Wissenschaftliche Literatur Raumbezogene Identität
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In unserer Sammlung zum Thema „Identität“ finden Sie eine vielfältige Auswahl wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten und Forschungsbeiträge. Hier werden Aspekte von persönlicher Identität, sozialer Identität, kultureller Identität und Identitätsbildung untersucht. Die Sammlung bietet Einblicke in die psychologischen, soziologischen und kulturellen Dimensionen von Identität und wie sie Verhalten, Interaktion und Wahrnehmung beeinflusst. Eine Ressource für diejenigen, die ein tieferes Verständnis für Identitätsfragen suchen und sich mit Identitätsvielfalt und -dynamik auseinandersetzen möchten.

Peter Jordan / Paul Woodman (eds.)
Place-Name Changes
Proceedings of the Symposion in Rome, 17–18 November 2014
Name & Place – Contributions to Toponymic Literature and Research
Languages are promoted by political powers and are dependent on them. In a historical dimension languages come and go depending on political support. Place names as elements of language are part of this historical fluctuation. Due to their symbolic role as markers of geographical features, territories and space-related identities, however, they are even more exposed to political change.
At any time the replacement of the dominant political or cultural force within a given society can result in place-name changes. A recent example is the rise and fall of…
GeographieGeographische NamenGeschichteKartenLinguistikNamensänderungenPolitische UmbrücheRaumbezogene IdentitätSiedlungsnamenSprachenStraßennamenToponomastikToponyme
Peter Jordan / Paul Woodman (eds.)
Confirmation of the Definitions
Proceedings of the 16th UNGEGN Working Group on Exonyms Meeting, Hermagor, 5–7 June 2014
Name & Place – Contributions to Toponymic Literature and Research
The term exonym was first used by the British toponymist Marcel AUROUSSEAU (1957) and – interestingly enough – the term endonym was coined only later (1975), by the Austrian Slavist Otto KRONSTEINER, even though endonym is the basic and primary concept, and endonyms prevail by far in number.
The United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN), whose main task is the international standardization of geographical names, had already defined these two terms in the first (1984) edition of its Glossary of Terms for the…
EndonymeExonymeGeographische NamenGoegraphieKartographieLinguistikNamenverzeichnisseOnomastikRaumbezogene IdentitätSprachenStandardisierungToponomastikToponymeUnited Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names
Peter Jordan / Paul Woodman (eds.)
The Quest for Definitions
Proceedings of the 14th UNGEGN Working Group on Exonyms Meeting, Corfu, 23–25 May 2013
Name & Place – Contributions to Toponymic Literature and Research
Why is it that the topic of exonyms, and more precisely the endonym / exonym divide, attracts so much interest and is so much disputed? It is perhaps because this divide arises when a geographical name is considered within the relationship between a name-using community and the feature bearing this name – is the feature marked by the name »ours’ or theirs’«
This is a highly political, sociological and cultural-geographical issue which also has juridical implications and is frequently loaded with emotion, since from this perspective place names are symbols of…
EndonymeExonymeGeographieGeographische NamenKartographieLinguistikOnomastikRaumbezogene IdentitätToponomastikHäufige Schlagworte im Fachgebiet Literaturwissenschaft & Sprachwissenschaft