Learning Styles (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Learning Styles

A Critical Analysis of the Varied Approaches to Learning Preferences

Schriften zur Pädagogischen Theorie

The term learning style began to appear throughout the educational literature in the 1970s and, like with many comprehensive constructs, its precise definition, and the measurement thereof, remain a matter of somewhat convoluted disagreement. Various researchers have struggled to pinpoint both a…

Cognitive StyleErziehungswissenschaftKognitiver StilLearning Assessment InstrumentsLearning Mode AssessmentLearning ModelsLearning PreferencesLearning StrategyLearning StylesLernmethodeLernmodelleLernpräferenzenLernstileLernstrategiePädagogikPedagogy
Der Zusammenhang von Startpunkten und Handlungsoptionen im Business Development (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Der Zusammenhang von Startpunkten und Handlungsoptionen im Business Development

Schriftenreihe zum Business Development

Der Einsatz der Funktion Business Development soll es Unternehmen ermöglichen, die bestehende Geschäftstätigkeit weiterzuentwickeln, Potenziale zu erschließen und langfristig Wachstum zu erzeugen.

Diese Studie beschäftigt sich mit dem Zeitpunkt der Einführung von Business Development in…

Business DevelopmentGeschäftsmodelleGesundheitssektorHandlungsoptionenLogistikQuantitative Comparative AnalysisServicetransformationUrban Freight Logistics
Linguistics Across Culture 4 (Sammelband)Zum Shop

Linguistics Across Culture 4

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

Linguistics Across Culture 4 is a collection of papers which adopt cognitive and pragmatic perspectives on Indo-European and Non-Indo-European languages. The volume presents new discoveries and important analytical work exploring various linguistic phenomena in a range of contexts. [...]

Cognitive LinguisticsColour TermsConceptual MetaphorDiscourse AnalysisLexical SemanticsLinguisticsSpatial PrepositionTranslation Equivalence
Decomposing Consistency Matrices (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Decomposing Consistency Matrices

A Methodological Approach to Increase Efficiency and Applicability of the Consistency Analysis in Scenario Processes

Strategisches Management

Eine zentrale Herausforderung im Rahmen induktiver Szenarioprozesse besteht in der Auswahl konsistenter Szenarien aus der Vielzahl kombinatorisch möglicher Projektionsbündel. Zu diesem Zweck wird in der Literatur der Einsatz der Konsistenzanalyse empfohlen. Sie dient dazu, Komplexität zu reduzieren und…

ClusteranalyseEffizienzsteigerungEinflussanalyseKonsistenzanalyseModularisierungStrategische PlanungSzenarioanalyseZerlegung komplexer SystemeZukunftsforschung
The Determinants of Firm Growth in High-Technology Industries (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

The Determinants of Firm Growth in High-Technology Industries

An Empirical Analysis of Spatial, Relational and Institutional Factors in the German Biotechnology Industry

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

The formation and growth of high-technology firms is widely regarded as a critical source of competitive advantage for advanced economies. These science and technology-based ventures give rise to important technological innovations opening up new industry segments and challenging existing technological paradigms…

ClusterFirmenwachstumInnovationInnovationsforschungNetzwerkeStrategisches ManagementTechnological InnovationsTechnologiepolitikWirtschaftsgeographie
Marriage and Adultery in the Old Testament (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Marriage and Adultery in the Old Testament

An Igbo-African Contextual Reading

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse

This book not only provides an in-depth understanding of family, marriage and adultery in the Old Testament and the implications thereof for contemporary Igbo-African society, but also demonstrates convincingly the vital role of the Bible in Africa as a resource for social and ethical transformation. [...]

AdulteryAfricaAfrikaAltes TestamentBibelstudienBible StudiesDivorceEheEhebruchEthikFamilieFamilyIgboMarriageNarrative AnalyseNarrative analysisOld TestamentScheidungSexual ethicsSexualethik
Scheduling – Transportation – Pricing (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Scheduling – Transportation – Pricing

Selected Problems and their Solutions

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

Tobias Wiens investigates three selected problems in the fields of scheduling, transportation and pricing, with the aim of introducing appropriate analytical methods as a basis for better decision making. The author first introduces the new research field of team assignment and scheduling, taking into account team…

AblaufplanungAdaptive large Neighborhood searchAlmost stochastic dominanceAutovermietungBetriebswirtschaftCar rentalDecision analysisFestpreisverträgeFixed price contractsGenetic algorithmGenetischer AlgorithmusManagement ScienceNachbarschaftssucheNeighborhood searchOperations ResearchPreisgestaltungPricingRoutenplanungSchedulingTeam productionTeam ProduktionTransportationVehicle routing
Business Model Innovation: The Role of Organisational Ambidexterity (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Business Model Innovation: The Role of Organisational Ambidexterity

Beating Yourself at Your Own Game

Strategisches Management

This book’s overall aim is to enhance the understanding of the BMI phenomenon by examining certain causes, means, and consequences that surround it, to eventually derive both theoretical and managerial implications. To achieve this goal, the rich knowledge of organisational ambidexterity theory is utilised and…

Business Model InnovationCase Study ResearchCorporate FinanceFallstudieGeschäftsmodelleGeschäftsmodellinnovationOrganisational AmbidexterityOrganisationale AmbidextrieRegression AnalysisRegressionsanalyseStructural Equation ModelStrukturgleichungsmodell
Creating Insights in Large Markets (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Creating Insights in Large Markets

Electronic Commerce, Marketing & Finance

Today, firms face large and complex markets, in which they must make strategic and tactic decisions. However, their ability to make informed decisions is limited. First, they lack access to comprehensive data regarding the large markets in which they operate. Second, even in cases in which such data are available,…

Asymmetric CompetitionBig DataCannibalizationCompetitive AnalysisCompetitive Market StructureConsideration SetsMarketingNew Product SuccessOnline Consumer SearchOverlapping ClusteringPrice-Comparison SitesSource of Market ShareViasualization and Mapping