Wissenschaftliche Literatur Values
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Anna Thaler
Values and Ethical Principles for AI and Robotics
A Qualitative Content Analysis of EU Soft Law Initiatives
Schriften zur Rechts- und Staatsphilosophie
The fast-paced developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics not only tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges, but also evoke a number of urgent and complex moral difficulties such as opaque decision-making, gender bias or other kinds of discrimination.
Against this background, the European Union (EU) advocates to rely upon values and principles, enshrined in EU primary law, to approach moral and ethical encounters. [...]
AIArtificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence ActEthicsEthikEU-LawEU-RechtGuidelinesHLEGHuman dignityKIKünstliche IntelligenzMenschenwürdePhilosophiePhilosophyPrinciplesPrinzipienRoboticsSoft LawValuesWerteAreej Wais
Antecedents of Syrian Refugees’ Labor Market Integration in Germany
Survey Evidence
After the last refugee influx to Europe, which coincided with the worsening of the so-called refugee crisis in 2014, the process of integrating refugees into host countries has been a major challenge for all European countries. Particularly in Germany, the topic most relevant to integration was related to successfully integrating refugees economically into the labor market.
Previous research at the international and the European-level show the disadvantages…
ArbeitsmarktArbeitsmotivationBWLEconomicsIntegrationJob SearchJobsucheLabor Market IntegrationPsychological DistressPsychologische BelastungSelbstwirksamkeitserwartungSelf-EfficacyStructural equation modelingStrukturgleichungsmodellSurveySyrian RefugeesSyrische FlüchtlingeWirtschaftswissenschaftenWork MotivationWork ValueLily Rose Tope / Wolfgang Zach (eds.)
Collisions of Cultures
Frictions and Re-Shapings
Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik
This is a collection of thirty-nine articles that explore transcultural collisions that have occurred in the course of history and movement of human communities.
It uses the disciplines of literature, history and cultural studies to examine new thematic parameters and methodological approaches that address violent and subtle cultural confrontations between communities, re-shape identities, reconceive gender, define home, track cultural mobilities, explore…
AfrikaAustralienBeyond HumanBrasilienCollisions of CulturesCultural CollisionsCultural mobilitesCultural StudiesFidschiGenderGeschichtswissenschaftHistoryIdentitätIndienIndonesienIrlandJapanKanadaKulturelle KollisionenKulturwissenschaftLiteratureLiteraturwissenschaftMigrationMobilitätNeuseelandPhilippinenPostcolonialRe-shaping identitiesSingapurUkraineUSAVereinigte Arabische EmirateMaja Pajek / Špela Bogataj / Armin Paravlić / Janez Vodičar / Jernej Pajek
Health-Related Physical Fitness in End-Stage Kidney Disease
Schriftenreihe Gesundheitswissenschaften
Any clinician, physical therapist, kinesiologist, or nurse who works with patients with end-stage renal disease knows the serious impairment and obstacles this disease brings to the lives of our patients. As the population undergoing renal replacement therapy continues to age, there is an increasing need to objectively assess biological versus choronological age and motor abilities of patients.
This work contains much-needed scientific information and…
Chronic Kidney DiseaseChronische NierenerkrankungFunctional TestsFunktionstestsGesundheitswissenschaftenHealthKörperliche AktivitätKörperliche LeistungsfähigkeitLebensqualitätNormative ValuesNormative WertePhysical ExercisePhysical PerformanceQuality of LifeSportsSportwissenschaftMojca K. Šebart / Miha Kovač
Knowledge, values, equity: Contemporary tendencies in education
Schriften zur Pädagogischen Theorie
This book addresses three main topics: the first one relates to the issue of values in education; the second one regards the role and importance of knowledge in education; and the third one examines the attitudes towards deep reading as this is one of the fundamental processes on which the achievement of any long-term educational goal depends.
