Research

Why is it that the topic of exonyms, and more precisely the endonym / exonym divide, attracts so much interest and is so much disputed? It is perhaps because this divide arises when a geographical name is considered within the relationship between a name-using community and the feature bearing this name – is the feature marked by the name »ours’ or theirs’«

This is a highly political, sociological and cultural-geographical issue which also has juridical…

EndonymeExonymeGeographieGeographische NamenKartographieLinguistikOnomastikRaumbezogene IdentitätToponomastik
The Influence of Advisors, Advisor-Customer Relationships, and the Financial Crisis on Satisfaction and Retention of Retail Banking Customers (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

The Influence of Advisors, Advisor-Customer Relationships, and the Financial Crisis on Satisfaction and Retention of Retail Banking Customers

Three Empirical Studies

Innovatives Dienstleistungsmanagement

For retail banks, as for other continuous service providers, CRM literature has focused on retention as the goal, given the higher profitability of customers who stay with the firm, when compared to newly attracted customers. Research has found a multitude of reasons for customers to stay with their firm, ranging from social effects to customers’ age and socioeconomic status. Of the different reasons, customer satisfaction with the service provided has been identified as…

Customer Relationship ManagementCustomer RetentionDienstleistungsmanagementFinancial CrisisFinancial Market AdviceHousehold FinanceRetail BankingService Marketing