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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Endonyme

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Confirmation of the Definitions (Tagungsband)Zum Shop

Confirmation of the Definitions

Proceedings of the 16th UNGEGN Working Group on Exonyms Meeting, Hermagor, 5–7 June 2014

Name & Place – Contributions to Toponymic Literature and Research

The term exonym was first used by the British toponymist Marcel AUROUSSEAU (1957) and – interestingly enough – the term endonym was coined only later (1975), by the Austrian Slavist Otto KRONSTEINER, even though endonym is the basic and primary concept, and endonyms prevail by far in number.

The United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN), whose main task is the international standardization of geographical names, had already defined these two terms in the first (1984) edition of its Glossary of Terms for the…

EndonymeExonymeGeographische NamenGoegraphieKartographieLinguistikNamenverzeichnisseOnomastikRaumbezogene IdentitätSprachenStandardisierungToponomastikToponymeUnited Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names
The Quest for Definitions (Tagungsband)Zum Shop

The Quest for Definitions

Proceedings of the 14th UNGEGN Working Group on Exonyms Meeting, Corfu, 23–25 May 2013

Name & Place – Contributions to Toponymic Literature and Research

Why is it that the topic of exonyms, and more precisely the endonym / exonym divide, attracts so much interest and is so much disputed? It is perhaps because this divide arises when a geographical name is considered within the relationship between a name-using community and the feature bearing this name – is the feature marked by the name »ours’ or theirs’«

This is a highly political, sociological and cultural-geographical issue which also has juridical implications and is frequently loaded with emotion, since from this perspective place names are symbols of…

EndonymeExonymeGeographieGeographische NamenKartographieLinguistikOnomastikRaumbezogene IdentitätToponomastik
Trends in Exonym Use (Tagungsband)Zum Shop

Trends in Exonym Use

Proceedings of the 10th UNGEGN Working Group on Exonyms Meeting, Tainach, 28-30 April 2010

Name & Place – Contributions to Toponymic Literature and Research

Exonyme im Sinne von geographischen Namen für Objekte außerhalb des eigenen Sprachgebiets zählen neben Namen in mehrsprachigen Gebieten zu den strittigsten Themen in der Toponymie. Sie werden oft als Ausdruck von Besitzansprüchen oder einer nostalgischen Haltung gedeutet. Auch in der 1967 gegründeten Expertengruppe der Vereinten Nationen für geographische Namen (United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, UNGEGN) stehen sie häufig im Mittelpunkt der Diskussionen. Die Expertengruppe hat in den ersten Dezennien ihres Bestandes auch eine sehr restriktive Haltung…

ExonymeGeographieKartographieLändernamenLinguistikName / Ort RelationOrtsbezogene IdentitätOrtsnamenSprachwissenschaftTransliteration