In regard to the issue of values, the authors claim that society needs to achieve a consensus about what principles can…
AusschlussBildungswesenEducationEqualityErziehungswissenschaftExclusionGleichberechtigungHuman RightsKnowledgeLesenMenschenrechteMoralMoralityOverburdeningPädagogikPedagogicsReadingÜberlastungWissenSylwester Jaworski
Phonetically conditioned lenition processes
PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
The term phonetically-conditioned lenition processes, which is also the title of the book, refers to the phonological processes whose output is thought to be linked directly to physical properties of the speech apparatus, of which inertia appears to be particularly important. Given that the influence of inertia manifests itself in accelerated movements when the moving organ needs to abruptly change direction, phonetically-conditioned processes are likely to take…
Akustische PhonetikDelitionLenisierungLinguistikPhonetikPhonologieReduktionSpirantisierungTobias Fries
Social Business, Ethics, and Responsibility of Leadership
Die Institutionen und Organisationen des Kapitalismus im Wandel hin zur Benefit Corporation
Nachhaltigkeits-Management – Studien zur nachhaltigen Unternehmensführung
Im Wirtschaftssystem des 21. Jahrhunderts findet ein sukzessiver Wandel statt. Vor allem die Gesellschaft fordert, dass Unternehmen den Fokus nicht mehr nur auf das einseitige Gewinnstreben legen, sondern sich auf eine Ökonomie besinnen, welche die Gesellschaft und die Umwelt miteinbezieht. Dementsprechend ist es für das Management von Unternehmen immer mehr von Relevanz, dass nicht allein den Anteilseignern ein Vorrang eingeräumt wird, sondern alle beteiligten…
Adam SmithBen and Jerry‘sBenefit CorporationBusinessChester BarnardConscious CapitalismEthicsKapitalismusNeue InstitutionenökonomikPatagoniaPeter DruckerResponsibilityResponsible LeadershipSocial BusinessSocial EntrepreneurshipStakeholderWandelJanina Petri-Krisor
Optimizing Job Advertisements to Create an Attractive Employer Brand
Studien zum Konsumentenverhalten
Die Rekrutierungsfunktion ist heutzutage eine der wichtigsten Unternehmensfunktionen in den Industrieländern. Da der Anteil von Dienstleistungen und wissensbasierter Arbeit kontinuierlich zunimmt, ist das Humankapital von Unternehmen eine Hauptquelle für nachhaltigen Unternehmenserfolg. Deshalb ist die Attraktion und Bindung der richtigen Mitarbeiter (= passendes Skill-Set für ihren Job und hoher Fit mit der Unternehmensidentität und den Werten = Person-Organization Fit)…
ArbeitgeberattraktivitätBetriebswirtschaftBrand-oriented company managementBrand valuesBusiness studiesCongruentContent analysisEmployer AttractivenessEmployer BrandingHuman ResourcesIncongruentInhaltsanalyseInkongruentInstrumental attributesInstrumentelle AttributeKongruentKonsumentenverhaltenMarkenorientierte UnternehmensführungMarkenwerteMarketingOnline job advertisementsOnline StellenanzeigenPerson-Organisation FitPersonalwesenSelbstkonzeptSelf-conceptSymbolic attributesSymbolische AttributeRobert Celec (Ed.)
Health Care Through Various Aspects of Social Action
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The monograph entitled “Health care through various aspects of social action” touches on research findings that find a common ground in the studies that are protecting our health. Initially, it gives insight into the results of a study that analyses the health and problems of students related to distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, when most universities were forced to switch to online distance learning.
In the following chapter, it presents the…
AgrarwirtschaftClimate ChangeEducationErnährungErziehungswissenschaftFoodFood WasteGesundheitHealthHealthcareKlimawandelLebensmittelverschwendungPollutionSportSportsWell-BeingWohlbefindenFiona Ungemach
Information Efficiency of Accounting Standards
The analysis of financial statements plays an important role in performance measurement and equity valuation. Accounting information not necessarily reflects the economic situation of a firm but is subject to regulatory frameworks that make financial statement data difficult to interpret economically. The general accounting principles in combination with discretionary managerial decisions applying the accounting principles involve differences between economic and…
Accrual AccountingBuchhaltungConservative AccountingEconomics of AccountingEgonomic AccountingFinanzanalyseGoddwill AccountingInformation EfficiencyMarket-to-Book RatioNeutral AccountingPrice-Earnings RatioProfitabilityRechnungslegungReturn on Capital EmployedReturn on EquitySteady-State Analysis