Wissenschaftliche Literatur Youth
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Robert Celec (Ed.)
Education and Society in Transition
Addressing the Challenges of Youth and Technology
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The monograph presents a collection of studies that examine different educational methods and their effects at different levels of education, from high schools to higher education institutions. Topics range from the implementation of coordination chemistry in high school curricula, emphasising the connection to the real world, to dealing with the digital divide between teachers and students.
The research highlights innovative teaching approaches such as the…
AusbildungBehandlungDigitalisierungGesundheitKarrierezieleMobilitätPhysische Aktivität
Robert Celec (Ed.)
Modern Society’s Diverse Challenges
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The scientific monograph covers some of the most interesting research areas of the modern time.
Right at the beginning, we are confronted with discussion about the encouragement of mathematical thinking of preschool children through the nature photography prism.
Later on, we find out more about an interesting research of a possible impact of contemporary music on partner models, so that we could examine connections between these two important social…
BeziehungenBildungCreative IndustriesCultureEducationErziehungGenderGesundheitHealth CareInclusionInklusionKreativwirtschaftKulturModerne GesellschaftModern societyMusical identityMusikalische IdentitätPsychotherapiePsychotherapyRelations
Robert Celec (Ed.)
Challenges of Society
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
Speaking of interdisciplinary influences on education, the study of human psychology - probing into cognition, motivation, behavior and performance - has become a key pillar in that area. From management to performance and social engagement, satisfaction of institutional objectives requires effective analysis of both individual and institutional psychology.
A good amount of research is therefore focused on how psychological theory and research can be…
BullyingChallengesEducationElderlyHealth CareLifelong learningMental ToughnessModern SocietyStressViolenceYouth
Robert Celec (Ed.)
Challenges of Modern Society From Different Perspectives
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The book »Challenges of Modern Society From Different Perspectives« presents eight contributions of twenty authors, which deal with different current thematics connected with the influence of modern social phenomenon on the individual’s development.
By flipping through individual chapters, we can get a glimpse of parental identification of interests for mathematics of their children and therefore come across different open questions that guide us in this…
AbuseChallengesDiversityEducationElderlyHealth CareModern SocietyViolenceYouth
Tado Jurić
“Gastarbeiter Millennials”
Exploring the past, present and future of migration from Southeast Europe to Germany and Austria with approaches to classical, historical and digital demography
Studien zur Migrationsforschung
The demographic change in the EU will affect everybody and will lead to social and political tensions that can seriously threaten the foundations of liberal democracy if current politics continue.
A combination of three main factors creates the so-called “Emigration factory” in South-Eastern Europe:
The policy of extracting the youth labour force from the EU periphery to the EU centres as the key measure to recovering Western Europe population and…Big data in demographyDemografieDigital demographyEinwanderungspolitikEmigration from Bosnia and HerzegovinaEmigration from CroatiaEmigration from SerbiaEmigration from Southeastern EuropeEmigration of doctors and nursesEU MigrationspolitikForecasting migrationGastarbeiterHealthcare workersIllegale MigrationenIntegrationMedical brain drainSüdosteuropaWestbalkanWestern Balkans
Eugene Suom-Dery
From ‘Pagan‘ Boy to Church Prelate: Archbishop Kpiebaya in Northern Ghana Church History
Das Buch „From ‘Pagan’ Boy to Church Prelate. Archbischof Kpiebaya in Northern Ghana Church History? („Vom ‘Heidenkind‘ zum Kirchenfürst. Erzbischof Kpiebaya in der Kirchengeschichte Nordghanas“) schildert die Geschichte der Bevölkerung und der Katholischen Kirche im Norden Ghanas mit dem Schwerpunkt auf dem Beitrag, den Erzbischof Gregory Ebo Kpiebaya, Erzbischof-Emeritus von Tamale, Ghana, dabei geleistet hat.
Erforscht wird die Wanderungsgeschichte und die…
African family cultureAfrikanische FamilienkulturBasic Christian CommunitiesBasisgemeindenChurch partnershipChurch self-relianceDagaaba/DagaraDiocese of WaDiözese von WaEducation historyEnvironmental ProtectionErziehungsgeschichte NordghanasFriedensstiftung in NordghanaInculturationInkulturationInterreligious dialogueKirchengeschichteKirchengeschichte NordghanasKirchliche PartnerschaftKirchliche SelbstunterstützungKolonisierung NordghanasLaien- u. JugendausbildungLaity and youth formationNorthern Ghana church historyNorthern Ghana colonizationPastorale FührungPastoral leadershipPeace-building in Northern GhanaPriesterausbildungReligiöser DialogSeminary formationUmweltschutz
Christian Christrup Kjeldsen
Capabilities and Special Needs
An Educational Foundation
Sozialpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis
This doctoral work provides a comprehensive capability oriented research on the single case of a new Danish innovative policy (Act. no. 564 of 2007), a social work and educational intervention for mentally challenged young people and other young people with special needs; the so-called individually arranged youth education (STU). This Act has been taken into consideration in relation to an international study on the implementation of the UN convention on the rights of…
BildungssoziologieCapability ApproachCase StudieDenmarkEducational sociologyNormativityPierre BourdieuRelational EpistmologySocial JusticeSocial WorkSoziale ArbeitSpecial NeedsYouth education
Daniel Hay
Jugendarbeitsschutz im Deutschen und Europäischen Arbeitsrecht
Studien zur Rechtswissenschaft
Im Grunde stellen Jugendliche in Deutschland eine weitestgehend gesunde Bevölkerungsgruppe dar. Gleiches gilt nach dem von der Europäischen Kommission herausgegebenen EU Youth Report 2012 auch für die Mehrheit der jungen Menschen in Europa. Das oberste Ziel eines modernen Arbeitsschutzes muss sein, junge Menschen, die noch ein ganzes Arbeitsleben vor sich haben, von Beginn ihrer Beschäftigung an durch vorbeugende Maßnahmen zu schützen und ihre Gesundheit zu erhalten und…
Hans Rüdiger Kaufmann (Hrsg.)
International Customer Behaviour and Retailing Research
2nd CIRCLE Conference Proceedings
Studien zum Konsumentenverhalten
New trends in consumer behaviour triggered by international macro-environmental changes are indispensable sources for internationalisation strategies of global, multinational and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Young researchers formed an international network and presented their findings on a variety of topics and industries on the 2nd CIRCLE conference hosted by the Institute of Entrepreneurship of the University of Applied Sciences Liechtenstein.…
BetriebswirtschaftslehreBrandingKonsumentenKonsumentenverhaltenMarkenMarketingRetailingSozialer WandelWirtschaftswissenschaft
Frithjof Kuhnen
Land Tenure in Asia
Access to Land - Access to Income. Changing Issues and Trends
Studienreihe Volkswirtschaften der Welt
The book deals with land tenure - the bundle of rights to land and the resulting social relations within the rural society - in Asia. The first part gives an overview of the state of and trends in land tenure over the last 50 years in the most important regions of Asia. Special emphasis is laid on the relationship of land tenure and social and economic development and vice versa.
In the second chapter, the same 50 years of land tenure development are examined from…
AgrarreformAsienBodenordnungEntwicklungspolitikLandwirtschaftSozialer WandelVolkswirtschaftslehreWirtschaftsentwicklung