Wissenschaftliche Literatur Literature
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Sebastian Möbus
Social Networks and the Organizational Knowledge Transfer Process
Relational and Structural Effects on the Micro-Phase of Knowledge Acquisition
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
The capability to effectively transfer and leverage knowledge from all kinds of resources has become one of the important sources of competitive advantage, innovativeness, and sustained firm performance. Prior research has shown that the internal social networks of a firm contribute to the transfer of knowledge. The knowledge transfer process, however, has not been consistently defined, but is strongly related to both the organizational learning processes and the…
Absorptive CapacityKnowledgeKnowledge AcquisitionKnowledge LossKnowledge StaringKnowledge TransferOrganisational LearningSocial Networks
Andrea Hammermann
Not Just for the Money,
but What For?
An Experimental and Empirical Analysis of Immaterial, Tangible and Monetary Incentives
One of the great challenges in personnel economics is how to align employee’s best interest to that of the employer. The literature on incentive theory has up to now focused mostly on monetary incentives. Indeed, many facts speak in their favor. Money is storable, fungible, easily tradable, and mainly independent of the recipient’s preference because of its option value. But recent empirical findings suggest that monetary incentives, like piece rates, can backfire. The…
AnreizeArbeitsmotivationAuszeichnungenBehavioral EconomicsBetriebswirtschaftslehreEmpirieExperimentFavoritismFeedbackMotivationNichtmonetäre AnreizsystemePerformancePersonalökonomieStatusTeamWork Motivation
Markus Wiemann
Essays on the Role of Credit Ratings in Corporate Finance
Rating agencies are important players in today’s financial markets. They have strong influence on companies’ costs of debt and investors’ decisions. However, rating agencies were and are not free of criticism. The conflict that emerges from the strong influence of credit ratings on firms, on the one hand, and the criticism against rating agencies, on the other hand, motivated this work. It consists of four articles which extend the research on credit ratings, contract…
Agency-KonfliktAgency ConflictCosts of debitFinanzmanagementFremdkapitalkostenInvestitionenInvestmentsKreditverträgeLoansMonitoringPerformance PricingRating AgenciesRatingagenturenRatings
Tobias Wickern
Multiple Testing Problems in the Context of Modern Portfolio Theory
A multiple testing problem occurs when two or more related null hypotheses are tested simultaneously. The classical significance level, which refers to the type I error of an individual test problem, is not suitable for testing a family of hypotheses. This is due to the fact that more than one true null hypothesis may erroneously be rejected. Several approaches to error control taking account of the multiplicity problem have been proposed. The focus of the present work is…
Asset allocationBootstrap methodsCertainty equivalentFamilywise error rateFinanzierungslehreMarkowitzMinimum-Variance strategiesMultiple hypothesis testsMutual fund performanceNaive diversificationNormal-Inverse-Wishart modelPortfolio optimizationRisikomanagementSharpe ratioWirtschaftsstatistik
Georg Bestelmeyer
Equity Markets and the Real Economy
The author analyzes the influence of investors’ macroeconomic expectations on the U.S. equity market by focusing on three central issues: First, “Do investors’ equity risk premia expectations depend on overall business conditions? Hereby, the importance of economic conditions for doubtlessly one of the most essential value drivers of stock markets is tackled. The knowledge of how strong the real economic situation influences equity risk premia expectations and thus the…
Asset PricingBusiness CycleEquity RiskInformation ProcessingLeading Economic IndexMacroeconomic AnnouncementsRechnungswesenStock Market Efficiency
Sergio Moccia
Limited Editions: When Conformists Behave Like Snobs and Snobs Behave Like Conformists
Studien zum Konsumentenverhalten
The marketing literature often assumes that snobs have a preference for rather unique products, while conformists have a preference for products of a more popular nature. At the same time, however, Western consumers have a preference for being unique or individualistic. Not surprisingly, consumers are often confronted with advertising which highlights the exclusivity or uniqueness of a product. This is especially the case when people are faced with limited editions.…
BetriebswirtschaftslehreConformismExclusivityKonsumentenverhaltenLimited EditionMarketingNeed for UniquenessScarcitySnobbism
Časlav Božić
Applications of Intelligent Systems for News Analytics in Finance
Studien zur Wirtschaftsinformatik
News articles make a very important information source for traders beacuse news stories reach a huge number of people, and they can initiate massive market movements, like panic selling, or massive buying, but they can also lead to more subtle market movements. With the rise of algorithmic trading volume in recent years, the need for quantifying qualitative information in textual news and incorporating that additional information into new trading algorithms…
FinanzenInformatikNatural Language ProcessingNeural NetworksNews AnalyticsStock ExchangeSupport Vector MachinesText Sentiment
Oliver Günter Lazar
Sino-German Communication Interferences in Intercultural Teamwork: A Postmodern Approach
Schriften zur Kulturwissenschaft
Previously, research on multinational teamwork with various nationalities and cultures involved, which looked at the aspect of communication, was largely based on the examination of specific facilitators and barriers to its communication. There it was found that multinational teams might have specific communication facilitators dependent upon the cultures involved. This is reflected in the theoretical development in the field of intercultural management, which gives…
ChinaChineseChinesenDeutscheGermanGroupsGruppenarbeitIntercultural CommunicationInterkulturelle KommunikationKommunikationsstörungenLinguistikSoziologieTeamarbeitTeamworkWirtschaft
Sebastian Schlömer
The Project-Based MBA
An Alternative Approach to Postgraduate Management Education
MBA-Programs are the flagship product of business schools world-wide. The increasing enrolment as well as the price range of these postgraduate business degree programs reflect this relevance.
Despite its success, the MBA has been frequently criticized in respect to a number of typical characteristics and outcomes. Many of these are closely associated to the character of business schools which has shaped the fundamental instructional approach usually used for…
Action learningBildungBlended LearningBusiness SchoolErwachsenenbildungKonstruktivistische DidaktikManagement DevelopmentManagement EducationMaster of Business AdministrationPersonalentwicklungProblem-based learningProject-based learningProjektlernenProjektmethodenUniversitäte WeiterbildungWeiterbildung
Fritz Peter Kirsch
Interkulturelle Literaturwissenschaft
Ein romanistischer Zugang
Der Sammelband enthält größtenteils vom Autor überarbeitete Versionen früher publizierter Aufsätze zur romanischen Literaturwissenschaft. Auswahl und Anordnung der 17 Texte sollen eine durchgehende gedankliche Linie erkennbar machen und den Leser zugleich mit der Vielfalt der romanischen Literaturen konfrontieren. In chronologischer Hinsicht wird ein Bogen vom Mittelalter über die frühe Neuzeit und das Zeitalter der Romantik bis zur zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts…
Frankophone Literatur AfrikasFrankophone Literatur NordamerikasFranzösische LiteraturInterkulturalitätInterkulturelle LiteraturwissenschaftItalienische LiteraturKatalanische LiteraturKulturwissenschaftLiteraturgeschichteLiteraturwissenschaftOkzitanische LiteraturRätoromanische LiteraturRomanistikRumänische LiteraturSprachminderheitenSurselvaZivilisationsprozess