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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Mixed-Integer Programming

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Decision Support for Movie Scheduling in a Multiplex (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Decision Support for Movie Scheduling in a Multiplex

QM – Quantitative Methoden in Forschung und Praxis

Bei der Kinoprogrammplanung sind eine Vielzahl verschiedener Einflussfaktoren zu berücksichtigen wie z.B. die wöchentlichen Nachfrageprognosen der Filme, vertragliche Restriktionen der Filmverleiher sowie baulich bedingte Beschränkungen der Spielstätten. Unter Berücksichtigung dieser Faktoren müssen die Programmplaner entscheiden in welchem Saal und zu welcher Uhrzeit ein Film gezeigt werden soll, um die Anzahl der Ticketverkäufe bzw. den Umsatz zu maximieren.

Im Rahmen dieser Abhandlung wird ein System zur Entscheidungsunterstützung entwickelt, welches…

BetriebswirtschaftCannibalization EffectsDecision Support SystemDemand Planning DecisionsGanzzahlige OptimierungKinoprogrammplanungMarketingMicro Movie SchedulingMixed-Integer OptimizationMixed-Integer ProgrammingMotion Picture IndustryMovie Exhibition BuisnessMovie SchedulingMultiplexOperations ResearchShort-term Demand
Selected Scheduling Applications (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Selected Scheduling Applications

QM – Quantitative Methoden in Forschung und Praxis

The first chapter is dedicated to a general introduction into scheduling. Among the basic concepts in scheduling, machine scheduling, general methodologies for solving scheduling problems, scheduling formulations and definitions in computational complexity are illustrated. The first chapter ends with a brief synopsis.

In chapter 2, the yard crane scheduling and routing problem is addressed. More precisely, it is focussed on the job scheduling and crane routing of automated rail-mounted-gantry cranes of storage yards on seaport container terminals. The chapter…

AblaufplanungBetriebswirtschaftslehreComputational ComplexityMachine SchedulingMixed-Integer ProgrammingMovie SchedulingOperations ResearchRosteringSchedulingStudents SchedulingTimetablingYard-Crime Scheduling and Routing
Discrete Location Problems with Flexible Objectives (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Discrete Location Problems with Flexible Objectives

Logistik-Management in Forschung und Praxis

Mathematical location theory is one of the most active fields in the area of Operations Research. This importance is on the one hand due to the multitude of interesting structural properties of these problems. On the other hand, mathematical location models have been used for decision support in a large number of practical applications. In most of these applications the set of possible locations is discrete and finite. Therefore, discrete location models should be applied to prepare decisions in such situations. In this book, basic mathematical location problems with a…

BetriebswirtschaftslehreBranch and CutComputational StudyHeuristicsLocation TheoryLogistik-ManagementMathematical ModelingMixed-Integer Linear ProgrammingOperations Research